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Blog Comments posted by Franco

  1. I agree that we should. I don't agree that we should set it up now.


    For starters, is there a consensus on where the school is going? I haven't been following the discussion topic that much.


    As well, who will have chars teaching what? I suppose I'll put a modified Naara (found in my blog in a preview) in teaching elemental control, seeing as someone else 's claiming martial arts at this rate x3


    -The Fearless Leader

  2. After I'd god-modded and super-saiyan'd Ishi past the point of no return, I decided it was time for another, more humbling character instead of my all-powerful midget mage.


    Oh, 'e wasn't 'at bad xP


    Fraashion felt like the character out of a kung-fu movie who could do anything and beat anyone, as long as she had a cup of tea waiting for her on the other side of the room.


    Lol, it's only now that I can see that. I agree.


    Still overpowered and crazed as could be


    Oh, DEVIL TAKE IT ALL! It wasn't half as bad as you're saying it was if memory serves.


    I felt happy to see them both go, but I cried a little when I realized I'd forgotten to save any of their stories on a word document.


    Hush, little Kughii, don'tcha cry./There's these things called the archives.









    The reboot of January 2011 was a blast. During the down-time of the RPG I'd been in almost constant contact with Friar Tuck working on a special character who later became known as Kriigata. I was done playing the good-guy and wanted a change of pace. My seeing the legality of a mask of reanimation keyed in on the thought of a evil toa who gave up her element and went about raising the dead. Kriigata, in all her sadistic and masochistic glory, arose from this one simple thought and reared her mighty head as soon as the game reopened, with Joske Nimil, a high inquisitor played by Friar Tuck, chasing after her in search of a tome of spells she'd stolen. Eventually, I had to leave the game due to life and the more pressing issues of education, and so Kriigata faded into the distance, imprisoned on a small island and tortured in near-death stasis. I was happy to see she at least went out with a bang, taking several blocks of ko-koro with her.

    During the reboot I had also created several other characters. I attempted, and later gave up on, a wiry, le-toroan version of Ishi who was more akin to Robin Hood than the fantastic alchemist of the year before, mainly due to his sudden lack of magic or alchemy. I played around with a swashbuckling pirate named Gabel, who ended up not much more than a sleeping beserker on a pirate ship.




    I had yet to make a character who was mentally stable.





    This year's Kriigata is different from January's in many points. She doesn't wear a tryna, is somewhat childish, didn't speak matoran for a long time, and wields a strange weapon called a "spring-scythe" instead of the razor shield and mace of her first incarnation. The Kriigata of this reboot is a "prologue" of the original, and I do intend to make her the beautifully sadistic prophet she once was. However, how she comes to such a form is yet to be seen...


    Lol, I most greatly anticipate the moment when she realizes she's being taught by an Obi-Wan of all things. But I still anticipate her becoming a sadist prophet even more.


    I will admit I drew several pulls from anime when creating him, especially from Jiraiya-sama from Naruto. The old man's perversive qualities in the anime seemed to scream: "Amazing old geezer who must be Ishi 3!"


    Hahaha...So THAT'S what the sandals and manner of speaking were all aboot, me laddie!


    SO, in the hypocritical way of my life, I decided to draw inspiration from a source besides my own creative juices for once.


    Yep. Of course, YOU'D never steal ANYTHING from anime on a regular basis.




    TBH, I feel a lot like even creative juices are built on other sources. So it's still drawing inspiration from them, just unconsciously.


    Disclaimer: Yeah, that's just my opinion. FER NAOW.




    Actually, I should probably call back on the Assassination forms and see if I can revoke my transaction with The Dark Chronicler. Otherwise, I'll be stuck role-playing a 60 year old man walloping a would be assassin with a hammer-stick. Nah, I can put off contacting TDC for another day or two.




    Draeverian's entire character actually came about from one of the wierdest and most unlikely places: my computer bag. It's an older black computer back, with a sizable girth and weight when I stick my old iBook g4 into it, and I always have this sensation that I should really try and weight-lift before I go walking from school with the sucker on my back. About two weeks ago I was wearing the computer bag, it's case bonking my rear as I was running down a hill towards my home, when I had a single ray of "where the heck did you come from" thought:


    Mother of all sword sheathes.


