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Posts posted by banana92

  1. ever since I first saw the pictures, whether in German Lego magazines, on walmart websites, I knew it had to exist, but I never had any proof. Today I received an email from the Lego group themselves pertaining to a question I asked just days ago, and indeed did they confirm my suspicions, that infect there was at least two transparent blue NOBEL RAU (and also great rau, as they specified) unfortunately, from there on out I the message was like when you order something online "Since the bionicle line is no longer being made... ...Try visiting [insert website] to buy the piece you are looking for" sp as for the whereabouts, it's a dead end, but it's good to know it either existed, or still is out there, somewhere, in the end, I vow to own such a mask, but to any in search of there own kanohi one-of-a-kind, good luck, and for now, I'll stick with my copper komau.

  2. As a life-long tabletop wargamer, I think I know where Banana's coming from. Although I appreciated how LEGO tried to build an arena combat system into their sets, it didn't play that well. The game hinged on aiming with Thornax launchers, and while I know launchers were the big gimmick LEGO had incorporated for years, even TLR shows Vastus and Tarix ditching their launchers after the second shot and fighting hand-to-hand.


    So, Banana. I groove what you're going for, here. I really like how you've included the Agori, even if they're basically meat shields! I'm hoping the pictures go public soon because I'd like to see what you mean by "towers". If you're interested, I'd recommend looking into some actual tabletop gladiator wargames. Here's a few I found with a quick google search, and I know there's more:


    "Gladiator" by Avalon Hill"Morituri te Salutant!" by Gladiator Games"Gladiator Wars" by West Wind (?)"Hail Caesar!" by Melees Gloriosus"Gladiators" by Fantasy Games Unlimited"Rudis, the Wooden Sword" by Ian Beck"Habet, Hoc Habet!" by Flagship games


    Some of these are free to download. Habet, Hoc Habet! is free, and I've played it before. Most of these are based around one-on-one or small group combat, and have rules for different weapons, fighting styles, thrown weapons (aka Thornax), and everything else you need for a Gladiatorial throw-down. They're meant for use with fine scale miniature figures, but could be easily adapted to fit Glatorian.


    That said, if you click on your image in Brickshelf, click on it AGAIN, and then copy+paste the URL, you can "deep link" to the image without waiting for it to go public. Trust me, I didn't know about that either for the longest time >_<



    - Heir

    in parenthesis (spell?) is the link to the not public folder, for when it goes public, but all the links below that are deep linked,

    Anywho, i love games that aren't systematic (like computer games of ps3, and stuff) i like board games, games you partecipate in with interaction, and my favorite is capture the flag, my goal here was to make every event in this game benefit you, but also benefit the other player, because as far as the original glatorian game goes, it gets easier as you progress, and even though the agori are meat shields (a great way to put it, i laughed) they do serve some other perpose, the game relies on gambling as well (not money, i mean taking chances) like, defend, and hope they don't shoot past your agori and hit you, or, choose to attack with your agori and add damage, but that increases the chane of the other player hitting you, also starting at 10 feet away, which is reliably the maximum distance that the thornatus shoots is a good way to start the game and make it harder, but i kept the idea of moving where you shoot the ball, because that makes you think twice, and maybe even perposely miss them to run away, i suggest playing on a carpet, but tables or wood floors also work, and lastly, the towers are more of tripods, they are both the thornatus launchers, the glatorian life counters, and the agori life counters, (oddly enough i included poor quality pictures of them, but they do not do the "towers" aka tripods justice, see the best part about this game, you don't have to play with standard glatorian, you can use toa, or titans, just so long as you can adiquately defend them, the glatorians (or toa, titins, etc.) are more of a representation of your team, unfortunatly i didn't explain the setup exatly right, the game starts in the form of an "X" almost, you have your agori (up to 3) and glatorian behind them, they glatorian have to be 10 feet away (this is no science, it doesn't need to be exact, just guess) and the towers are about 6 inces to the side of your glatorian, their setup is the same, but mirrored so your team, and thier tream face eachother, and so your agori are in line with their tripod (so they can defend well) ,so a better representation is if you split the literal letter "X" into ">" and split that into "" (try visualizing this, like having an X shaped cake, and cutting the four legs off it at it's center (just trying to be thorough) the top left most leg "" would be your tower, the top right most leg "/" would be thier tower, the bottom left most leg "/" would be your agori and glatorian behind them, and the lower right leg "" would be thier agori and glatorian so that your tower lines up with thier team (this may be really confusing) basically this inhibits you from shooting your own glatorian in the back of the head, though i'm sure there are a few talented people who will still manage to do that lol. ok, the agori life counter is new, so i don't have pictures, however it is the same as they ones that came with the original glatorian sets (the wheel with the metru chest) it has 6 life on it (5 and the skull) every 2 lives equal 1 agori, and you get 3, 2 times 3 is 6 (actually it's 48,295,674,949.3 to me) but you don't need the counter, you can keep track in you head i'm sure, the tower (tripod) accompleses to things, i made it so it would always be stable, and so it would hold the gun about as high as a typical glatorian stands, plus about 1/2 inch, and in the center you see 5 colored bohrok eyes, and one white bohrok eye, that is the life counter as explained before, now the only thing to know is that when you turn it, it only turns counter clockwise (or only clockwise depending on the build) and makes a noticable click for every life that it turns, this will prevent cheating hopefully. that is about all, i hope more people came out understanding this, that people getting more confused, i tend to do that.

