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Blog Comments posted by Franco

  1. No, no, no. Though your ideas are great, they can't compare to the final cut, which must be 7 1/2. To prove why, I'll quote Edgar & Ellen:


    ...Every good prankster must know 7 1/2 ways to use any given object at any time.


    ...Or something like that.




    But wouldn't knowing more than 7 1/2 ways to use any given object at any time be more beneficial?


    Not exactly. If you know more when you really need to know one, you might get confused and used one that is sub-par. For example, when you are trapped between an angry Zar with a lightsaber and a hard place, it would be quite obviously foolish to draw a mustache on the Statue of Liberty. Instead, shoot the said pencil out of a bow past him after you attach a hastily scribbled message and run like cark. That way, even if the message is even more insulting than what you already said, at least he's distracted for roughly 2.63 seconds.



  2. The COMPLETE list:


    1. Twilight-character-slaying (die, Edward and Jacob!)

    2. Drumstick (BOOM-DA-BOOM!)

    3. Swordfighting (they make fine gladiuses, you know)

    4. Lever for gigantic catapult (besiege your friends!)

    5. Chuck it like a javelin (did I just peg your nose? Whoops, sorry)

    6. Attach a message to it and shoot it near the intended reciever (if your message is not particularly... savory, then retreat with all speed (e.g. "run like cark"))

    7. Whirl it like a windmill to deflect bullets (unfortunately, this one only works if you are starring in a highly unrealistic movie)

    7 1/2. Write messages to aliens on the ground (cornfields make awfully nice places to do this one)

    8. Draw a REALLY BIG picture (preferably on a REALLY BIG sheet of paper)

    9. Draw a mustache on the Statue of Liberty (so fun)

    10. Erase your enemies (die, Twilight fans!)

    11. Win the Olympic pole-vault (remember to brace the eraser against the ground, not the point)

    12. Ultimate weight-lifting (impress potential girlfriends!)



    Use it as a baseball bat and accidentally erase the ball. Everyone will think you hit it clean out of the park! :D


    No, no, no. Though your ideas are great, they can't compare to the final cut, which must be 7 1/2. To prove why, I'll quote Edgar & Ellen:


    ...Every good prankster must know 7 1/2 ways to use any given object at any time.


    ...Or something like that.



  3. Name: Aero

    Species: Toa of Air

    Armor: Dark Green and Black with gray Protosteel armor.

    Description: After serving on the Mangai team, Aero wandered off Metru Nui. He was ambushed by Nidhiki on his way out and had to fake his death to throw him off course. In the end, he never contact Lhikan about the impending danger since he suffered from a memory loss and only knew his name and that he was a toa. He is a general calm fellow. He likes to think logically but will let his darker half take over when in battle. (Kind of like Simon when he was younger for all you Gurren Lagann fans.)

    Weapon: He reforged Nidhiki's scythe into twin katanas.

    Mask: Mask of Speed.




    That's great, but I think I forgot something that messes the bio up slightly. All chars have to come from the island, nowhere else. Sorry for not making that clear.


    Anyways, if you have to, you could always edit it right when they start, just in case if you want to put more detail in :psychotwitch:

  4. Uh...


    I'll quote meself and EW:


    QUOTE(Toa Yakuzan @ Dec 31 2010, 09:02 PM)

    QUOTE(Razgriz 1 @ Dec 31 2010, 08:56 PM)

    Yep. Everything is starting over.Yep. Everything is starting over.

    Okay, if that's the case, does it mean it's a totally new area too?



    To quote EW:



    It'll be a reboot, etc. No advanced tech, just stuff at a Mata Nui-level and no steam technology. Species will be restricted to Toa, Turaga, Matoran, Rahkshi, Skakdi, Spherus species, and custom species aren't allowed. Options for elements are the canonical ones, excluding Psionics. Makuta masks are banned, but the Expanded Universe ones are allowed.


    The Xa-Kuta society will return as a Mauta-worshiping cult, but whether or not it will use the magical powers of the Xa-Kuta we've come to know is unknown.