    I have never really had that happen to me. I suppose it's probably because I create chars subconsciously based on what media I last ingested.



    In all, I really have had a fantastic time playing and creating these characters. I can't wait to see where they go next, and what new characters await in the years to come.

    Lulalright. Can't wait to see what you come up with, either.


    But, hey.


    Do note that if you ever do so happen to use with an Argentinan Lightning toa with a Calix, sanjiegun, chakram, Drunken Monkey, and ONE FREAKIN' BIG FLASK OF VODKA who just so happens to be a granma...


    Then I'll snipe you down for intellectual theft.


    Have fun.




    -The Fearless Leader

  3. Yeah, you won't be able to call it 'New Jianheim' even if you want to...That'll be being built by the remnants of the army on its site (that is, if stockades are allowed).


    Of course, they could always merge the two. I actually think Keinju will prefer that, considering it enhances both forces' power and defensive capabilities when attacked. Not to mention the bonuses of sharing elements, crops, and knowledge.


    -The Fearless Leader

  4. E, whatever. Guess I'll try this.


    Knife & Edge-1/5

    I haven't really done anything with them yet. I just can't find any chars they would think newbs enough to consider them as prey.



    Two words: Takimoc's dream. He can fly my ROFLcopter any day.



    Chill. Especially good in combination with Takimoc.



    Gotta say I love playing him. His antithetical relations with his sister as a char only serves to make his personality shine more brightly, and his fights are chill. Plus, there's always high-speed hobbling and 'Toa of Pushups' for comedy.


    The Captain-10/10

    A challenge to write, but highly rewarding to see in action. I can't play him enough. Especially considering he's only been in one real fight scene.



    Nice char to write, and quite interesting. Something of a challenge as well. Fell victim to comedification, however.



    Stoics are chill (pardon the pun). Unfettereds are fun. And guys who are seriously just cool by themselves-not to mention hypercompetent sidekicks-are great.


    -The Fearless Leader

  5. I think this guy will be a supporting character.


    Name: Zuki

    Gender: Male

    Species: Mutant member of Ehlek's species

    Appearance: Zuki looks like this, but with a few differences: He wears no armor except on his groin, face, hands (not including fingers), forearms and wrists, where the armor is thicker than all of the above; his skin is mottled green and brown in color and with perpetual mud and swamp plants hanging from it; he wears a face-covering mask shaped like an Elda; and is without a squid launcher and the talons. Strangely enough, he also has four clawed fingers, but no apparent thumbs until combat (see equipment).

    Powers/Abilities: Zuki can naturally generate electricity from his spines, and is also resistant to the shocks they give him. However, any electric charge much higher than that will hurt him.

    As a member of Ehlek's species, Zuki can breathe water. He may stay out of it for some time, in which case he relies upon his mask to feed his gills enough water to last for four hours at rest. The mask can be refilled quite easily; however, it remains something that he relies upon when out of his native element. He has adapted to this quite well and often uses it in conjunction with his weapons to attack two targets at once with one arm (see equipment). He has also trained in the fields of stealth and reaction speed.

    The mask also gives the assassin some other powers. As long as Zuki is wearing the mask, it increases his strength, speed, and agility to significantly above-average levels, to the point where he is blinding and a strongman to anyone not wearing a Kakama or Pakari, as well as increasing all of his normal senses. It also grants him control over Electricity at a toa level as long as he is wearing it.

    Equipment: Zuki is armed with two wrist-launchers for two miniature protosteel drills on seven bios of metal rope. When launched, the drills can change trajectory in midair due to electric wires within the rope which command mini-jets on the drills to fire, spinning the drill as they change where it's headed.

    As well, his actual thumbs have been replaced with 1/3-meter long sickle-like protosteel blades which have some degree of dexterity. They are also retractable, which is why they are only seen in combat.

    Fighting Style: Zuki's style of combat revolves around the perfect ambush. If he can kill as many people as he has to quickly, then he can safely escape into his native habitat and not cause further bloodshed. However, if he must, he can hold longer fights. In such a case, he will employ hit-and-run attacks and then finally move in for the kill.

