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Status Updates posted by Razgriz

  1. I am disappoint.

  2. The chainsaw bear CAN massacre you WHENEVER he wants. There is NOTHING you can do about it.

  3. Just wondering, cause I live in Frisco and I *cough*needasafehou se*cough*

    Gah, i'm so ill.


  4. Yeah, negatory on the jet-black Starly

  5. Right now I'm trying to think about how else to get Tarex from wherever to MN.

    Maybe if he lost the Olmak...



  6. God.



    I can't think of anything for Damaka.

    Feel free to start up Hau, though.

    I'll drop in once I get some inspiration.

  7. Well, it's in Tuck's hands. Now I wait to see if he'll approve Obsidian or not.

    Don't you agree that Crystalline elements can be RPed fairly?

  8. So, you planning on doing anything involving the New Kin, Your Sharkness?

  9. If it was breakfast time.


    *Grabs and lifts by collar of shirt, and forcibly slams into a conveniently placed wall*

    *Glares with untold rage into H6's eyes*

    It's Chocolate FROSTED Sugar Bombs!

    *puts down, returns to lawn chair, adjusts top hat, and resumes noming on popcorn*

  10. How about now?

  11. Well played, Mangerine.

    *tips hat*


  13. Hey now.

    *casually doges blades*

    It's about the good sugar bombs. As you should know-

    *uppercuts Pteranodon diving from the right*

    -it's serious business.

    *resumes eating, awaiting the reaction of his fine gentlemanly comrade*

  14. What part of Texas you from? I live in Frisco, which is about, idk, 20 mins north of Dallas


  16. ooooh snapp dawg

  17. It's pointless and really really unnecessary.

  18. there is nothing you could do to disappoint me more folks, this login, 9/11, the week has simply been terrible

    EDIT: i have been informed that 9/11 was some time ago now, but it still gives me the creeps. i will not back down

  19. "Hug?"

    "NO HUG!"

  20. I hope one day my offense is as crazy as Edson Barboza's because that BR is a Muay Thai MACHINE

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