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Premier Retired Staff
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Blog Entries posted by Kex

  1. Kex
    As you have probably noticed in the past week or so, I've been changing my avatar and banner very frequently. Several times a day. I'm very picky, and it has to be perfect. I take unusual pride in my avatar and signature. Dunno why, I just do. However, I have vowed to keep what I have now for at least a week. Yeah. An awesome avatar, with equally awesome lyrics. They're staying.
  2. Kex
    Yes. Tomorrow night at the Hard Rock. It will be awesome, and I will be there.
    The Panic Channel is opening, followed by Rock Star Supernova. Yes, from the TV show you might have watched. Jason Newsted, Tommy Lee, Gilby Clarke, and the winning vocalist of the show, Lukas Rossi.
    I can't wait. I'll try and get as many pictures and video as possible.
  3. Kex
    But .png is.
    As you know, we have this thing called the BBC Forum, which is run by BBC Empire. In this forum, members share their MOCs. Most of the time, a digital photograph of the MOC is provided. Now -- in order to get this photograph onto BZPower, you're going to have to save it to your computer in order to upload it. But what file extension do you use?
    Most members choose to use the .jpg format. After all, it's the most commonly used file extension on the internet. However, there are some who choose to venture outside the world of .jpg. That jolly, merry place just wasn't their thing.
    So they go and see the Devil -- .png.
    Using .png as opposed to .jpg in photographic images does absolutely nothing but increase the filesize -- often five to ten times the size of the .jpg. To make it even worse, there is minimal gain in quality.
    Back to the BBC Forum. When you use .png, less people view your MOCs. When you enter a BBC contest, you lose votes. Just because of the file extension and long load time of your entry picture. Not everyone has high-speed internet. I for one still use dial-up. Pity me.
    In fact, the BBC contest staff have discussed banning .png images from the contests.
    Use .jpg. Let the Devil be a Devil outside of the BBC Forum.
  4. Kex
    Rarely do you get a nice day here in South Florida. Well, not unless 'hot and miserable' floats your boat. And for me, the boat doesn't float, but it rather sinks to the bottom of the ocean and rots away. You can walk outside for a mere minute and be sweating. Now, add a few hours of time and extraneous work into the mix. Sounds like great fun, right?
    Today's high is around 76. Normally we'd be lucky for that as our low for the day. Right now it's 63, and it was 50 early this morning. Temperatures are in Fahrenheit, of course. I hope it stays like this for a while. It's pretty awesome, and makes for a pleasant change. You're probably laughing at the fact that I think these temperatures are 'cold', but you would to if you lived in South Florida all 15 years of your life.
    Oh, and here's a little fact I bet you didn't know: Almost exactly 30 years ago today, it snowed here in South Florida. Yep. They let school out and everything.

  5. Kex
    The very thing that ages us. Is it real? How exactly does it measure us? Does it test us as a person?
    To be able to control time would be equilivant to being able to control life. You could potentially live forever. But what's the point of living forever if you have nothing to live for? Perhaps instead you'd rather prevent yourself from ever arriving in this world of ours?
    To be able to eradicate past mistakes. Wouldn't it be nice? Take back things you wish you never said... Say things you wish you would have said...
    As human beings, we are shackled by time. We're as malleable to it as Play-Doh is to our hands.
    Time wastes us away; it slowly atrophies us into nothing. But we can't let it get the best of us. Don't wait for time to stop for you -- it's not going to happen. The fact is, we have a limited amount of time to live the lives we have. Make use of it while you can. Live every day like it's your last. Love your loved ones like you'll never see them again.
    There will come a day where time will take everything and give nothing. Time is the very antithesis of life. No, it's not death; death is inevitable and expected. Time, however, haunts us. It mocks our existence.
    There will come a time when we realize what it is that we've been waiting all of our life for. I've finally unearthed what I've been waiting for. And once again my fate is in the hands of time.
    I'm still waiting for my time. And I'll wait forever if I have to.
  6. Kex
    Alright, here's how it goes.
    I'm currently sitting in my fourth hour Digital Design class, which is probably the worst elective I've ever had, ever. It's so boring. Especially when a friend that's in the class is at home sick and you're stuck in class with a substitute teacher and a bunch of freshmen with the maturity level of an eight year old. I feel like I'm coming down with something as I write this. My nose is sniffling and my throat has that funny feeling that can only be described as 'yeah, you're getting sick'. The aforementioned sick friend had a 103 fever last night when I spoke to her, and she sounded awful. I really hope I don't come down with one of those and I really hope she gets better soon. Anyway I'm having a text message conversation with a friend at work, and apparently I'm taking her shift tonight. A closing shift, at that. Whatever. At least it's a cashier shift. Those are somewhat fun.
    The plan is to purchase a guitar this weekend. A friend of mine has been giving me lessons the last few weeks, and I've decided that I really should get my own to practice. Still haven't decided on electric or acoustic, but we'll see. Learning guitar is something I've wanted to do for years, but just never really followed through. Should be fun.
