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Premier Retired Staff
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Blog Entries posted by Kex

  1. Kex
    Now, understand that I've been using the AOL browser for 3+ years, Which is not something you want to brag about. And since I've upgraded to DSL, I've been using IE 6. I was feeling 'meh' about it, so I upgraded to IE 7 yesterday... Didn't like it. At all. Now, a few months ago, I downloaded Firefox, just to try it out. Turns out that it's painstakingly slow... Like all browsers are using dial-up. But I don't remember having against the browser. So I downloaded it again yesterday, and I love it. It's awesome. It's my new best friend~
  2. Kex
    First they threw me in Software, and I suppose they then figured I'd make a better slaveFA in COT.
    Anyways, I think I tidied up nicely, dontcha think?
    And I can't forget to say hello to my new COT homies! Looking forward to working with you guys, should be fun!
  3. Kex
    It's no fun...
    Now, some people over-exaggerate on how awful they are... It's true they're ugly and annoyoing, but that's all, I promoise. Even the so-called 'pain' experienced is more annoying than hurtful. Your mouth is a bit sore for a few days after your visit, eating can be unpleasant, but that's about it. I promise. Life goes on. I've had them for 3 years now. Luckily I've only got a few more months left with them.
    But is it ever so unconfortable to sit in that reclinable chair (it's evil, I swear) and have these people (are they even human?) yank and pull on various pieces of metal attached to your teeth. For me, it's the worst part. I can't stand doctors, especially the ones who are constantly touching you. And I especially can't stand it when they don't tell you what they're about to do next. It's your right as a patient to know. See, the thing is, they really don't care. Which is quite sad.
    Having that said, I must tell you the benefits of braces outweight any possible drawbacks... So if you need them, get them, no questions asked.
    And now I'm off to a nine o'clock fun-filled orthodonist appointment.
  4. Kex
    Yes, my blog was sinking into the bloggie abyss of bloggie dung. Or something of the sort... I didn't want to get too close, dunno what exactly that stuff was. Anyways, figured I'd pull it out before he comes down with one of them diseases. Last thing I need is for my blog to be high on those Fleming meds. That pharmaceutical stuff isn't cheap, yanno?
    If all goes well, I should be updating this here blog more frequently (every day, almost?) starting tomorrow.
    Also, I need to pick a song for the new Short Stories Contest 3. Any suggestions?
  5. Kex
    Rarely do you get a nice day here in South Florida. Well, not unless 'hot and miserable' floats your boat. And for me, the boat doesn't float, but it rather sinks to the bottom of the ocean and rots away. You can walk outside for a mere minute and be sweating. Now, add a few hours of time and extraneous work into the mix. Sounds like great fun, right?
    Today's high is around 76. Normally we'd be lucky for that as our low for the day. Right now it's 63, and it was 50 early this morning. Temperatures are in Fahrenheit, of course. I hope it stays like this for a while. It's pretty awesome, and makes for a pleasant change. You're probably laughing at the fact that I think these temperatures are 'cold', but you would to if you lived in South Florida all 15 years of your life.
    Oh, and here's a little fact I bet you didn't know: Almost exactly 30 years ago today, it snowed here in South Florida. Yep. They let school out and everything.

  6. Kex
    Man was this week hectic. And it's not even over yet. Mid-terms on Tuesday and Thursday, with the PSAT in between on Wednesday. Huh? Yeah. It wasn't fun. Things went a lot smoother than expected, though. Way too smooth. I just hope I end up with a good grade on my Algebra II mid-term. I need an 'A' or 'B' to boost my 'C+' to a 'B'. And if I got anything lower... Guh. How I ever hate tests. I never do as well as I should on them. I dunno, I just blank out sometimes, and it doesn't come back to me. I really don't have much to say... Figured I'd just let everyone know what's going on. Maybe, just maybe I'll get some time in for updating this thing more often. Oh, and there's no school tomorrow. Which is pretty awesome.
    Excuse me while I continue to jam out to some Stone Sour.
  7. Kex
    Sooner or Later - Breaking Benjamin