    EDIT: Whoops, forgot to add: taking place on an island like Mata Nui. As in, it'll have koros and stuff.


    That's all we have so far. So, yes, new place.


    And the rules will likely be a bit like this.


  5. OOC:


    OOC: Ok, so Hatter retreated? One down, one to go.


    Aexias disagrees with you :P


    @Krayz: Thanks! I love this char ^_^ And, uh, sure, I guess. Only prob: we're going to probly have something like 8 dudes, at this rate.


    IC: The words were cold, fierce.


    "I never retreet."


    Turning, Kinika saw Aexias standing in her fencing pose, small sword aimed at him, a few bios away.


    "I am meerly waiting. But az eet zeemz that your partnur ees not cuming for a vhile, I zhall fight yoo."


    She stalked towards him gracefully, keeping the sword aimed at Kinika.

  6. EDIT: OOC: "...And a happy New Year! Now...


    Bring us some figgy pudding, now bring us some figgy pudding, and bring it right here!"




    IC: Meanwhile, Aexias, seeing the light bolts rush towards her, leapt up and onto the wall. Sticking her small sword into it, she waited for the attack to pass, then headed back towards the arena entrance.

  7. IC: Aexias rolled her eyes and shot at her foe with some spellbinder vision-after all, it didn't hurt to take precautions. She readied her fencing stance, sideways as to make herself less of a target, elbow at hip, with hand and sword pointing horizontally towards Kinika, and her other hand on her hip facing away from the fight.


    But then she heard something like footsteps and frowned.


    Another one?


    Turning, Aexias pivoted on her back foot so as not to lose her position, and faced the arena door. Whoever was coming, they obviously weren't trying to conceal themselves...

  8. IC: Aexias simply smiled-


    -Then the wall of light hit her-


    -Or hit where she had been-


    -Because she stepped out of the wall, grinning from ear to ear.


    "I call zis," she said, "My 'zub-zero vreak' zpecial."


    And then her eyes shot twin beams of energy at Kinika's head, and a small sword was headed towards his chest, driving downwards.


    OOC: Intangibility powers=cool. I still wouldn't pick them over illusions, but still, cool.

  9. IC: Aexias shrugged off her cloak, baring her shoulders, then cautiously probed the spinning defenses of Kinika, thrusting quickly with her sword, then drawing back, only to thrust in another area. But he was spinning too fast to get a good lock on.


    Mentally, she smiled. Then she continued to probe, again cautiously poking in at different parts of the defense of her opponent.


    OOC: Aexias' not dumb, she just likes to create that impression :P

  10. OOC: Yeah, Raz is right. Though I'm not sure how Kinika knows that his second opponent is an Ice Skakdi just yet...


    IC: There was a blur of motion near the sitting figure's arm-


    -and the light dagger fell to the ground.


    It became apparent to the watcher's startled eyes that a small sword had been produced in the cloaked being's hand where none had been seconds before.


    Languidly rising, a feline predator whose rest had been disturbed, Aexias made her slow, hypnotic way towards the other two combatants, holding the small sword before her in perfect poise...

  11. IC: "Yes," confirmed Aexias neutrally, not looking up from her blades. "Ees my art, my life." She had no real pre-combat exercises, so she simply tucked her blades away again and sprung up sprightly. "And I see that yoo are a varrior, too," she said, observing Jolek. Although his style would have looked like a simple dance to less experienced eyes, Aexias was not new to the art of combat. Drawing her cloak around herself once more, Aexias sat again in a meditative pose, though in reality, she was simply watching. Watching and waiting.

  12. IC: "Vell, then," the Skakdi sat down on her cloak, legs crossed, "I vill vait. And," she intoned dramatically, "I vill educate them in the art of ze blade." With that, she produced two small swords and a handkerchief from her jumpsuit and began to fuss over her weapons.


    OOC: Jsyk, the 'small sword' I'm talking about is the descendant of the rapier, not a literally small sword.

  13. IC: The being was a periwinkle cloaked and hooded, toa-like figure, who seemed to float as it made its graceful way towards Jolek. ITs movements were mesmerizing, and he found it a hard time taking his eyes off the cloak.


