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Everything posted by Razgriz

  1. Gah, I forgot, who besides KNI is is joining this year that we know?

  2. *Glances at rule 4* Lol, one of my new characters is going to break the cark outta that one.

  3. Cool, I'll PM it, brahski.

    It'll basically be me meeting the two, discussing what happened during the RPG, then me telling them, meeting their 2011 onwards counterparts, then me telling 'em, "Don'tworry. I'm not done with you guys." then they fade into the realm of neverending awesome.


  4. Would you be so kind as to proof it, if I do it?

  5. Hmm...

    Thinking about writing an SS with 2010 Jolek and Obsidius, kinda like Lazzy's last post on Bo-Kiri.

  6. There is one in the first place?

    Yeah, we're gonna be awesome.

  7. cark.

    I comepletely forgot to name him.

    Also, changing him to a Toa of fire who has not too much skill in his element.

    Anyways, here's to Derrum. *raises fist*

  8. Well, here's to the end of Derrum. And here's to Eleven isle being absolutely blue birdeating tarantula crazy awesome.

    *High five*

  9. also caaaark.

    we for got to work on the teem!


  10. So, this weekends your last chance to ask what you need to know about the reboot.

    You thinking about changing Kinika's element? Light's off limits now.

  11. Please tell me trent isn't actually 13.

    *Epic facepalm*

  12. Never heard of it.


  13. The Olmak ball.


  15. Right now I'm trying to think about how else to get Tarex from wherever to MN.

    Maybe if he lost the Olmak...



  16. Razgriz

    Der Blitz Ist Gut

    K, Mangerine. :3. Hi, Ollie. Most random character ever... 8O! DX!
  17. U liek Ollie the Olmak Ball?

    Ollie: O.o?

  18. I think I just created my new favorite character.

    KNI's profile for the awesomeness.

  19. Ollie: D:

    *Flattens into a disk over KNI, other disk appears at the bottom of a lake briefly, causing cold water to get dumped on KNI*

  20. Oh, and the emoticons come from the darker golden marble swirlys shaping into the exact faces I use.

    Ollie: :D

    *flattens into disk, whilst another appears miles away at a gun store*

    *A submachine gun falls through, Ollie turns back into a ball*


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