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Posts posted by <Reverb>

  1. IC: Chaiox (Confronting the Toa of Fire)"He's obviously not interested in fighting anymore," I thought.As the Toa kept on rambling about wanting something to go Boom and having a bad sence of direction, I walked over to him wondering what side he was on or if even on a side as if he was just crazy.

  2. IC:CaioxSomeone wanting to fight? Well, that's not good."I come for peace, no fighting", I say directed to the one who screams "FIGHT ME".I raise my staff as a precaution and walks towards the direction of the person.

  3. OCC: I think I got thisIC: Caiox(Ta-Wahi)Sprinting towards the sound, Caiox notices something. The sounds of these names, they're so familier....Xanthium... Where have I seen them?...My mind, just went somewhere else. I see, I see. The scene completly changed. I see them. The Xanthium. Where are we? I don't know. Where am I?I come back to reality. Dizzy, but consious. I run to the group of the so called Xanthium."Do I know you? What is happening?" I say

  4. -Greeting to EveryoneHerro, I'm kinda new to this BZRPG and I'm clueless.I got a question-*Where the heck do I start?I'm just totally confused. Just made my character and everything.-Toa of Gravity-Caiox

    Find a place that looks interesting, and jump in.List: (Note: This is biased toward things I am doing)Ta-Koro had a massive evil dude land in the village, and make a small crater. He is now beating on a good guy.Ga-Koro had an Inspector arrest an overly violent guy after a fight.Ko-Koro doesn't have much.Po-Koro has a fight by the docks.Onu-Kor has an epic showdown.Le-Wahi doesn't have much.
    Thanks, I've decided to start out on the beach in Ta-Wahi. My character will start running to the battle you're character is fighting currently.
  5. IC:Caiox(On beach)Caiox climbed out of his Toa canister. It took some time, but he soon assembled himself. Mata-Nui I presume.He grabbed his staff, and walked in the direction of the sound of a metal clashing. A battle? I must find out.Dying for the heat of battle, he rushed to the sounds.

  6. Haven't posted here yet. I'll give it a shot.Name: Caiox (Cai-Ox)Species: ToaAlignment: GoodAppearence: Typical Toa Of Gravity with a dark shade of purple and black armoring.Slightly smaller than most Toa, but is very agile compared to most. His eyes are a glittering shade of purple.His mask is scarred with a one slash down the side given to him by a Nui-Rama when he was young.Weapons: A Staff of Gravity helping him channel his power. Can blast out Gravitaional energy from the staff. Used as a blade also for close combat.Mask: A Mask of Rebounding. Purple in color.Powers: Blah, who care about powers.Traits: An energetic Toa, like a person who could lighten ANYONE'S mood. He loves the heat of battle, as well as the taste of adeventure. He does however have a grudge against all the Dark hunters as they killed his 2 dear friends. Because of that, he is determined to stop their tyranny. He has average intellengence and is a little reckless. He once ran into a hoarde of enemies without his team. He was lucky he survived.Biography: Orignating from Ba-Koro, he now resides on Mata-Nui. He saves the lives of matoran from the rogue forces of the island. He is social with his fellow Toa and will help all others he sees who are in the need of it. He seems grateful he came to Mata-Nui.Weakness(es): He's too reckless for the liking of other Toa. Runs into a battle without thinking and without his team. Most would think he would of been dead by now because of this.I hope this is good enough. :3

  7. Wow, first of all I'm a fan of most of your MOCs Ballom. They truly are unique.K, as for the MOC, I'm a fan of the color scheme. The gunmetal and trans-blue scheme is ingenious. The helmet is really an illusion as you make it look as the mouth is opening which is amazing. The legs are nice and bulky and perfect for the body which is sleek yet perfect. The shoulder designs, me like. I also really love the top of the back or Velmorath,Another nice MOC Ballom. :]

  8. The use of the Vahki piece is good, but I think that its slightly different color throws off the color scheme. Which is a pity, because the color scheme is fantastic. The body and arms are just about perfect, they look really cool. The black and shape are incongruous with the rest of the creation. It looks fantastic, though!

    Agree. That's why I said maybe use a Zadakh helm. It would go with the trans-blue helm
  9. Did you know I always love your MOCs? xDI love the arm designs, and the use of the Vahki head armor things.My complaint is with the color of the Vahki heads. I would suggest you use a blue one from Zadakh. It would go with the trans-blue helm.Also liking the pipes(?) going from the arms to the back. Also like the creativity of helmet. I certainly probably can't do a Hero Factory MOC like that. ;DAll in all, I love it.

  10. At first, I thought I was going to see a picture of a rock. xDYeah, I applaud you on doing this in LDD. I couldn't of made anything better than a minifigure in LLD. :PSo for one, I love the control center and design of the spacesuits. I also like those bed/bunks. They're nice and small yet detailed.For the exterior, *claps*. The engines are intricuite as well as the fuel tanks. The Wings(?) have a nice design too.Overall, I love the it. The MOC as a whole is spectacular, and even more awesome if its in LDD.Nice MOC. :)

  11. Hmm, Wow. Graphics are mind-blowing, the humor is there, what else is there to say? ^^ It's just like a puzzle there you've completed and hard one too. GL with the CYOA and have fun with it. You'll wish you did. The Elements

  12. *Blown away by Mini MOC* The ship looks very well-built. For me, the grey/metal color and white color scheme doesn't work out for me. The Blasters on each side of the cockpit is a good touch. All in all a good mini Star Wars MOC. :)

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