  3. this may be weird, but i never liked the stright forwardness of the glatorian action figure game (i'll abbriviate as gafg) moving to where the ball bounced was a good idea, but it didn't just put you closer to them, it put them closer to you, a bit redundent... say no more, i have created what i think is a better version of the game, so here it goes


    players: 1 glatorian (6 life), and up to 3 agori (2 life each)

    2 phase attacks

    phase 1, agori: attack, or defend (also sacrifice or revive) which i will get to later

    attack: adds one damage to your ammo (the thornatus you shoot in phase 2)


    defend: place your agori in front of your glatorian (all 3 if you have three, also, you might want to give him a shield) now when the other player attacks, if they hit your agori, the one they hit loses one of their 2 lives


    however, if they pass your agori, and hit your glatorian, the glatorian still loses a life,


    so now to sacrifice and revive

    sacrifice/revive: you gain one life for every life your agori sacrifices, you can go no higher than 6, and you cannot gain more than 2 life per turn, (must be from the same agori), if you choose to revive (beneficial for agori attack) your glatorian loses 1 life, and the agori is revived with 1 life, not 2, this does not count as a phase, so you are free to attack,


    first player to lose their glatorian loses,


    lastly, i have created 2 towers that show how much life each player has by turning a gear that locks in 6 positions you can go to my brickshelf page when it is public (http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?f=525745), or look here http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/banana92/The-Game/damage_counters_white_team_and_black_team, or http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/banana92/The-Game/damage_counter_with_gun, or http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/banana92/The-Game/damage_counter_with_gun_2 and lastly http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/banana92/The-Game/rear_damage_counter, the main thing you need is a wheel (just like the silver one with the life counter that comes with the glatorian in fact, i used a black one, the bohrok eyes in the front show the life you have left,

    (white = 6, dark green = 5, lime green = 4, yellow = 3, orange = 2, red = 1, and back to white = 0)

    my towers are a bit elabrate, but that is ok

    so now rules

    your glatorian need to be approx. 10 feet apart, the agori can be anywhere you like around him/her

    the tower/shooter will be behind your glatorian, and must remain there, it does not move,

    your glatorian will move after you shoot the thornatus from your tower/shooter (not from your glatorian) and the glatorian will move to where the thornatus lands, no matter if you hit or miss your target


    now, the reason your agori attack is added to your shooter is because if you miss, your agori's attack will do nothing, making it a gamble, your glatorian normally does 1 damage, so it would be 2 damage if your agori attack and you hit your target.


    if you choose to defend, than put your agori in a defence position to block as much of the glatorian as possible, the agori don't matter, the glatorian does, also you may want to crouch the glatorian down, but he/she must remain on 2 feet. if you defend, and your glatorian is hit, than he still loses a life, also note, that if you have no agori, and are at or below 2 health, your glatorian may shoot his or her launcher during phase 1 (so you may attack twice if you meet both restrictions), but you only move to where the tower/shooter ball lands.