    I want a normal life
    Just like a newborn child
    I am like a lover hater
    I am an instigator
    You are an oversight
    Don't try to compromise
    I'll learn to love to hate it
    I am not integrated
    Just call my name
    You'll be okay
    Your scream is burning through my veins
    Sooner or later
    You're gonna hate it
    Go ahead and throw your life away
    Driving me under
    Leaving me out there
    Go ahead and throw your life away
    You're like an infantile
    I knew it all the while
    You sit and try to play me
    Just like you see on TV
    I am an oversight
    Just like a parasite
    Why am I so pathetic
    I know you won't forget it
    Just call my name
    You'll be okay
    Your scream is running through my veins
    Sooner or later
    You're gonna hate it
    Go ahead and throw my life away
    Driving me under
    Leaving me out there
    Go ahead and throw my life away
    Sooner or later
    You're gonna hate it
    Go ahead and throw our life away
    Driving me under
    Leaving me out there
    Go ahead and throw our life away
    You throw our life away
    You throw our life away
    Someone's in a tight predicament, and they want out of it. He lies to himself and says he's okay, when really he's about to implode inside. He learns to cope with what is going wrong instead of trying to patch up areas that need fixing. He knew all along what was happening, and he hopes that the person of wrongdoing never forgets what they have done, that he's always haunting them in the back of their mind. Not only did it cause them to waste their life away, but his too. Your life, my life, our life. It's all gone, but he wants it back. He wants it back to he can break away and start over new, forget about the past and look onward towards a better future.
    "It's about being not right. Looking at people that have everyday jobs and do normal things and you are grateful for being a musician but at the same time you want to not tour, you want to go to a job, do your job, and come home to your wife and kids kind of thing, you know?"
    --Ben Burnley
    The song can relate to so many different things. I hope you can get something out of it. Be sure to download the song by clicking the banner. Listen to it! Tell me what you think.

  8. Kex
    HAHA. Right. I hope I never have to hear that sound again in my life.
    Tommorow, my five year era of dial-up finally ends. I've been using it since obtaining my first family computer in mid 2001. I can't wait until I come home tomorrow from school. But with my luck, something will go wrong and by house will be burned down or something equally tragic while Bellsouth is hooking up the fiber optic stuff or whatever it is that they do. It'll be like one of those dreadfully depressing stories Lemony Pepper Snickers writes, if you know what I'm talking about.
    And you know what some of the first things I'll be doing are? Downloading stuff. Stuff like music and the VNOLG. I haven't played it yet. As a matter of fact, I haven't even read about it yet. I hope it's as cool as people are making it seem.
    Wish me luck~?
  9. Kex
    I called around to several stores the night of last, and found two stores that had the new iPods in stock. Target, who had three white 80GB's left, and Best Buy, who had everything. Naturally, I went to Best Buy. After waiting in a rather large line just to pick up the iPod, I had to wait in another even larger line to pay. Malls and shopping centers are always so hectic on weekends here. Anyways, I ended up with a brand new black 30GB iPod with video. $250 later, that is. But I really think it was worth very penny. If I didn't, I wouldn't have forked over that much. But I love iPods, and I wanted to stick with them, even after I filled the 2GB. I was going to venture out and buy something else, but then I heard that Apple just released new iPods. Great timing, if you ask me. And now I have this 2GB Nano sitting here, waiting to be dumped from full to empty and shipped to a worthy soul. Unfortunately for anyone who was actually interested in buying it, I'm sorry, but it's taken. Kind Sir KIE reserved it the night I announced it was up for grabs. Of course, if you want to go above his outragously high bid, then it's yours.

    Right now, I'm downloading a music video from iTunes. Just to test it out, and see how it works. Bought the video, Call Me When You're Sober by Evanescence. I held off on buying the single for this reason. Now, see, I left my computer on when I went to work, so the video can download. I was dismayed when I came home and saw that I was disconnected. That means I'll have to start the downloading process all over again. But when I went and pulled it up and restarted the download, it started from the point where it left off! Totally sweet feature of iTunes 7 -- especially for someone who uses dial-up like me.

