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CaT in Rogue

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Posts posted by CaT in Rogue

  1. OH


    OH NO











    More on topic, I'm incredibly hyped for this! So many new possibilities! Not a big fan of the style, admittedly, (I think it would work better if the black lines were smaller, for whatever reason), but still excited!


    I think one of the more interesting bits is that Makuta is in an eternal sleep as well this time around, and is actually a more sympathetic character IMO. Instead of trying to take over the universe, his plan was to forge the ultimate mask because his brother had a better track record. Selfish, yes, but he at least didn't intend to cause any of the destruction he did.


    Unless of course they pull a Teridax on us and reveal he planned for everything, in which case disregard the above.

    • Upvote 1
  2. Nice! What did you make it on? :) It has a nice beat and the riff really works well. However, it is very repetitive, felt like it could be a bit shorter. Would be a fantastic video game track though!



    Thanks for the feedback!


    Yeah, most of the music I make is stylized off video game music, so it is pretty repetitive. As for what I used to make it, there's an app called Music Maker Jam for iOS and Android. It's pretty sweet.

  3. So I made a thing and it reminded me of Ta-Koro and that's about all I have to say click on the link bye.




    It's right there, folks!




    Comments? Questions? Criticism? Stick 'em all down in the comments section below, 'cuz that's what it's there for!

  4. Twas the eve before contest end,

    and all through the site,


    Creators were scrambling to put their entries in sight.


    Comics, songs, and art pieces galore,

    Games nobody was playing, who could ask for more?


    Entries rushed in at a startling rate,

    Vibrating KFP's phone so much it broke one of his plates!


    He turned his phone to mute, so the emails couldn't bug him,


    As the chances of the notices stopping were slim.


    Eventually, he went to bed, deciding to check his phone in the morning,


    Never thinking things could go wrong, never knowing.


    Upon his waking, he checked how his phone did.


    An unfortunate mistake, seeing as how it exploded.


    Now it didn't explode in a metaphorical way; it literally combusted, sending KFP flying the other way.


    He rushed to his computer, and checked his Gmail,


    Not quite prepared for what awaited him there.


    His inbox was full, 100 percent!


    Bzpower had crashed from all the emails it sent!


    The site never worked again, and they say to this day,


    The moral of this story is...well, nothing. What the hey.


    In other words, it's kinda ridiculous how many people enter at the last minute.

    • Upvote 2
  5. This seems quite interesting. My only problem is that most of the characters are solid colors, but I'm willing to overlook that.

    Uh...solid colors? What do you mean? You want them to be transparent or something?


    If you're talking about how they're only three-shaded instead of, say, six, that's due to my inherent frustration with coloring things. I simply don't have the patience to enhance them, I'm afraid.

  6. Great comics! The deep storytelling combined with the gripping political commentary and stunning visuals have not only strengthened my heart and soul, but have driven me to new heights of intellectual stimulation. In simpler terms:


    Gr8 cmcs m8 i r8 8/8 no h8


    Seriously speaking though, very amusing. Good luck in the contest!

  7. Finally! My entries are finished, and I am free to CONQUER EARTH enter this contest!


    ENTRY 1:

    • Member name: Kung Fu Pyro
    • Title of your work: Ninjago Gem Oasis
    • Category of your work: SBC
    • The link to your entry topic: Here!

    ENTRY 2:

    • Member name: Kung Fu Pyro
    • Title of your work: Ninjago Gem Oasis: Da Music Track
    • Category of your work: Music
    • The link to your entry topic: Here!

    ENTRY 3:

    • Member name: Kung Fu Pyro
    • Title of your work: Ninjago Aquair Temple
    • Thumbnail: thumbnail.png
    • Category of your work: Art
    • The link to your entry topic: Here!

    ENTRY 4:

    • Member name: Kung Fu Pyro
    • Title of your work: Ninjago: Dark World
    • Category of your work: Games
    • The link to your entry topic: Here!
  8. mKn8QVl.jpg


    Welcome, one and all, to the fully playable video game entry to the Ninjago Monster Contest! Without any further ado, here we go!


    Objective: Venture through four environments and fight the bosses to access the Dark World and stop the Demon God!


    Genre: RPG (Role-Playing-Game)




    Z/Space ~ Confirm

    X ~ Cancel/Menu

    Arrow keys ~ Movement/Menu navigation




    If you seriously don’t know how an RPG works, how are you even using a computer? Buuut, since it’s in the rules, here we go: You wander around fulfilling various quests and having random encounters with a variety of monsters.


    The battle system is turn-based, meaning you take a turn to attack or defend, then the enemy gets a turn, and so on and so forth. By defeating enemies, you gain experience. Get enough experience, and you can level up, enhancing your abilities and sometimes even learning new skills.


    Art Style: Basic RPG Maker art style, i.e. very anime-esque.