    Finally stopping, the being shrugged its shoulders, dropping the cloak to reveal a lithe Skakdi in a jumpsuit the same color as the cloak. "Zo, I am to be vighting yoo? Or are ve helping each other?" She turned up her nose at the thought. "Vichever eet ees, vhere are vhe other vighters?," continued the Skakdi, contempt filling her voice at the thought of being late. "I do not vant to vight uncultured barbarians," she finished haughtily.


    OOC: Did I mention Aexias has an accent? :P


    EDIT: Fine by me, Raz.

  14. Yeah, that's likely what krayz had to change. Maybe the mask too?




    I liked it when he could teleport...




    Anyways, I've suggested it before, but what would guys say to a round of mock combat, so you can sort of get a feel for it?


    I'm fine. Anyone up to me using a profile I'll use next year as the "training 'bot", though?


    EDIT: It'll be basically this gal:


    Name: Aexias

    Species: Skakdi of Ice

    Gender: Female

    Alignment: Chaotic

    Appearance: Aexias often travels in a periwinkle-blue cloak with a hood, but if the situation requires it, she takes it off, revealing her jumpsuit. Aexias’ jumpsuit is also periwinkle, but with white highlights. Hidden at the hip of the jumpsuit, Aexias wears her two small swords. She also wears white gloves and boots, and carries a tissue in a pocket at her thigh. Although her race is normally ugly to others, Aexias is attractive in a kind of exotic way. Her spine sticks out above her jumpsuit, and like all Skakdi, Aexias has red eyes. Finally, her face is white, revealing her true element.

    Powers: Aexias is a Skakdi of Ice, meaning she can harness that power in conjunction with another Skakdi. Her vision power is spellbinder vision, meaning that she can shoot beams of energy from her eyes that disorient opponents when they are hit. Finally, Aexias’ last power is the ability to turn intangible temporarily, in short bursts of a few seconds at a time.

    Weapons/Tools: Aexias’ wields two extremely specialized small swords. These swords have no guard at the hilt and, thus, can be concealed more easily. However, if need be, Aexias will generate ice basket-hilts for the blades. Each one is a work of art, made from pure protosteel.

    She has a almost extreme obsession with keeping them clean, and always wipes them with her handkerchief after battle.

    Fighting Style: Aexias is a fencer, elegant and composed. She believes that footwork and composure are an important part of swordfighting (which she considers an art) and absolutely detests anyone who has sloppy composure or movements when they fight. Her blades move gracefully and quickly in many series of confusing feints and patterns as she attacks or defends with only negligent flicks of her wrist to power them into opponents. Her fighting style focuses on using minimal energy, and thus, she parries easily, or slightly sidesteps blows, all the while attacking with minimal loss of endurance. To make up for the fact that her fighting style is not the best against multiple opponents, she wields two blades. However, the main weakness of her fighting style is that her blows have no power compared to most others-they are quick and elegant, to be sure, but series of power strokes will batter them away, forcing her to retreat. She often incorporates her powers into fighting, if possible, by confusing and disorienting her opponents so that they become easy prey to her thrusts and cuts, along with temporarily turning intangible to retreat, avoid being hit, or to ambush opponents through walls. If there is a friendly Skakdi in the area, she sometimes immobilizes her prey with ice, or covers the ground with it, causing them to slip and fall as they attempt to keep up with her staccato bladework.


    Although I don't have the bio, that isn't really needed for fighting.

  15. I did my char's profile a while ago. I think this sounds interesting, so let me know if I can PM it to you and then join the team.


    Fine by me. Just remember: this group is not going to "always have been there", it's going to rise to power at the beginning of the year.


    Raz: yeah, I think that's it. Realism, realism, rea-


    Oh, wait. One last thing:


    - Teleportation powers do NOT equal a free pass!