    Ah, yes. Dial-up. Used it for all five or so years that I've been using a computer. I am all too enthused to report that I'm going to be dropping dial-up entirely very soon. And no, this isn't depriving myself of the internet or suicide. Nice try. As soon as my father finishes up structual workings of the house addition, electrical is next. We know an electrician who lives on the next street over, and he's hooking us up. Quite literally. We're going to have a server, and some type of wireless internet to go along with it. Don't know anything for certain just yet. Most of the time, I'm at my mother's house, though. So this means when I'm there, I'll be stuck with dial-up. Not cool. So I finally decided to ask about upgrading to DSL. Now, my mom uses Netzero, and I use AOL [free trial version(s)]. She pays the $10 monthly fee, and I pay nothing. And she doesn't want to pay anything more than $10. So whats happening is that she will pay $10 of whatever the monthly bill is, and I'll have to pick up the rest. I plan on getting 384 Kbps DSL from BellSouth. Can't wait.
  10. Kex
    I would say something along the lines of "It started as a normal day..." but it really didn't. Today was "Professional Studies Day" or something that all high schools in my district had the option of having. Whether or not you have it was based on school vote. My school voted for it, although I think not many other ones did. What this day serves as is basically an extra early release day each month. Meant for "study", I guess. I get out at 11:32 as opposed to 2:54, so all is good.
    Well, it was all good. Bus was a little late, and I had two pop quizzes on a supposedly lax day, but all was fairly good.
    Now to the real story. As you probably don't know, I have two half-brothers (and a few more siblings, but it really doesn't matter). They are two and four years old. The four year old goes to a free preschool at a church about 5 minutes away. He goes every day during the week for a few hours. I never go with my mom to pick him up, as I'm typically at school. But today was a bit different, as I detailed above. We got there a bit early, and we waited in the parking lot for about ten minutes before my mom went inside to pick up my older brother. I stayed in the car with my younger brother to save my mom the trouble of lugging him inside. I was orginally sitting in the front passenger seat, but I moved to the back seat after my mom left. So there I was, watching Monster Jam with my little brother on the DVD player inside the van. A 2003 Dodge Minivan, if I may add. About two minutes after my mom left, a black Dodge Minivan starting slowly backing into the space next to us (driver door to driver door). Same make and model, just in a different color. About thirty seconds after, eveything changed. He opened his van door, and hit the driver side door of the car I was in. I figured it was an accident; it happens a lot espcially with how close they make the parking spaces and how terrible some people park. So I'm thinking to myself, "Alright, what's he gonna do now?" He just hit my mom's car. I didn't have to wait long. He whipped upon the driver side door, leaned into the car, and snatched my mom's purse (which was between the driver and passenger seat on the floorboard. And he sped off. From the time he hit the door to when he drove away, 10 seconds went by. It was that fast.
    So, now, to re-cap some details. I was in the back seat when this happened, and my little brother was in a carseat in front of me in a buckett seat in the middle of the van. Oh, and the car was running, with the keys in the ignition. Could've took the whole car if he wanted to. The doors were unlocked, but that was a good thing, actually. This guy would've prolly smashed the windows or something equally desperate to get the purse. Speaking of desperation, this guy obviously needed anything he could get his hands on. It seems addiction brought the worst out of this guy, if you know what I mean. I'm probably leaving other stuff out, but I think you get the point, and I don't feel like telling the story for the millioneth time. A guy pulled up, opened the door, took the purse, and left -- with me and my younger brother in the running van. I didn't even get a good look at the guy, much less catch a liscense plate number. He was a middle-aged white male, and that's I could tell the cops. Yeah, I spoke with them for abour 30 minutes. Get asked the same question thirty times each. It was real fun.
