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Lord Oblivion

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Status Updates posted by Lord Oblivion

  1. Shadix

    Shadonix and your name :P I guess you got some original thought all right XD

  2. So how are ya man?

  3. so how was your B-day? :)

  4. So is that cat your cat? :P

  5. Sorry ;_; I thought you knew I went premier and got a blog :/

  6. Sorry :P noobs cant understand noobs XD

  7. Sorry dude, your still gonna be an awesome staffie in my book :D

  8. spelled mean wrong :P

  9. Sure I'll try getting to them when I can :)

  10. tank you also great MOCist :3

  11. Thank you :3 My friend Matt02 let me use it :D

  12. Thank you :) that means a lot

  13. Thank you dude :) that means a lot ;_:

  14. Thank you for that really nice comment :)

  15. Thank you for the comment about my MOCs :) your MOCs are great to!

  16. Thank you Iggy :) thats really nice

  17. Thank you that means a lot :) And you sir are one of the greatest drawers I have seen :D

  18. Thank you! For more info about the contest to go to LU and find my contest (its my most recent creation)

  19. Thanks :3 It wasn't an easy contest though :P

  20. Thanks :D I hope you make some more awesome drawings ;)

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