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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Reznas

  1. Reznas
    I went to bed at about midnight like I do every night, and then I had to wake up at 4:45 am, because I had to Skype with a youth group at my uncle's church at about 5:30 am. Then I tried to go back to sleep at 6:00 am. It took an hour to finally fall asleep, and by the time I did, I only had like 2-3 hours of sleep left until I needed to wake up. So basically I got 5-6 hours of sleep at best, probably less, and now I have to do schoolwork and go to a piano lesson in an hour. I am going to feel horrible at the end of today...
  2. Reznas
    Here's some Electro House music that I made:

    You can buy it on iTunes, loudr.fm, Bandcamp and eventually on Google Play.
    Also, you can support me with +$1 per piece of music on Patreon.
  3. Reznas
    I doubt it. It honestly wouldn't be a smart business decision on LEGO's part. Not only would it ruin HF sales, if not other theme sales, but one has to ask the question of whether or not the return of the theme would actually bring in that much revenue at all. A recycled series is not going to bring in the same profit that it used to. If I were LEGO, I would allocate my resources towards other themes. If Bionicle ever returned, it would be much better off to return years and years from now, when most have forgotten about the series, and the new generation can better get involved.
  4. Reznas
    ...was such an incredible movie. I went to see it with my girlfriend last week and was absolutely amazed. Such an empowering, yet contrastingly sad and heartbreaking story. Beautiful rendition, and a beautiful performance by the actors, notably Benedict Cumberbatch.
  5. Reznas
    and I bought it. Check it out, it's worth the money. While you're at it, the previous album "Release the Panic" was amazing as well. (The newest album is a couple of song overhauls from "Release the Panic")
  6. Reznas
    They're monitor speakers for my music production and all that jazz. They're actually really amazing, and they were only $100, which is a really good price for the quality I got. The speakers are Samson MediaOne BT3s.
  7. Reznas
    Today we celebrate America's triumph over an oppressive government. Today we celebrate the freedom we fought for. Today we celebrate the unified nation our forefathers were committed to create. If it hadn't been for the signing of the Declaration of Independence, none of us would be enjoying the liberties we have today. It's a great day to honor our forefathers and their accomplishments. God bless America!
  8. Reznas
    I just released a new electronic music track called "Windblown." If you guys want to check it out, you can find it on soundcloud right here. Also, I've submitted it to a contest of sorts, so if you guys could vote for it here, I'd really appreciate it!
  9. Reznas
    Both of these pieces will be included in an upcoming album/set of albums.
  10. Reznas
    of seeing your old blog entries, emails, etc. from a couple of years ago, which is why I deleted all of my blog entries..
    Personally, looking at anything I ever wrote before late 2013 is mentally scarring. I'm serious.
  11. Reznas
    I just got accepted into the Elder Scrolls Online Beta, so if anyone wants to help me out at first, my username should be Reznas.
  12. Reznas
    Apparently Russia just shot artillery from Russian territory to Ukrainian territory. As I said in my last entry regarding this whole issue, it's all just a complete mess. My thoughts and prayers go out to the Ukrainian people and all of my friends there, and also to Russia, in hopes that this issue will be resolved. :\
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