    The cops were pretty cool, though. They took fingerprints of the door, and they found a huge palm print right above the door handle. It's obviously his. I just hope that this provides enough to get a suspect, because if it doesn't, nothing will happen in the case. This kind of petty theft happens all the time.
    There are many "what ifs" to everything here, but that doesn't really get anything positive going.
    In all, I could've died today. My brother could've died today. Human beings could've senselessly died today. Luckily, none of that happened, and I'm very grateful. But I was robbed in my own neighborhood. And I'm not all too happy about it. All because of scum. You always think, "it'll never happen to me". We all do. Fact is, scum like this exists -- it's real. To be honest, I wasn't scared in the ordeal. Happened so fast you didn't have time to be. But it opened my eyes real, real wide, and I hope this story does the same for you.
  11. Kex
    Yes, I do. Luckily I also have some solutions.
    I've been making money for over a year now. My job rules. Alright, so I'm lying through my teeth. But it's either Publix or a fast food joint (Burger King would be the closest) and I'd rather not be flipping burgers. But who knows -- maybe Than can tell me that it's not as bad as it seems. Regardless, fast food employees don't get tips, while I do. And believe me, you come in contact with some of the more wealthy people. And around the holidays? Go to work. Hurricane coming? Go to work. I made some big bucks the other week, because there was a tropical storm heading in my direction. It hit pretty close, but didn't do much of anything. I was actually at work during the "worst part". Weren't many customers around, but oh well. Not to mention I got two days off school for a storm that did next to nothing. Made money and chilled with no homework. Sweet deal.
    Back on the topic of making money: I put most of my earnings directly into my bank account. I have a large chunk saved, as there will be many a thing that will need payment in the future. Things like a car, insurance, college, and future luxuries. All things that are never too early to start saving for. What I normally do is put every other check in the bank. (I get paid every Thursday.) I end up with large amounts of cash in my wallet, and I put some of that money lingering, burning holes in my pocket, into the bank as well. This has been a pretty smooth process until about a month ago. I've been buying stuff like crazy. And by stuff I mean music. CDs. Albums. That stuff. In the past month alone, I bought nine CDs. Nine. Plus a few other misc. songs from iTunes. It's a lot. I really need to stop. I mean, you should be able to enjoy the money you make and spend it on things you like, but this is a bit extreme... It's over $100 in music. Which isn't too much, considering I'm making about $80 a week, even with school and everything now. But I'm kinda torn, because I obviously want the stuff, but I want my bank account to continue growing at the same time.
    Growing. That's what my music collection has been doing. In fact, it has now outgrew my measly 2 GB iPod Nano. I now have all these new CDs and I can't put them on my iPod... Ugg. It's no fun. But then I hear about these new iPods comng out soon... Next week, I believe. One of the new iPod's is going to be $250, 30 GB, capable of playing movies, new iPod games, brighter screen, and have a longer battery life. Am I gonna buy it? Yes. Yes I am.
    But now I'm going to have a nice little black 2 GB iPod Nano sitting here, in very good condition. I decided that I'm going to sell it. Not not just a normal "sell". Oh no. It's going to be auctioned: auctioned right here on BZPower. That's right: you can own Kex's iPod! I'll have pictures and all that stuff when the time comes. So if you're interested... Look out.
  12. Kex
    Sorry, no redneck home videos At least, not in the blog entry, but I do have some.
    As I'm sure you have to know by now, I'm currently working on my Project b/b/c. In the rare case that you don't know about this project already, I'll briefly explain.
    Each BBC Forum staffer and a select few other members will have a MOC made in tribute to them. Thus far, I've only completed one MOC, Stasmic, in tribute to Schizo Kaita. I have several MOCs in progress, but none that are entirely complete. I figured I'd share two of the MOCs here to keep you (as well as my blog) updated. The first one would be in tribute to Tufi Piyufi and the second one would be in tribute to Cajun.

