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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Reznas

  1. Reznas
    I hate the times when you have a casual discussion with someone, they say some things that you solidly agree with and then, right at the end, they surprise you with an idea that you completely disagree with (that has relevance to the opinions you agreed with) and suddenly you lose respect for whatever opinion they ever had. For example: "I don't like zoos. [This is why]...The solution for my dislike of zoos is to bomb every single one of them and rid the earth of zoos." In these types of situations, it's really hard to know what to say. Since you agreed with everything else they said, most likely nodding your head with the occasional "totally," or "so true," it would be weird to immediately debunk their idea. This makes it really awkward. You don't want to say, "That's a stupid idea. Why did you even say that?" because it's rude, but you can't bring yourself to say you agree, because that would be lying. Usually I try to say something like, "Hmm, I don't know about that, but maybe," and then just change the subject. But there's always those people that want to continue talking about it even after you hint your disinterest.
    Disclaimer: This has no relation with anything that has happened on BZP recently. I post this on behalf of a couple real life occurrences that slightly annoyed me and made me feel extremely awkward. Also, the zoo example never actually came up in any discussion I had, but rather, is an introduction to what I'm about to speak about.
    Now, about zoos. I have some problems with zoos:
    1. I don't like seeing animals crammed into a small living area out of their own environment. I mean seriously, do you expect a lion to enjoy a living area the size of a large house (space wise; by no means the height of a large house)? I understand that a lot of the animals in zoos would not function well in their own environments. A lot of them were born with problems preventing them from surviving in the wilderness; some were hurt badly in the wild and need protection and meticulous care; some have, plain and simple, grown up in a human environment (i.e. a zoo) and don't know how to survive in the wild. But regardless, I don't understand why we can't keep those sorts of animals on wildlife preserves, where they can roam their own environments and live happily. The way I see it, if people want to go see animals from exotic places in the world, they should go to wildlife preserves in those parts of the world. A safari, for instance, is a great way to soak in the African wilderness, and see a your share of wildlife. I personally love the idea of a safari.
    2. When it comes down to it, zoos aren't built to LET us see animals; they're built so that investors can make money from the people that WANT to see animals. I personally don't want to pay a zoo to see animals I can go see for free in the wild. I understand that African safaris cost money, too, but you're paying for the tour guide (who gives thorough speculations and information about what you're seeing, something that is not as common at a zoo), not to see the animals. If you want to live the dangerous, adventurous life, you can even go solo into the African wilderness for free. Back to the main point, I really don't like dishing out my money to investors who aren't doing it for the animals. I might be generalizing a bit, but I doubt that most of the owners of zoos around America are doing it for any other reason than to rake in a lot of cash. That's capitalism for you (capitalism isn't always a bad thing, but in this case, it's marketing animals that, most of the time, don't belong inside of a cage, which I find wrong).
    3. They're boring. I mean, you don't really get to see much. You'll occasionally see a lion moving around, doing this and that, but do you see much interaction? Not really... The closest thing you can find are the animal shows they do every hour. Those are the exception to the rule. I also enjoy looking at the snake/spider sections of the zoo. This is probably because I am mortified of snakes and spiders, and therefore I find no problem locking them all up in a cage and keeping them away from humanity. Back on point, on a safari (I keep using this example--it's a good one, I guess? ) you can watch animals interact and act accordingly to their environment. They have freedom to roam and to play and to do whatever they do. I find it boring to watch a polar bear lay down in his "snow" biome at the zoo and do nothing.
    Another disclaimer: I am in no way dissing zoos. I think they're cool, and I know kids absolutely love them. I was no different when I was young. I just have some issues with zoos, now that I'm getting older.
  2. Reznas
    So I thought I might share the some of the classes (the classes I'll enjoy =P) I'll take throughout high school (just for fun, not that anyone will care xP):
    Sophomore year (10th grade):
    Math: Honors Algebra 2 (Basically pre-AP Algebra 2)
    Science: Advanced Biology (Not a big fan of biology, but I figure an advanced course might do me some good)
    English: American Literature
    Junior year (11th grade):
    Math: Pre-AP Pre-Calculus (=D)
    Science: Pre-AP Physics
    English: British Literature
    [by now I'll have enough credits to graduate, but I won't]
    Senior year (12th grade):
    Math: Either AP Calculus or a college calculus class (college calculus class means dual credits and is probably a better class)
    Science: Either AP Physics or a college physics class (^same applies^)
    English: Probably AP Literature and Composition, but maybe a college class (^same applies^)
    -A degree in Music Composition, with a possible minor in Audio Engineering
    -Some kind of physics degree (I need to decide which branch I would like to get into. That's something I'll have to decide later on.)