    A personal favorite of many, and a personal gripe for everyone else. This makes the Top Five easily. It’s one thing to move quickly from one location to another, or shot jaunts between buildings, or even messing with the head of an opponent during battle. This however DOES NOT give you the right for hit and run, bases particularly. Is it fair that one person, who has spent a lot of time, effort, and time working with his organization, when all it takes is one person who can teleport a squad of crazies to go “Let’s blow something up!” *zap* “Oooohh! Main control center! Mines! Guns! Grenades! Explosives! C4! Grandma’s Fruit Cake!” *bang bang boom* “Uh-oh! It’s gonna collapse! Bye! *zap*


    This goes in conjunction with base invasions above. How in the world did you know where the main controls were? Armory? Database? Kitchen for snacks on the way out? Are you aware that you also disregarded everything that has been previously discussed including the victim’s privacy? This leads to the next point-


    Common Sense dictates that:

    - There is NO such thing as instantaneous and omniscient intel

    Unless you have taken the grand tour, or have managed to steal a current blueprint of a building, how to you know that the room isn’t a wall? Or a vat of toxic liquid verses a laboratory? Perhaps it’s the vicious animal pen than the shield controls? How do you know you’re gonna appear in the library? You could just as well imprison yourself in the brig for all you know.


    - Plans are NOT perfect!

    The second extension of the Physics/Logic conundrum. While plans are good, they cannot possibly predict every possible outcome, especially if you’re matching wits against an equal. There comes a time in battle where your “prediction” or how you wormed out of something hits the Ridiculous Factor. I mean, its one thing to come prepared to fight a necromancer that has a fascination with zombies; shotgun, crowbar, and a few friends with a workable strategy will win out almost every time. Its another to come prepared for that necromancer who secretly took over a circus, and now you has demented clowns coming after you, their baggy clothing making most of your weapons useless, but aha! I have Zombie Clown Repellent… in a bottle. Never leave home without it. Seriously folks, did you happen to lean back and read it as objectively as possible, or did you decide to disregard whether or not this was getting rather over the top? Sometime while clever, it elicits an “Aww, come on! LAAAAME!”; Ridiculousness 1, Brainpower 0.



    Common Sense dictates that:

    - It’s ok and natural not to win

    There are winners, and there are losers, but you are never, or rarely, either one all the time. You don’t have to always win the battles to win the war, and “sometimes cowards live”, to quote a famous Decepticon. There is ALWAYS someone better than you out there, so take your defeat like a man and swallow some of that over-sized ego and pride you have been lugging around. There are just some things you can’t do, places you can’t go, people you can’t influence or talk to; it’s a fact. You can get captured, you can’t always escape, but sometimes you pull one out from under your opponent for the epic win. So take a chill pill, take hold of your limits, and realize that there are just some things out of reach. After all, we’re only human.


    Credit to all this goes to Friar Tuck, the dude in charge of running the BZPRPG.


  16. I like the idea of a family, seems like something new. As for against the Xa-Koro church, I think that is a must as well. Besides that I don't really have any others ideas. Maybe it could me a mix of Toa and Matoran, like the Matoran are the younger members of the family?



    -Jild was here


    Well, I was thinking more like a group of friends that have evolved into a family. Not literally, of course, but you know...A bit like a gang. That would mean they could come from any race. Although I do like your idea, Jild, we'll just have to wait and see if it turns out that way. Besides, Mangai-Hau will probably be a "little brother" even without being a matoran.

  17. Well, no one has really worked that out yet XP


    However, I'm guessing the chars are going to be in almost a sort of "family" relationship, mainly banding together for survival, and that they're going to be good- or neutral-aligned, as well as quite possibly chaotic-aligned. I would guess, as well, that they may be going against Xa-Koro, but again, we haven't worked much out about this one yet ^_^ What do you think, guys? What I said is just what I feel, not what you feel, necessarily.

  18. *sigh* see, all you guys know each other already, and have actually RP'd before. Do you think there'll be a team for noobs that I might be less likely to embarrass myself in??


    Look, Ads, don't get all confused. Even if you do embarass yourself, it doesn't matter. No one will kill you for accidentally G-modding or anything. And if you're getting confused by all the names we're tossing around, I can just give you the profiles for the dudes.




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