    These are WIPs. Or, Works In Progess, just in case you're unfamilar with the acronym. Do me a great big favor and pretend that the Metru shoulder armor pieces are both black. And he could really use another tooth or two. I need to pick up a few of those Viking sets. I'm thinking two of those wolves. I'll have to get over to TRU one of these days.
    Alright, fine. So you want more. Two headshots just weren't enough to appease. Will this do?
    I certainly hope it'll hold you over.
  13. Kex
    Vicarious - Tool

    Eye on the TV
    Cause tragedy thrills me
    Whatever flavor it happens to be, like...
    "Killed by the husband"
    "Drowned by the ocean"
    "Shot by his own son"
    "She used a poison
    In his tea... then kissed him goodbye"
    That's my kind of story
    It's never fun till someone dies
    Don't look at me like
    I am a monster
    Frown out your one face
    But with the other
    Stare like a junkie
    Into the TV
    Stare like a zombie
    While the mother holds her child
    Watches him die
    Hands to the sky crying
    "Why, oh why?"
    Cause I need to watch things die, from a distance
    Vicariously I live while the whole world dies
    You all need it too, don't lie
    Why can't we just admit it?
    Why can't we just admit it?
    We won't give pause until the blood is flowing
    Neither the brave nor bold
    Will write as the story's told
    We won't give pause until the blood is flowing
    I need to watch things die, from a good safe distance
    Vicariously I live while the whole world dies
    You all feel the same, so...
    Why can't we just admit it?
    Blood like rain come down
    Drum on grave and ground
    Part vampire
    Part warrior
    Carnivore and voyeur
    Stare at the transmittal
    Sing to the death rattle
    La, la, la, la, la, la, la-la-lie
    La, la, la, la, la, la, la-la-lie
    La, la, la, la, la, la, la-la-lie
    La, la, la, la, la, la, la-la-lie
    Credulous at best
    Your desire to believe in
    Angels in the hearts of men
    Pull your head on out your heavy, happy eyes and give a listen
    Shouldn't have to say it all again
    The universe is hostile, so impersonal
    Devour to survive... so it is, so it's always been
    We all feed on tragedy
    It's like blood to a vampire
    Vicariously I live while the whole world dies
    Much better you than I
    TV. We all watch it. But this song offers a whole new meaning and provokes thoughts that I'm sure many people don't realize. It's about how we all love to watch the garbage on TV, even though many refuse to admit. People are entertained by death and tragedy that's shown, and "he" has admitted this, and he doesn't understand why others call him a "monster" when inside they are the same way, but won't admit it themselves. And how wrong it is to be numb to watching other people suffer or waste away. Our superficial society pretends to be much more sympathetic than it really is. If we were really as vicarious as we say we are, then we would do something about it. If you could really watch a little kid starve to death and feel his pain, then you would do something about it. The world is dying and there's nothing we can do except sit back, watch, and enjoy from a distance. Of course, the song offers a sarcastic view of this...
  14. Kex
    I think I slipped.
    Yes, I think I slipped.
    Or did I? For some reason, I'm quite confused.
    Or am I? Somebody needs to sort things out.
  15. Kex
    I've posted in plenty of colors in my time here on BZPower. Black, lime green, blue, steel blue, gray, crimson, orange, teal, and, of course, purple. Maybe even some more that I'm forgetting about. A few weeks ago, shortly after the spider-staff, I thought about dropping the purple. I actually did go a day or two with normal black text. It just didn't seem right. So I went back to the purple.
    Just a few moments ago, I had one of those sudden, random thoughts. I asked myself, "Drop the purple?" And I answered myself back. That's how it went down. Actually, after that, I thought of BR and lol'd.
    It really does look a lot neater. And to emphasize something, bolding works quite well. And when something really needs emphasis, I believe purple can do the job.
    So yeah. It's a totally new style to me. It'll definitely take some getting used to, but I like it. I like it a lot.
  16. Kex
    As you have probably noticed in the past week or so, I've been changing my avatar and banner very frequently. Several times a day. I'm very picky, and it has to be perfect. I take unusual pride in my avatar and signature. Dunno why, I just do. However, I have vowed to keep what I have now for at least a week. Yeah. An awesome avatar, with equally awesome lyrics. They're staying.
  17. Kex
    So there's two days left of summer. Bummer. Really, it is.
    Even though I never actually left town, I enjoyed it. I had plenty of time to just relax and let loose.
    However, you can definitely expect my BZP activity to tremendously decrease. I'll probably only be online a fraction of what I've been on during the summer.
    School will be starting at 7:45, as opposed to last year's 7:15. Which means I'll be waking up at about 5:30 or so, being the freak that I am. Most days I'll end up browsing BZP for a bit during that time. But other than that, I won't be able to get online (won't even be home until) around evening time. Basically every day after school I go straight to work. Literally. This year I might not even have time to go home and change. Hooray for lockers at work. And then when I get home... Still have dinner and homework to deal with.
    Here are my eight scheduled classes for my sophomore year:
    Algebra II Integrated Math Chemistry Honors English II Honors Spanish III Honors Health Science Medical Skills and Services Web Design I actually look Algebra II last year, and ended up with a C in the first quarter and a D in the second. I'm not all too pleased with that, and I'd like to do better before moving on. As an added bonus, if I get better grades, they'll replace the existing ones. That'll skyrocket my GPA, as those are the only grades holding me back. 
    So yeah. Just decreased activity. I'll still be active and be able to maintain my position. I'm not dying or anything. Especially since I need to (will) outlive the Empress. Hehe.
  18. Kex
    As I mentioned in a previous entry, my house is currently being renovated. Not just something minor. I'm talking transforming a 2-1, living room, kitchen, and porch into a 4-3, living room, family room, kitchen, 2-car garage, porch, and pool.
    There's a lot of work going into this. My dad's doing the entire thing himself, only receiving help when absolutely neccesary. I don't think you realize how frustrating it is when you tell people to move the pile of dirt on the left side of the house to the right side, and they end up moving the pile on the right to the left side. It's ridiculous. Things always turn out better if you do it yourself. You can't rely on people who don't take any pride whatsoever in their job. As a matter of fact, they don't even speak English, or care to try and learn it. And around here, you can't find anyone else to do the job.
    So yeah. The sledgehammer. Loads of fun. Take a look at the room in the upper right of this picture. And, here it is after I finished with it.

