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Dragonfly the Luminescent

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Everything posted by Dragonfly the Luminescent

  1. Sorry, guys, I was helping my friends on their game with their castle. I'll try to get on today. Zatth, Zatth, do you think it's humanly possible for you to act normal at least once?
  2. The third one and second to last one are the best!
  3. Yes! We need the inside of the computer screen clean, too!
  4. Yeah, I totally see what you mean with inspiration. Where does it come from? Who knows ...
  5. Funny, because I'm a little far-sighted, so books are closer than screens and hurt headaches more than screens do.
  6. But then the Nightly MI's would skip a beat!
  7. Anybody have Minecraft for Xbox? I need an experienced buddy ...

    1. ~Allegretto~


      What's your Gamertag? I'd be happy to play!

    2. P~M


      I have it for PC...

  8. The punchline was funny. Just find something when you don't have one, right? :PRandom confetti FTW!
  9. Don't they happen often? I mean, I thought human you and Taka you stand next to each other quite a lot ...
  10. We all make mistakes, Taka, and we learn from them. I'm not gonna play "No, I'm a bigger fool than you!" but I seriously think I've said stupider things than most people. I'm way too naive when it comes to speaking. :/ That, and mistakes seem to make up my life, so ... I just learn and try again, but that's just me. Hope it all gets better!
  11. Yes! Everything you draw deserves being uploaded! We love being pic spammed!
  12. And that's exactly how I feel when I look back on my drawings from 2007. XD Honestly, though, the little dude is cute. :3
  13. Yes! This sounds great! Pick me, pick me! And yes, I would read them. I always love artsy speak, but there aren't that many artists around me to talk to. :/ I support this.
  14. That's actually Taka Nuvia. The star of these comics, and the Bionicle persona of the real girl behind Taka Nuvia.
  15. I love your last expression! It made me laugh pretty good. That's about how I feel about the busy servers, too, but I'm much too calm to break into a hilarious rage like that.
  16. I like the Ga-Matoran's speech bubble (that's Nokama, right? Same mask)
  17. Write a story about him! I like stories.
  18. I saw that, too. I was hoping no werewolves were going to eat me.
  19. Sorry my Boutique topic is dead. But I will be sure to finish the ponies! I will update the first post and update my status when I get a pony finished. Summer break! Whoo!

  20. "I hate you." :PI love it when the characters acklowedge the author. Like Taka and you. The last panel in the explination comic was pretty good, too.
  21. Oh wow ...Well, she's not much of a humble or quiet pony, now is she?
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