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Lewa Krom

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Status Updates posted by Lewa Krom

  1. Just wanted to make sure it was the right e-mail without the address to everyone who looked at your comments. Good luck!

  2. I think we have it. 'side' are the first four letters in your e-mail address, right?

  3. How recently did you send it?

  4. The time zone issue is not giving us much time to work with.

  5. Sorry it took me so long to reply. I had shovel snow.

  6. I'm LK! (I think...)


  7. I don't have school tomorrow (will snow EVER go away. I want it to be summer!). I replied to your reply but it's been carried over to a second page.

  8. Just wanted to let you, I lost the game.

  9. Be sure to check out the staff section on the blog. You might want to give imput.

  10. I'm a bit of an overachiever. I went to three weeks of summer camp even after I got my Eagle.

    Oh yeah. BTW, I just lost the game. :P

  11. I got your entries.

  12. More auditions will be up when we get around to it. :P

    Probably in the next week or so.


  13. Shhhh! They'll hear you! :P

  14. How fast is the speed of time? Or do you not notice it?

  15. 182-183 cm. I used a converting thing so I'm not sure if that's right. In "Ameican" standards I'm 6 feet.

  16. That explains so much... (I have really smart Asian friend in school who gets straight A+. Now I know how he seems to know all of the answers before a test.)

  17. He's asleep.

    (He's the smart one, obviously)

  18. Once again, anyone who reads this, welcome Tahu Toa of Ice to BZP!

  19. I have a friend who liked Bionicle and is home-schooled! Though he's not as cool as you. You're from the future!

  20. Yeah, we were out of school for snow.

  21. So, if you can predict the future can you predict what kind of weather you'll have tomorrow (on 2/2)

  22. He likes oxymorons.

  23. Psychics. Basically, in the story, they can't get within 20 miles of each other without going all Vezon on everyone. It was the whole brain damage, mental limits thing that made me remember.

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