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The Explosive Specialist

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Status Updates posted by The Explosive Specialist

  1. Hi. Welcome to BZP. If you would like to know anything about the site. You can ask for any thing. Enjoy BZP. :D

  2. That's nice. I hope it happens with the HDTV in room someday. ;)

  3. Well you are right there but Blu-ray will only work at a 1080pixel by 480pixel or larger. Like what you said all your friends have the PS3. But where I live the Xbox is ultimate. A friend of mine has the Xbox, the PS3, and his own personal tv with the cable box in his bedroom.

  4. The Arkam Ayslum Joker edition is for the PS3. Sorry for typing that in the comment before.

  5. Hope you win everything. Think about getting an Xbox. The only advantages about it is getting Arkham Ayslum Joker edition.

  6. Hey what's up Sonic. Sorry if I haven't been talking to you. To busy with Halo 3. How was the move?

  7. I am IDK Dude.


  8. Nice to see you back online. ;)

  9. No problem. And making a Bionicle with two heads are cool. If you need anything you know where to find me.

  10. Hello. Happy be-lated birthday.

  11. Hi, nice to meet you. If you need help or anything you can ask me. Enjoy BZP! ;)

  12. It's okay I don't mind. Why don't make a few posts if you can?

  13. Hi, very nice to see someone joining the Bzpower community. If you have any questions feel free to ask me. Enjoy Bzpower! :)

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