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Status Updates posted by IamJackssplitpersonality

  1. Huzzah for boredom induced spam!! I've been slacking off on RPing lately. Plus I'm on vacation,so I can only get, like, a post a day.

  2. Ahh, that's a bit more understandable. It's a great book, though. My school just recently did a The Princess Bride play. Loads of fun.

  3. Wow, you managed to read the Morgenstern version of The princess bride more than once? Bravo. I prefer the Goldman version, it's exactly what I want in a book.

  4. I love your Avatar. Repo is a great musical.

  5. She has a blue streak, yes, but her hair isn't entirely blue.

  6. yes, I am zarwin again. The other name was a brief burst of joy over a new movie of mine. The girl in my pic is a lovely friend of mine.

  7. I'll try to, but I'm pretty busy right now, and I'm not sure I can run an RPG, even a small one.

  8. Not much. The forums exploded, so I played Halo wars while I waited for the fix.

  9. Hey, nice to see you around again!

  10. Oh, the japanese is just the opening lnes from my favorite anime's opening theme.


    Young boy, like a cruel angel's thesis,

    Live up to be a legend...

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