  3. Reznas
    I just finished the Harry Potter movie series. All eight of them in 3-4 days. I had never watched any of them but the first up until now, so it was quite the experience. Those movies were by far some of the best I have seen in my life. And now I'm left in this limbo sort of state, where I'm incredibly sad I won't be able to see any more movies. I got so attached to the characters, and I wanted to see more. I'm depressed.
  4. Reznas
    Seriously, all these posts telling people to work on their grammar and spelling are incredibly disrespectful and unnecessary, and to be honest, kind of annoying. No one on BZPower, or on the internet, for that matter, is obligated to use perfect speech. If that were a requirement, no one would use the internet. No one is perfect. I don't understand why people find the need to be grammar nazis and humiliate users for not writing "properly".
  5. Reznas
    I feel special having more posts than bonesiii today. He is the master of posting, after all.
    But I have a feeling that in the next couple of hours my reign as top poster today will vanish.
  6. Reznas
    and I bought it. Check it out, it's worth the money. While you're at it, the previous album "Release the Panic" was amazing as well. (The newest album is a couple of song overhauls from "Release the Panic")
  7. Reznas
    Well, guys, it's been a wonderful six years on BZPower. I've met so many wonderful people, had so many great discussions and gotten to share art and ideas. I'm so glad I could be a part of the community. But I think it's time I say farewell. My interests have changed over the years, and while I will always have a place for Bionicle in my heart (gosh, thinking of the memories I've had on this site and the nostalgia that [1st gen] Bionicle brings makes me want to cry), I've moved on to new things. I wish you all well and will miss being a part of such a great community and a great forum. I may come back every so often to see what's up, but for the most part, this is my last leg of the BZPower journey.
  8. Reznas
    Don't you hate those times when you totally miss the implications of something you posted? All I can say is my bad on the whole Easter entry. I did, in fact, sound "superior," but I never intended to sound in such a way.
    First of all, when I initially posted the entry, I was exhausted from a long day, so I was in no state to post anything. Second, I very poorly worded the entry making it sound like colored eggs and Easter candy were insignificant, and the religious activities that I primarily take part in were much more important. I want to let you know that this isn't what was going on in my mind when I posted the entry, and I certainly don't agree with such a statement. I love candy lol. Thirdly, because of the rules to do with religion, it's often hard to get my point across. This did not help combined with both of the above points.
    If you were offended by what I posted, you had good reason to be. I'm deeply sorry for any harm I may have caused. I should have been more thorough when I processed my thoughts, and even my exhaustion is no excuse for lack of thoroughness.
  9. Reznas
    All I have to do is play a song at 30% volume on my laptop (with earphones), and it legitimately hurts to listen for too long. It's probably because my ears are kind of sensitive right now. Yesterday I spent an hour on the metro listening to music, which meant I had to blast the volume to like 80% on my iPod to hear the music over the loud screeches of the metro. Then I spent hours last night working on some Trance music (at 30% with these same earphones). Regardless, the sound on this laptop is too good sometimes. Without earphones, it lacks so much bass (the sub-woofer in this laptop might be broken :\), but it still has really good volume control.
  10. Reznas
    I just got accepted into the Elder Scrolls Online Beta, so if anyone wants to help me out at first, my username should be Reznas.
  11. Reznas
    And better than ever. Finally made it to Colorado on Sunday night. We had a 26 hour travel day--all on Sunday.
    On the first flight, from Moscow to NY, I watched about 5 movies: Ender's Game, Thor: The Dark World, Frozen, The LEGO Movie and part of Despicable Me 2.
    Ender's Game was a really great movie. I liked the concept, sort of, but it was kind of like most other alien movies? The basic plot: either the earth or the aliens need resources, so they go to another planet to get them and go to war against each other. In the end, the movie tries to make you feel bad for the aliens and makes the world out to be the bad guys. That's basically how Ender's Game was.
    Thor 2 was an amazing movie. Probably my favorite of the mix.
    Frozen was surprising a very nice movie as well. I hated the music, like I expected I would. But the animation was great, and the plot was semi-okay (Tangled was better plot-wise).
    The LEGO Movie was a nice movie as well. Not my favorite movie ever, but it gave me a lot of good laughs. I was genuinely happy to see Will Ferrell in the movie.
    Despicable Me 2 was good from what I saw. It was funny as was the first.
  12. Reznas
    So I searched my name on tumblr, and I saw someone asking the question of why I end all of my blog titles with ellipses. Actually made me kind of laugh, because there really isn't much of a reason for it. It's really just a habit, and I desperately need repetition, so once I started ending titles with ellipses, I couldn't bring myself to post an entry with a title lacking them. Just thought I'd mention this, because it seriously did make me laugh.
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