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Posts posted by <Reverb>

  1. The warning log doesn't show anything, but I know perfectly well what it was, could I talk to some one about this?

    About the deduction? I doubt it well help, but I guess you could ask who took proto away from you.Also, next time, this is a question about BZP, please put this in the Q&A section. ^_^ ~Gravity
  2. Yes he was. He was taken to Ta-Metru during the Time Slip.(When the Order took several Av-Matoran as a precaution if the Broterhood ever turned evil. The Matoran pretended to be another element, and brainwashed to think they were matoran of another type. For example, Takua disguised himself as a Ta-Matoran.)Later, then he came to Ta-Koro after the Great Cataclysm.(When Metru-Nui was destroyed, The inner Pit broken open, Voya-Nui got seperated from the Southern Continent, and Great Spirit Mata-Nui's camoflauge system created Mata-Nui when energized protodermis leaked from Great Spirit Mata-Nui's head.)Isn't this supposed to be in Storylines and Theories? No matter, I answered the question...~Gravity

  3. Hmm, very simple. Sorry, but I don't really see the concept of this. a fire-themed protractor for the BBC #63? I just don't know about it. I would think about adding more details to the Moc, but that's all I can say. I wish you the best in the BBC #63.~Gravity

  4. Ooh, this is so cool.The mech is well built. (So skinny with no pilot. :P) Its nice and snug for the matoran. Maybe rename it the Exotoran? ExoToa-Toa ExoToran-Matoran. xD. The mech has a nice colour scheme, which I like. The weapons are really awesome too. Very well built. As for the pilot, it's pretty cool. The backstory is really a nice touch. Good choice of a mask, and the arms are well built for the matoran. Love this a lot, his weapon is really awesome. All in all, very nicely built mech. :)~Gravity

  5. Hey nice Moc. I got somethings you got to fix however.-Arms too short (as stated above)-The calves of the legs are WAY to bulky for that torso.-The torso needs to be buffed up to fit with those legs.- Maybe another weapon for the other arm?K, these I like.-The weapon has a cool design IMO.-Actually liking the colour scheme a bit.-Torso construction, but still needs a buff as stated above.-Nice choice of mask with the Orange Pakari.Nice Moc, but there is room for improvement. ^_^ ~Gravity

  6. Hehe, copied from my profile. :3 The Elements to Gravity Caiox May 23 2012 04:41 PM PrestoPotato to The Elements Feb 06 2012 06:17 PM Mr.Red to PrestoPotato Oct 14 2011 08:23 AM Conju to Mr.Red Mar 19 2011 04:16 PM Kurahk Rahkshi of Anger to Conju Dec 09 2010 04:34 PM Legendary Mask of Time to Kurahk Rahkshi of Anger Sep 01 2010 05:22 PM ~Gravity

  7. The background is make impressively. You font you chose was perfect, but I think it would look better in black. Maybe add a little blur, and the mask darken it a little. That maybe would make it look better. :)~Gravity

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