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Everything posted by BioCry

  1. BioCry


    Ugh, gotta liven things up a bit...11-7-11These days, the History Channel never seems to show any actual history...Just people firing old guns... XP-
  2. I use GIMP for most of the comic putting-together and MSPaint for sprite resizing. I am also planning for some hand drawn comics. -
  3. BioCry


    11-4-11And thus, the revolution subsided...-
  4. BioCry


    http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/Biocryptid21/Comics/DailyStrips/comic69.png11-3-11Sorry for no comic yesterday, I'll try and release today's comic later... -
  5. BioCry


    11-2-11Now, men... TO ACTION.-
  6. Am I allowed to do one comic separated into two comics?Namely, Journey's End Part 1 and Part 2?-
  7. BioCry


    11-1-11 :3 Wow, it says 11-1-11. ... I'm afraid for my life now... o_o -
  8. BioCry


    Yes, now it makes sense. Thank Mata Nui for that... Imma brb with a new comic... -
  9. BioCry


    I facepalmed so hard it hurt when I saw the mistake... SO I EDITED IT. >=D Edited Comic Link I still cringe... o_o -
  10. BioCry


    10-31-11 I am in fear no one will find this funny... -
  11. What the title says... And stay safe... -
  12. BioCry


    10-30-11 VIVA LA REVOLUTION! -
  13. BioCry


    Well, here it is... asdfcomic2 Ok, I have an idea here... If you have a good/random idea for asdfcomic, I'll put it in a strip. Just PM me your ideas, everyone, and I'll get to 'em... eventually... -
  14. BioCry

    Bionicle Manga

    If this were only public... I hope that it becomes public soon. I'm really eager to see your work... -
  15. BioCry


    It's time for... RANDOM FACE DISAPPEARANCES asdfcomic #1 If I have not stated this earlier, asdfcomic will be a mini-series hosted in this topic until further notice. Stay tuned for more! -
  16. YES. I've been waiting for something like this! I'll do my absolute best to enter this... -
  17. BioCry


    Hey, Guys. I have something special. A sneak peek at a new comic series I'm makin'... asdfcomic!!! Coming very soon... -
  18. BioCry


    Glad to see you guys like it. @Hordika22: Aw, Thank you SO much. ALSO... 10/26/11 It's lonely not being in (a lot of) comics... -
  19. BioCry


    New Hau vs. Miru Saga Comic The End Part 1 This comic kept crashing my GIMP. So this is all I could finish... -
  20. ._. I can't believe you went there... JOLAND, TO THE TROLL-MOBILE! -
  21. BioCry


    And there's more coming, my friend... -
  22. BioCry


    ._. I shall cower in the corner now... -
  23. Wewt. Beyblade Characters FTW. -
  24. BioCry


    10/24/11 I fear no one will get this reference... 10/25/11 I need new characters... Three new comics. I'm on a roll... -
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