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Everything posted by Boidoh

  1. I did it just to get more bad guys in my collection. I only have like 3 bad guys and 5 or 6 Toa/Matoran/Agori/Turaga. I always counted the Sea Spider as good guy, until now!
  2. Yep, the 2005 combiner model. It will look better in due time, I ordered some parts which are the real Vezon Feet, armour, and head..
  3. The cape came out great, I was too afraid to make the tear marks though... Here's my Vezon, I tried to imitate Fenrakk by using a sea spider. http://www.majhost.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?i=4021125
  4. I already read everything in the BS01 Saga Guide section.
  5. As the title states, how much. For sake of a bit of conversation this is what my hypothetical BIONICLE 2015 sets will be like. This is in no way affiliated or creating an allusion to the leaked set list. Or at least I hope so...or hope the mods to believe so... 6 Toa Sets 6 Smaller Matoran-sized sets 1 LargeVillain And perhaps collectibles. I would hope to buy them all, to show LEGO that BIONICLE is great and have them keep going with it and stuff, but I wouldn't have enough cash if the sets were $15 for Toa sized sets... I'd probably at first buy 2 Toa and the Large Villain and a couple collectibles if I have extra cash. Then later 2 more Toa, 2 small sets and more collectables. Then at the end of the year buy the remaining 2 toa, the remaining 4 small sets, and more collectibles. Then I will begin my trend of collecting all sets for the year. But by the time I finally buy half of them the second wave will come out. Bah. How about you all?
  6. I believe I already read Birth of a Dark Hunter. It was the one about Nhidiki and how 500 Toa or something ambushed the Dark Hunters and then Roodaka mutated him right? Which other short stories?
  7. Thanks! This helps a lot! It looks great and really makes it feel like something is controlling it.
  8. The other day I decided to buy the Rahkshi of Heat Vision (and 4 other things) along with a couple parts. Among those parts I decided I wanted to buy a Kraata of Heat Vision. I mean, it would be really weird for me to have a Kraata-less Rahkshi, so I bought one. Otherwise I would have it in my display as just a suit of armour on the floor or something. Now now, before I get the STARZ RAHKSHEH DOEZN'T USE DEH KRAATA messages, I know it can't fit, or can't fit well I should say. I made a topic about a year ago asking a similar question, but the topic ended up being closed because, you know "Question Answered Topic Closed". So what I would like is if someone could be kind enough and show me a picture of how any Kraata would look inside the Rahkshi of Heat Vision. As long as part of it is in the back, its good enough for me. The head could be sticking out too. So basically, someone show me a Kraata in STARS Rahkshi. Thanks!
  9. Isn't Turaga Lhikan unofficially a 2006 promo set?
  10. I like them all, but if I had to pick, then my two Hordika sets. I broke them apart to build some Voya Nui looking Matoran.
  11. Charged? Eh, I supposed I'll buy it. It looks like a regular rhotuka right?
  12. I know you're not the owner, but what is the shipping cost? I mean, what would be approximately what it wold be. Here is my cart. 2 Piraka Feet Heat Vision Kraata 3 Voodoo Heads Glow in the Dark Rhotuka Kanohi Rode Inika Armour Cover 2 Metru Chest Piraka Head Yellow Hau Estimated Weight: 1.25oz I've never bought from BrickLink before, so I don't know these stuff. If you can help that would be nice. Since you said you've bought from him before, how long does it take for the offer to be approved?
  13. I don't have any GIND pieces, so I don't know whats my average piece glow..
  14. Again, I'm ordering one. 1. Is there any story significance to it? 2. How does it look glowing in the dark?
  15. I am currently ordering the Rahkshi of Heat Vision, and I wanted a Kraata of Heat Vision to go along with it. Now I know it won't fit or anything, but I just want it to display along side it. I found the cheapest one (with the cheapest minbuy) on BrickLink. I'm not sure if this is a Kraata of Heat Vision... Its black/bright orange, but I see some orange/black ones... Is this correct? http://www.bricklink.com/store.asp?p=leovaliant&itemID=48133739
  16. The Glatorian were 25 euros? o_O I know that a lot of countries' prices can be higher than those in the United States, but that seems ridiculous! I think that shop probably ripped you off! I bought Berix for what was equivalent to $15USD, and the Phantoka for what would be $20USD.
  17. So I'm guessing it is not even a real rahi then? For example, just some small sea rahi that lived in around Mahri Nui or something. Oh well. I was gonna choose between this and the Fikou to buy, but since this thing doesn't even have story significance what-so-ever, I'll just buy the Fikou.
  18. http://brickset.com/sets/6946-1/Squid-Launcher-Function Does this rahi have even a small story significance? It seems to not even have a name.
  19. Velika has been communicating for the entire 100,000 year journey. I'd rule out Gresh, being a newbie and all.
  20. https://community.lego.com/t5/LEGO-General/Chat-with-Greg-Farshtey/m-p/10921083/highlight/true#M248876 Velika was communicating with beings from Bota and Bara Magna, and throughout the 100,000 year journey.
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