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Posts posted by <Reverb>

  1. I really like the body. It is also cool how it looks split in color, and using that glatorian armor as a mask is a great idea. I don't really like the thornax launcher as a foot, however.
    Thanks! I wanted something that looked like a Vahi since I don't own one. xD As for the foot, I was for a loss of an orange foot that would balence the whole Moc and mak it stay level. So I put a Thornax Launcher with an orange Zamore Sphere, and was like, why not? :P~Gravity
  2. Oh I like this. I'm familier with the Ascent of Man. I really like this. I'm pretty sure during some of the BZP reviews, they compared that set with previous sets of that element. Really nice on how you stuck to the basic 6 transformations of man in the original one and only put 6 in this one. I also really love that second shot. Seems cool to me and I can't wait for the Air one. :)~Gravity

  3. Ooh, nice one Soran. I'll use this in my next comic for a test run. Really liking the layout of the kit. I'll be sure to put credit for all those on the kit.~Gravity

  4. Xemnophor is really cool Plague!I love the torso of it! It's well designed and looks really nice IMO. The Arms are really cool, and the hands have a really cool design. The Red Hunas were a nice touch. The legs are really nice, and are nice and sleek. Love the design of the head too. I recomend howver you remove the blue parts. They're kinda distracting and I'm not a fan of them in this Moc. Nice Moc Plague, and good luck in the contest! :D~Gravity

  5. Dang, I'm out of the finals for sure. With all these good entrys coming in, I'm dead meat.So, on the Moc, I love it. The elephant look to it looks awesome with the tusks. The head looks like a true monster ready to stalk prey and blast it with fire. The tusks are a nice touch, and so is the fire you added on top of the tusks. The design of the torso is really cool, and the legs are heavily armored which is really nice to see. Love it. However, I hate that grey piece in the mouth that is clearly visable. Really hard for me to not see it. Realy nice Moc Poutwuw, and good luck to you in the contest. :D~Gravity(check out my entry below!)

  6. Another nice one Architect. :oLove the use of Xplode's amor on the legs. On that note, I love the legs. Period. The torso is very nicely designed and I really like it. The arms are seriously awesome and they have an amazing design. Love the simple colour scheme, sticking to 1/2 colours really make the colours shine. I really don't know however, how those puny little feet can make that hug Moc stand up...? I suggest perhaps beefing them up? Nice Moc Architect and good luck in the contest! :)~Gravity (Look at my entry below! :D)

  7. Aw yeah, let's get this started. :3Username(What do we call you?):GravityName(Who's your character?): MetazasAge:UnknownGender: MaleSpecies(Include parent or dominion if demigod or god): God of Media (Can I do that? As in like the news?)Affiliation(Work for anyone?):No, but looking to form a Pantheon,Appearance(What do they look like?): He looks like tall, Asian man. Usually with black sunglasses on, and jet black hair with tiny gold highlights. He's fit, and quite strong as far as a God goes. He has a medium tan and rough skin. His face, usually smug has like a cold look to it as if he has no emotions. His eyes, just like his eyes are black with a tint of gold to it. He wears a white blazer and tie most of the time. He isn't fit for battle if it isn't necessary.Weapons(carry anything around?): A gold studded dagger in his blazer. Sometimes a bow, and a quiver filled with arrows, Situational.Powers/skills(What can they do that's special?): He has a major effect on the media. He can persuade any paparazi or news stations to convince people of things about other Gods. Other underestimate it, but over a course of time, it can take effect. He is also an excellent archer if needed.Biography(tell us a little about them): Metazas fell into power in 1992, as did most others. He rose to power by the power of the media. As the age of technology came, it fed him power. He'd had a dream for his empire since he came to power, conquer all others. Make allies only if necessary. The reporters are persuaded to follow and listen to him. He was trained in his little empire of a small town in Texas. Archery and Close combat were what he excelled in during his training time. he doesn't plan to use those skills unless threatened.Username(What do we call you?):GravityName(Who's your character?): Hunter CraizenAge: 19Gender: MaleSpecies(Include parent or dominion if demigod or god): Demigod of Set.Affiliation(Work for anyone?): The evil doings Set and his empire.Appearance(What do they look like?): A medium build Egyptian young man. His eyes are a Dark Hazel, and his skin has a red tint to it. He's average size, and is very strong. He's muscular, and can lift object as heavy as 300 pounds. His skin is rough as bark and can hurt a little if you try to do anything physical to him.Weapons(carry anything around?): A red Bayonet, sharpened to perfection. Also, a Red Spear with blood stains on the metal tip.Powers/skills(What can they do that's special?): He is very strong and has limited powers of telepathy unlike his father. He can read people's minds, and can tell what their next move is.Biography(tell us a little about them): Hunter was born to a mortal and Set, in 1992. Set raised me instead of my mother to be a general in his army. I accepted when I was 15. I'm trained in the ways of chaos and brutulty, and my mind set on fortune and greed. I'm currently in the large army of Set, my father. I'm highly praised to all those bellow me and known as the best general in the army. Sometimes he disguises himself as mortal to build up his fortune.IC: Hunter-Son of SetA small game of poker in an alley, nothing suspicious. The person next to him, most likely a wanted thief on the streets on Amarillo."###### it, AGAIN?"Hunter had won $300 dollars off these guys in 1 round. The next $400. They're too arrogant to see that they can't win. He can read their minds everytime. What's in their hand, and everything. He's been making for fortune build up, little by little in these games.After another round, they start to get weary. "Alright, I've gotten enough of you fool.you've just got lucky. Now it's time to get my money back."One by one, all three thugs get up and start coming into his face. They all have revolvers in their hands, coming into him, pointing at his head. Slowly he took out his Bayonet. After it's an inch out of the small pocket in his blazer, he swiftly pulled it out and put one thug in a headlock. He pointed the red Bayonet at the thug's head. "Stay back,"He threw the thug on the ground and ran, escaping the scene. He runs and swerves into an alleyway. He had lost them, but had still managed to get the money. $1000 in total."Nice," he said with a grin, and with a smug face, he ran towards his father's empire.

