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Strat of the Caster

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Status Updates posted by Strat of the Caster

  1. Goodbye ShockBlast, Hopefully you will remember me fondly, as i will do for my other friends. ~Strat :)

  2. Goodbye Aderia, as I will remember you for a long time, as I will Xinlo. Hopefully, you will remember me fondly. :)~Strat

  3. Good Bye Xinlo, I hope you will remember me in your memories, as i will do for you. Goodbye, friend. :)

  4. your name or your the album?

  5. I got it, its wierd, but in a good way. BTW, I like the new name!

  6. Cont: any one who wants it. Oh and when I said his wife, i ment our nieghbors wife.

  7. They finished it 2 weeks ago. During the Red sox game, they make foods like pulled pork and bufflo wings. So I sneak down there, grab one with out any one noticing. Although, my dad caught me one time. I usually do that every game. His wife gives me food when I am unable to go down and watch the game with all of our neighbors. We have a blast! (and yes, they leave the front door open for any n

  8. Hows the final frontier?

  9. Yeah, it wasn't fun. I had no water in the basement, while my neighbor had 3 inches in his basement/home entertainment system (we watch football there). I hope its finished so I can eat the pulled pork and chicken.

    Oh and yes, I am interested in voice acting.

  10. a 2009 mac, breaks down in 6 months. A 2001 pc lasts until it becomes obsolete.

  11. Were both Premier members

  12. That sounds like fun. Xinlo and I should try that.

  13. I see that The "waifu" person changed names again! You must have a hard time keeping up.

  14. Thanks Mr. Velox for helping me understand the word filter. That might save me a proto point.

  15. nothing much, sorry I didn't respond.

  16. Sorry, the first sentence is: We had some recent flooding in NE, so the weather is cold in the morning.

  17. We had some floods in NE, so when I go back to New england in the fall, the weather is cold in the morning. But we had some flooding. It was in the news nationally and it reached the 500 year mark on the water level charts, which means a storm that bad only comes 1 time every 500yrs. We started Jun 24, so don't get sad.

  18. Srry Ive been off Bzpower, My mac broke. (well, now I have a pc which is 100000X better). But I do like your Personal Pic, its so creepy, its cool!

  19. Cool new name. BTW its metal master.

  20. hey sorry I've been off, my comp keeps breaking.

    (thats why I will never buy and apple again!)

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