    now, the tower counter is controlled by a gear in the back, as i stated, it locks in 6 positions and only turns counter clockwise (or clockwise if you mirror the build) also it makes a pretty noticable click when it is turned, so no cheating.


    that's all i can think of, if you have any questions, or feel i forgot something, ask, and if you want to try it, feel free, and have fun, your tower doesn't have to be as complex as mine, (it can even be the regular glatorian wheel) but both players must be able to see it, and it must remain in full view, i suggest the shooter tower though so that the gun is stationary and the game is more fun.



  4. i dislike almost everything after 2005, but 2009 showed some potential with older colors coming back, (though i didn't like the non function of the sets, and most vehicles that year, and the simple build of the expensive agori/av-toran, i have to say the bohrok was my favorite real wave, think anout it in realistic terms, thousands upon thousands of creatures that are fast, work in numbers, draw from the elements, can roll, along with being the only evil line with helpers (bohrok va), plus they could take control of thier opponent, and also bohrok-kal had their elements plus a secondary power... oh and don't forget the bahrag, anything with 15 teeth packed in a head that small is scarry lol (plus the sound of them when you pull the trigger is just brutal) but lastly because the bohrok had substance, the rahkshi were nice, but the colors got old fast, and sense that color scheme (main color and dark gray) took hold of bionicle so many times, it really got old, so bohrok was fresh, lastly because the head movement was simple and new, as well as powerful... what more can i say (i do like the piraka a little bit because of their secondary colors being so rare).

  5. Edited the Office, are there any new ones coming soon?

    I have 6 more ready to post, however my computer is being funky, so it'll wait a few days, they are rahaga pouks, gukko (no jaller), the Kahu bird, a fantastic Nui-Rama, a Fusa, all of which are rahi, and lehrak, they'll be up ASAP
  6. This is an impressive collection you have assembled, dear sir. It seems to be a group of Bionicle fish and some more orthodox humanoid creations. Of the fish, I particularly like the yellow one, which is simple yet elegant. Of the humanoid creations, I am partial to the one with the Nuparu Mahri mask of stealth. The only drawback to these pictures was that I had to look sideways to get a good look at them. Still, these are some good MoC's.


    Sincerely, :akaku: X-Ray :akaku:

    thank you very much X-Ray, the yellow "fish" which is actually a sea turtle, but your interpritation is your own, is the simplest of the three underwater creatures, it is literally an av-matoran style body with three yellow bital wings and 2 yellow kiina shoulder fins, but indeed it is elegant, though it is both yellow and light orange (a combonation i rarely used) the maroon and red fish is the smallest, and yet is very complex/simple. the oddest part is that on a picture of the underside (the red clawed inika foot) you see 2 black ballpegs (like for the bohrok, used for rubberbands) they clip in the kalmah foot perfectly to keep the tail stright, an ingenious solution if i do say so myself. lastly, the "humanoid" with the mask of stealth (volitak) is named Victuronun, and i have since fixed his legs, (and given him new weapons) i have now updated my folder if you wish to see the new legs, also i have added a 'birds and insects' folder which consists of a few mocs as well as 3 original sets from the 10023 master builders set, it was a build of all of the birds of mata-nui but i rebuilt most of them to improve there looks, or give them a function, or both, or even done complete rebuilds, the nams of each are included so they can be compaired to thier original counter part, except for the MOCs which have no original lol. enjoy :)

  7. i figured i had good enough mocs to share around, some are under water style mocs like a squid, fish, and sea turtle (in that order) others are game characters, some are my own, un influenced MOCs, and one is a technic street bike retake. figured you all might like to see them for inspiration and tecnique. note they are all pictures taken with an ipod, so quality may not be the best

    http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?f=523901 let me know what you think, or if you have questions, or your own thoughts, then tell.

    (also i just built Victuronun late last night, so he may be slightly revised -mainly the knees, for armor)

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