  8. Hey, don't be too hard on yourself, this looks great. I really love the design and colour scheme of both dragons. The concept of the whole thing is very interesting. One evil dragon=One evil person. One Good Dragon=One Good Person. xD I like the Forest of Tranquility, but wouldn't you think a forest would have trees, and not just plants that are height of the people? Nice one Spinjitzu Master. It coud use some improvement, but I still like it. :)~Gravity

  9. Lovein' that torso, Taipu. Those legs are nice, but as all others said those feet don't really work for me. Except you had to make it bulkier because it was male, nothing you can do about that. Those arms are pretty basic to me, but I love the way you connected it to the torso. Nice choice of that Adaptive Armor Hau Nuva. It looks good in this Moc. The back is also armored good, which some people don't do. Like the Moc Taipu and good luck in the contest! :)~Gravity

  10. Cool, but my only problem is that it doesn't look like it would "fit in" with the Bionicle universe. Good luck!
    How would it not fit in? I imagine it to be where all Toa of Fire get thier powers from....Thanks, and good luck to you as well. :)~Gravity
  11. Plague, you just posted this topic somewhere else. I see you just fixed your gallery link. So I guess I can count the other one as dupe.Your gallery i snot yet public so here's how to deeplink stuff.1. You go to your picture in the gallery and click on it until it's only your picture.2. Right click the picture and click Copy image location. It will give you a url.3. Use this code:

    [url=Insert Your URL]Insert your text[/url]

    4. Input all your info.5. Put that in your topic where you want it. :)~Gravity

  12. K, so here's the thing with me. I don't like Keetongu Orange with Red. That's why I did't use any in my Moc. :/That aside, I'll comment on your Moc. Personally, I think you put too many colors in this. Black, Metru Red, Tran-Red, HF Red, and some gray sticking out. Your concept of a "Hand" kinda worked so I guess I like that. I like that torso, but it's a little too jumbled for my liking. And then you add the Noble Kiril, it throws me off. Sorry, it didn't really connect to me :/. Good luck in the contest however.~Gravity

  13. Your gallery isn't public yet, as Wind stated. To deep link here's what you do:1. You go to your picture in the gallery and click on it until it's only your picture.2. Right click the picture and click Copy image location. It will give you a url.3. Use this code:

    [url=Insert Your URL]Insert your text[/url]

    4. Input all your info.5. Put that in your topic where you want it. :)BTW: Love the back story. :biggrin:~Gravity

  14. This is definitely one of the more original entries so far. I like how the colors are all split instead of mixed together, it looks pretty cool. The only thing I don't really like is that the feet aren't the same shape, I think it would look better if they matched. Good luck in the contest! :)
    Eh, yeah. The feet i didn't have a foot piece that was in all those colours. However, I think it's pretty cool maybe how each color being has a different personality and each part of their body is unique to them perhaps?~Gravity
  15. Dang, better and better submissions keep making my chances of winning go down. Nuuu.I love the smaller-scale Mocs. There is so much detail in a small bundle. The Wolf's head is designed well as it resembles a wolf. The placement of the stickers are very precise. The torso is really a really nice build of HF parts. Love the coice of Trans-Red HF pads. On that note, the Trans-Red and Black is a colour scheme I'm fond of. The hind legs are really cool. The parts you used really fit the Moc. The red ball joints in the front legs are a good choice instead of using the regular black ones. To finish it off, I love that tail. It's small and cute. :3Good luck in the contest Paleo. :)~Gravity

  16. NU! My Moc is going to lose. T.TWell, as you can see here, I really like the Moc. The torso is built like a nice brute, but sleek as well. Perhaps because it was made with that hockey torso? I like how you incorporated those hockey pieces in there. I love the gas-mask esque design you were going for. It makes it look like one of those things you would find in a cave. That flame design of the left hand is marvolous. The right hand is also amazing, but couldn't you of put a bigger flame? The legs and arms are really cool and sleek as well. I like the Moc Lord, and good luck in the contest. :)~Gravity

  17. Cool! The color split is really cool and unique. Those 3 heads are also nicely designed and plus, the two split colors flow together really well. Great job on this!
    Thanks! I wanted the color split of orange, red, and yellow to be unique. The 3 heads were supposed to represnt each shade of fire and how intense each was. Yeah, and I'm happy how much the Moc as a whole flowed nicely. ^.^~Gravity
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