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Status Updates posted by Franco

  1. EDIT: CONT.: Doesn't feel right.

  2. Sorry, mon, but it's a no go. Zar forced a vote (albeit a justified one) and Razgriz and you will not be in any triumvirate.

  3. Oi, a most gracious day of giving thanks a tu, mi amigo =P



  5. Anyways, thou art awesome! You've finally stopped screaming and realized the benefits of being me! :D

  6. Zuko, KEEL HEEM! *Zuko lobs fireball*

  7. Well, it is gradually. I just pick up whatever I hear in Latin or Greek and look it up if I can't figure out what it means. For example, the only way that I found the name of my epic is thanks to Lloyd: The White Wolf's Darkspace RPG subtitle. Since I couldn't figure out what it meant, exactly, I

    googled it.

  8. Kk, Cap'n Raz of Berry.

  9. 'Solidarity' is a bite of text representing a good and large bite of reality.

  10. That's because I just came out of hiding :P

    But due to my latest decree, we can't have a rivalry anymore

    :( Sad.

  11. Welcome to BZP!

    BTW, what's worng with Guitar Hero?

  12. And so it begins...The dice have been rolled. The fates have been set. The different peoples now begin their inexorable slide into the chaos of collision.

  13. Welcome to BZP!

  14. Phogu: *brofists back* Yeah. I just hope he doesn't replace me *gulps, accidentally swallowing half Mangai's EPICON* Whoops. Anyways,

    Mang also sez that now that he found the awesomeness of true ninja weapinz, he's gonna give this dude some. He didn't say which, but lately he's been ranting about Kusarigamas, so I think I have a good idea.

  15. I'm not sure whether to laugh, or to shoot my patented KilGlair3000 at you. =P

  16. Your interests make me lol.

    On a side note...


  17. Um, dude, the leverage in your argument is completely pointless. For one thing, you can't kill a char if its creator wants you not to (it's in the rules). For another, this is an RPG, not APG-unless if you G-mode while doing that, I won't make a fuss.

  18. NO!


    I was thinking of maybe making a dude with magnesium, but I guess not now...

  19. 'Ere it comes. If Romulus has any sense, he'll crawl away to his conveniently hidden concrete bunker aboard and hope Aexias' nuclear wrath can't penetrate it.

  20. I won't be using the forums on November 11th.

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