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Status Updates posted by Shadix

  1. You know what I mean; we can't really say it because of the religion rules, but you should know what I mean.

  2. Ask Eljay, I'm not in this for publicity; I'm enjoying my time in the sun, but when the big guy takes it away, I'll be chill with it.

  3. How's my 'influence' on them bad? Name me exact instances. Exact, mind you.

  4. THAT was a rough comment on my profile, man.

  5. OH MAI

    Hey Stax, whassup?

  6. :P I do! Thanks
  7. Surez, if you give credit :)

  8. Go check it out. Results are up.

  9. Epic win avatar. SKILLET FTW!

  10. Thanks! He's so fun :P

  11. Well, I'll leave a comment. Hello! :P

  12. Ya, thanks. It's awesome B)

  13. To the name I liked! ^.^ sweet man its awesome.

  14. Thanks! Great movie, huh?

  15. Oh yeah, thanks Bcucu!

  16. I'm obsessed with this site, that's why :P

  17. Check out my blog, everyone! B)

  18. I didn't have the cash, and I don't mind supporting them more then just once :P

  19. :o You have no friends? Poor man...
  20. Shadix

    Oh hey, you're homeschooled too? B)

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