    And a bit of an update on my last blog entry: what I have planned for the COT Forum is ready (and has been for a while now) and I'm just waiting (and waiting...) for the go-ahead.
  7. Kex
    Firstly, The Dark Night is simply amazing. Best movie ever.
    <33 The Joker
    For those of you who mentioned me here...
    You got it all wrong.
    I take my job here on BZP seriously. Thus, you will see a lot of serious posts from me. However, this does not mean I am devoid of a sense of humor.
    When I can, I try to make my posts a bit more jocular... If you've never seen these posts of mine, well then you, sir, need to look harder.
    Who wants to see a magic trick?
  8. Kex
    Why can't I say no? It's just a little two letter word. It's one of the first words you learn and understand.
    But sometimes I just can't say it. It's so hard for me.
    Kindness isn't something you come across too often in this world of ours. You know why? Then you get taken advantage of.
    Nice guys finish dead last. Every time.
    I say this now, but I'll do it again. And again. And again.
  9. Kex
    Well, it's kinda not. Mainly because it's technically not my dog. Of course, I end up taking care of it. He's potty trained, but then he's not. He makes messes. He runs away. He's annoying. He drools. Just look at it.
    In other news, I'm starting to actively MOC again. I have quite a few things I'm working on. One of which is for my 3 year aniversary on BZP. It's nice to be back in the swing of things. Haven't posted a non-contest MOC in who knows how long. Funfun.
    Bah, now some crazyed puffin-lady is going berserk on MSN again, so please excuse me while I find the tranquilizer darts. You'd think three would be enough, but no, it's just not.
  10. Kex
    Or at least what's left of it.
    Yes, I am talking about topic revival. I mean, even Omi knows it's evil. It has to be a direct spawn of the devil. You kill it, and it just keeps coming back. However, we can fight topic revival. Oh yes. JUST DON'T REVIVE TOPICS! Here, I've even composed a list of topic revival periods in every forum. Well, I did this months and months ago, but it's still accurate. Please, help me out here. I still have a contest to assist in, I can't be dying on you guys now.
    Q&A- generally none
    Contest Voting forum - none
    BZP Library- generally none
    BS01- generally none
    Blogs - none
    Sets- 20
    Collectibles- 20
    BBC- 20
    Artwork I- 20
    Artwork II- 20
    Artwork III- 20
    G&T- 20
    B/S/T- 20
    Marketplace Banter- 20
    BZP Voting Booth- 20
    News Discussion/Talkback- 30
    RPG- 30
    LGD- 30
    COT- 30
    S&T- 30
    Promotions- 30
    Software- 30
    M&B- 30
    GD- 30
  11. Kex
    It's no fun...
    Now, some people over-exaggerate on how awful they are... It's true they're ugly and annoyoing, but that's all, I promoise. Even the so-called 'pain' experienced is more annoying than hurtful. Your mouth is a bit sore for a few days after your visit, eating can be unpleasant, but that's about it. I promise. Life goes on. I've had them for 3 years now. Luckily I've only got a few more months left with them.
    But is it ever so unconfortable to sit in that reclinable chair (it's evil, I swear) and have these people (are they even human?) yank and pull on various pieces of metal attached to your teeth. For me, it's the worst part. I can't stand doctors, especially the ones who are constantly touching you. And I especially can't stand it when they don't tell you what they're about to do next. It's your right as a patient to know. See, the thing is, they really don't care. Which is quite sad.
    Having that said, I must tell you the benefits of braces outweight any possible drawbacks... So if you need them, get them, no questions asked.
    And now I'm off to a nine o'clock fun-filled orthodonist appointment.
  12. Kex
    Okay. So I'm reading this book called East of Eden by John Steinbeck. I'm not prepared by any means to talk about the book, but I do want to talk about this one quote that I adore.

    Read it a few times, and think about it.
    Alright, so now I got you thinking. Or at least I hope I did.
    I can think back to so many situations in my own life where somebody didn't believe me when I was telling the truth. Some of those times, it hurt. A lot. It stung deep down. When someone totally rejects your truth and believes that it's truly a lie... Wow, it hurts. It's got to be one of the most devastating emotions I've ever experienced. You just don't know what to say, or what to do, or how to get them to believe you... The fact that this person doesn't believe what you're saying is true...
    It drives me crazy.
  13. Kex
    In this life of ours, there are many things that we enjoy. Without the feelings of love, happiness, and satisfaction, I cannot honestly say that all of us would live a life that we thoroughly enjoy. One thing that makes each of us individual is what we do that brings us these feelings -- how we live our lives. When under stress, overcoming boredom, or just looking to have some fun, we often seek the comfort and companionship of another person, or an inanimate object. Or both. Maybe you switch it up every now and then. There is no correct method of achieving euphoria.