    Here are some more pictures.
    The two people you see in a few pictures would be my dad and my stepmom. There'll be more pictures at a later time, definitely. Look at the disaster. I look and smile at it. D:
  19. Kex
    But .png is.
    As you know, we have this thing called the BBC Forum, which is run by BBC Empire. In this forum, members share their MOCs. Most of the time, a digital photograph of the MOC is provided. Now -- in order to get this photograph onto BZPower, you're going to have to save it to your computer in order to upload it. But what file extension do you use?
    Most members choose to use the .jpg format. After all, it's the most commonly used file extension on the internet. However, there are some who choose to venture outside the world of .jpg. That jolly, merry place just wasn't their thing.
    So they go and see the Devil -- .png.
    Using .png as opposed to .jpg in photographic images does absolutely nothing but increase the filesize -- often five to ten times the size of the .jpg. To make it even worse, there is minimal gain in quality.
    Back to the BBC Forum. When you use .png, less people view your MOCs. When you enter a BBC contest, you lose votes. Just because of the file extension and long load time of your entry picture. Not everyone has high-speed internet. I for one still use dial-up. Pity me.
    In fact, the BBC contest staff have discussed banning .png images from the contests.
    Use .jpg. Let the Devil be a Devil outside of the BBC Forum.
  20. Kex
    Away - Breaking Benjamin

    Cold am I
    I'm beside myself
    Because there's no one else
    Have I grown so blind
    Only God could save you
    If you knew your way to the light
    So fly away
    And leave it behind
    Just stay awake
    There's nowhere to hide
    I see you cause you won't get out of my way
    I hear you cause you won't quit screaming my name
    I feel you cause you won't stop touching my skin
    I need you they're coming to take you away
    Frail and dry
    I could lose it all
    But I cannot
    Recall it all wrong
    Don't cry
    Clear away this hate
    And we can start to make it alright
    So fly away
    And leave it behind
    Return someday
    With red in your eyes
    I see you cause you won't get out of my way
    I hear you cause you won't quit screaming my name
    I feel you cause you won't stop touching my skin
    I need you they're coming to take you away
    This song is about the hardships of wanting someone so badly and knowing you can't have them. They were yours, and you, theirs. You went through it all. The relationship was amazing. Nothing was better. You just fit together.
    Now that the relationship is over, you sit, alone, thinking of what you could've changed. You think of what you screwed up, and you wish you hadn't done the things you'd done. It surrounds your every thought. You dream of her. You hurt for her. But you don't dare call her, you don't dare try to fix it. There is no fixing it. It's all gone and it's your fault. You can pretend to pin it to her, but you know the truth inside. So you are going crazy, sitting alone. You loathe yourself, because you don't want to feel this way. You know you're stronger than this, but it's tearing your insides out. That voice in your head just keeps screaming. So you have to get it out. You have to let it go. So you write it out. You put a melody to it. A song is born.
  21. Kex
    Starting yesterday, the album has been available for preview on a few different sites. I've been listening for a good chunk of today, and I'm very pleased with this album. I've been waiting for it all summer, and I can definitely say it lived up to my expectations. It's scheduled to hit stores on August eighth. All Target stores will be selling the album for $9.98 -- you won't find it anywhere else cheaper. The first pressing of the CD will contain an exclusive fourteenth bonus track: an acoustic version of The Diary of Jane. After that, it'll be deleted from future pressings. Be sure to pick up this CD as soon as you can. I'll leave you with a quote from Ben Burnley.

  22. Kex
    Cause the Empress said so. So I'm pimping the BBC Forum.
    Firstly and foremostly, BBC Contest 38 has started a few days early. You'll have to see it to believe it. Be sure to read all the rules -- many have been added and changed!
    Demonspawn Nuparu has also been unleashed, and has taken over the Latest Creation area of my blog.
  23. Kex
    Well, yeah. The party was shut down tonight: BZPower's fifth anniverary officially came to a close. As the staff sweep up the confetti and mop up the forum, the members just stare in amazement asking themselves where those blasted rank images went off to. Short answer? Janus ate them.
    I hope everyone enjoyed their premier perks while they lasted. But now, I laugh at each of you who shoved my blog to the back pages, and can now no longer access your blog.
  24. Kex
    You heard right. A teaser for BBC contest #38 has been posted in the BBC Forum by our very own BR. Be sure to check it out, and come back see what all the commotion is about on August first. This will be the sixth contest I've assisted in, and I have to say that I'm really looking forward to this one. You're all in for a big surprise, and an awesome contest.
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