    Story and Characters:


    The characters are Kai, Jay, Cole, and Zane from the Ninjago line of Lego products. If you don’t know their personalities already, why on Earth are you playing this game?


    The story is simple: Creatures from a Dark World have started surfacing in the various lands of Ninjago, prompting the ninja to try and find a way into the Dark World and put a stop to the invasion before all of Ninjago is consumed.




    You play as the main four ninjas, travel to four different locations based on their elements, beat the elemental demons, collect the crystals, rinse and repeat until you get to the lair of the Demon God and put a stop to his evil schemes. A short, silly game that shouldn't take more than a half hour to beat.


    Screenshots: Follow this link to the album, and gaze upon the wonders of this game!



    Have fun, and happy playing!




    Note: I do not own any of the assets in this game. All credit for them goes to their original creators.



    Well, this was a complete waste of time. Barely any votes and a complete lack of feedback. I guess that's 13 hours of my life I'll never get back.

  9. thumbnail.png


    ^^^^ Click for full! ^^^^


    Man, this one took a while. Had to keep going back to fix the shading and what not. Anyways, here it is, in all it's confusing glory, the Aquair Temple!


    Now, I know what you're thinking. "Why, Kung Fu Pyro, you daft chap, your drawing makes it highly unclear as to whether the subject is above water or underwater!"


    Well, that's the point.


    Is it the surface of an alien world with weird lighting, or is Kai just really good at holding his breath in a very peculiar part of the ocean? I dunno. You figure it out. Drawing this dang thing took so long I don't really care either way at this point.


    Happy viewing!

    • Upvote 1
  10. Deep in the sands of the desert it waits...

    For those who will claim it and seal their fates...




    ^^^^ Click for gallery ^^^^


    Hello, everyone, and welcome to the Ninjago Gem Oasis, my SBC entry into the Ninjago Monster Contest, and the very first location-based MOC I've ever made! I think it turned out fairly well, and I hope you share that sentiment with me. Metal detector pieces are hard to find a use for.


    Happy viewing!

    • Upvote 1
  11. I'm liking this; I really am. But we still need more entries!

    I find that people usually wait until the last minute to enter these contests. Whether it's to prevent the competition from adjusting their strategies, or just because these things really do take a while to make, I don't know.

    • Upvote 2
  12. well excuse me for liking other genres/series' that have even the slightest amounts of originality to them...

    Dude, are you reading the same replies we are? We're not judging you or what you like, we're just trying to figure out what you're talking about. The only answers you've given to questions have been incredibly vague. So far, you've only told us:


    1: You think Hasbro is taking ideas from other people. However, you haven't told us any actual examples of this, which makes it somewhat difficult to take your claim seriously.


    2: You believe we're judging you for what you like. However, seeing as you haven't even told us any examples of WHAT you like, that idea is not even remotely possible. In addition, the only things we've asked or said have been for clarification on your original post.





    I just now saw the "Battle of the Bands" short. I literally thought the Dazzlings were Monster High characters when I saw the thumbnail. Other than that, probably my favorite short, given the parallelism to "Helping Twilight Win the Crown." I feel like Hitler could have marched into that cafeteria and started singing, and everybody would go along with it.

    don't give Hasbro ideas...

    seriously, it's the wort thing you can do, seeing as they'll most likely take someone else's idea and reuse it as their own without giving credit,


    kinda like they've been doing for the past almost-4 years now....

    Errmmmm... examples? Because I think that's a pretty ridiculous claim. They've been inspired by the fandom in lots and lots of ways, but as far as I know none of the ideas they've used actually belonged to the fans, and none of them were ideas that could or should be credited to individuals.


    It'd be like saying that the LEGO Group "stole" the ideas of LEGO Star Wars and LEGO Super Heroes because fans happened to make Star Wars and Super Hero MOCs and minifigures before they became official themes.

    arrogance thy name is America...

    Excuse me, but arrogance is OUR word, thank you very much.


    In all seriousness, you're being very vague. If you mean to say they're taking ideas from the fan community, the fact is that the community is so monumentally huge, it would be hard NOT to run across similar ideas while planning out canon.


    If you mean they're taking ideas from other toy lines, they're likely to be purposefully doing that to match the competition.

  14. I really do not understand why Greg won't just give us more than just teasers at this point. Bionicle has been over for a long time. Why keep us in the dark?


    Atleast we got something. :P

    It is odd...almost sounds like they might be planning on reviving the line soon...




    In all seriousness, this is kinda weird. I really hope we get more definitive storyline progression at some point.

  15. New comic up!


    (Note: While Brickshelf is down, new comics will be hosted on imgur. You can access the newest comic by clicking on the link above, or access the album by using the link on the MSPain(T) Comics! website.)


    Ah, puns. Let me count the ways I love thee...





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