    What I'm getting at, is that cookies are awesome and are a necessary part of any happy life. From grandma's homemade peanut butter deluxe cookies, to that fresh whatever-was-left-over-in-the-back cookie at your local grocery store, to those packaged Chips Ahoy that you have sitting in your kitchen cabinet. They're all delightful. They make the world go 'round. Whoever said you can't buy happiness was full of it.
    Now, there is a specific cookie that I happen to favor over... Well, all of them. These cookies have the perfect texture: just the right amount of chewiness and crunch. They literally melt in your mouth. Eat them hot, eat them cold, eat them in a box, with a fox... It really doesn't matter. But what does matter is the mastermind behind this edible artwork. These aren't just any cookies, and it isn't just any recipe made by any old person. This recipe has been handed down from Puffin generation to generation for who knows many years. Empress Tufi's cookies are just plain awesome. And no, you can't have any! You see, the reason why you've never had (or even seen, for that matter) these cookies is that I eat them. All. Every one of them goes down with a smile.
    At this point, you are probably questioning my sanity. And for this I do not blame you.
  14. Kex
    So many things are happening. Have happened. Will happen. And I haven't blogged in so long. But I will blog. And I have blogged before. That I have done. But I have never blogged like this. Maybe I have, but I don't remember. It's been so long. My blog was on life support. Thank goodness for puffin-Vahki. I knew there was a reason I kept them around.
    I suppose I'll start with today. I had to be at work at 7:30, which wasn't particularly appealing at the time... That's A.M., by the way. So that's how my day started out. I was tired, bored, and had nobody to talk to except the old lady at the customer service desk and the Spanish cashier who speaks very minimal English. Oh, and did I mention that it was all of 45 degrees this morning with rain? Not your usual Florida weather for any time of the year. I pity those of you who are burried knee-deep in snow in below freezing temperatures. That must suck.
    Yeah, so a few hours passed, and then I went to my 1-year old cousin's birthday party. I didn't think very many people would show, and I was expecting another humdrum event. It was quite the contrary. We had one of those family football games that normally only take place during the holidays (it's the only time you can gather enough people...) and it was very fun. Although now I can barely move, it was still fun. Everybody was rocked a few times... mouthes ran, tempers flared... Good times, good times.
    From there, I went home to watch the Great American Race: the Daytona 500. For the most part, it was alright. Not the most exciting race I've ever seen, but man was that finish amazing. As the checkers waved, cars were pinballing off of each other, spinning, wrecking, crashing, burning... heck, one car finished the race up-side-down and on fire. Not to mention that the margin or victory was less than 2 one-hundreths of a second. How about that?
    You probably had not the faintest clue that I was a NASCAR fan. Well, you learned something new today. How about that?
    Let's see... well, there's school. Chemistry is no fun. Especially when your teacher doesn't teach, but read out of the textbook. You have to teach yourself everything. There's no point in even going to the class. This I do not enjoy. There's really not much else to talk about on the subject of school. It's school. My eleventh year of it. I'm actually looking forward to my Junior and Senior years, as I'm switching high schools next year because my mom is moving out of state to Georgia, so I'll be living with my father. That's yet another story for another time.
    And then there's the future... 3/18/07. The day of the concert. Nickelback, Three Days Grace, and Breaking Benjamin. I have the best seats in the house. It's going to be insane. I can't wait. I can't express how excited I am in words.
    So, to conclude, my life's alright at the moment. Until next time.
  15. Kex
    Official BBC Contest #39: Deck the Halls!
    Yeah, it's here. Yeah, it's awesome. Yeah, I've gotten 31 PMs related to it. Yeah.
    A few things need to be said, though:
    1. Please, please, please ask all questions in the entry topic. I hate PMs, and rule number two even states that you should ask all questions in that topic.
    2. If you see an entry that you feel doesn't meet the requirements of the theme, then you should PM a contest staff member (Tufi Piyufi, -Shannara-, or myself). How would you feel if somebody just told you that you were disqualified from a contest? It's not a very pleasant thing to do (which is why the puffin does it). It's something best kept strictly to PM.
    3. Have fun!!!
  16. Kex
    I think I slipped.
    Yes, I think I slipped.
    Or did I? For some reason, I'm quite confused.
    Or am I? Somebody needs to sort things out.
  17. Kex
    HAHA. Right. I hope I never have to hear that sound again in my life.
    Tommorow, my five year era of dial-up finally ends. I've been using it since obtaining my first family computer in mid 2001. I can't wait until I come home tomorrow from school. But with my luck, something will go wrong and by house will be burned down or something equally tragic while Bellsouth is hooking up the fiber optic stuff or whatever it is that they do. It'll be like one of those dreadfully depressing stories Lemony Pepper Snickers writes, if you know what I'm talking about.
    And you know what some of the first things I'll be doing are? Downloading stuff. Stuff like music and the VNOLG. I haven't played it yet. As a matter of fact, I haven't even read about it yet. I hope it's as cool as people are making it seem.
    Wish me luck~?
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