    Weaknesses: If Zuki's mask came off or was damaged on land, then he'd have only a minute or two before becoming too weak to fight or get more water. As well, it would rid him of his double thermal vision, increased senses and physical attributes, and control of electricity.

    He also kisses each foe on both cheeks after he is sure the struggle is over. The small amount of time that takes can be easily exploited by an opportunist.

    Personality: Zuki is quiet, but often makes clear his assent or dissent through actions. He follows the law above all, but when there is no law, he turns to his own strict moral code. Zuki may lack any sort of leadership skills, but he makes up for it with precise reliability, an analytic mind, and quiet strength.

    However, even more than his reliability, one of his personality traits stands out above the rest: Zuki is gentle and innocent. He often privately marvels at the wonder of life, and will kiss his foes after killing them on both cheeks. His few associates remark at how pure he has remained despite the dirtiness of his life, often envying him for this trait. He's too innocent and kind to care, though.

    Bio: Zuki was born an OoMN assassin during the era after the Cataclysm, and was gradually trained to live without much armor for better stealth even as they modified his anatomy to include his weapons and gave him the mask. However, he never truly became a cold assassin as is the stereotype-during training, he often completed tasks early and then went out into nature to marvel at its beauty. Even in faked missions, he'd kiss the dummies on both cheeks: "Mata Nui have mercy on them, for they know not why they must die."

    He operated under them for a while until Spherus Magna reunited. Then quitting the Order, he became one of the first explorers of Bota Magna in a joint mission. While the expedition experienced low casualties, Zuki was the only one who actually stayed there, living self-sufficiently and in harmony with the local flora and fauna in a swamp.

    It is only recently that he has begun to make scouting trips out and discovered the state of the world. He has just offered up his services to the successor of Helryx; it is a time, he feels, in which he is needed again.


    -The Fearless Leader

  6. 1. Spherus Magna only, please.


    2. Different protagonists as well-I know that each person might have a different idea of what the main one should be. That doesn't mean I'm not for supporting protagonists, however-I know my char will probably be one.


    3. I feel like at first, each person should mainly write from the viewpoint of their own chars-but after a while, I think people will start to get the feel for other chars and may start writing them. If that becomes law, please make sure there's not a set number of chapters in which it is promoted to get used to guys, because I know everyone gets a feel at a different pace. Especially when some writers type chapters that are harder to typify chars from.


    4. Maybe there should be something behind the scientists which is hinted at occasionally and is finally revealed to exist at the end of the climax or in the resolution? I feel that'd be chill for allowing continuation onto a great sequel.


    5. "NOT UNIFIED" is my vote. Different factions and nations rise and fall in uneasy coexistence (Ya really think that the glatorian and agori are happy with having a bunch of guys more powerful than them living right on their doorstep, and that the toa/titans/etc. are happy about living right next to guys a lot different and a lot more numerous than them?). Heck, maybe this could be during a period edging towards all-out war between the peoples-I love those.


    6. No one's gone extinct quite yet due to tech and resourcefulness, but a lot of rahi are probably not having the best time trying to find new habitats before dying. Pretty sure all water-based rahi coming out of the robot are in for a shock when they find themselves in a desert.


    7. Not really. Maybe the giant robot dinos of Bota, though. I could see them being hunted for food lul xP


    8. Probably on their own, perhaps making alliances in secret with the inhabitants of Bara Magna due to mutual fear and dislike of toa.


    9. I'd place limits on power to allow only that of a Toa Nuva at the most powerful, including adaptive armor and such. No nuva masks or chars, of course; but toa can have two masks and an element, or one masks and AMAZING elemental control. Custom species can have around that amount of power.


    10. Whenever. Just not too late.


    11. As seen throughout this post: Yes, I am reading these blog entries xP I just don't always comment.


    -The Fearless Leader

  7. @Paragraph1 addressed to mine self: I was kinda guessing that xP


    @P2: Of course. As well as numbers in general-of supplies, group members, etc. The fact that both groups share a dislike for Makuta will also be a factor, I suppose.


    For some more extrapolation on my original post: Jianheim'll probably become a base for the army if it does manage to survive the preliminary entering the area by the ILS. I could always have him come back now (as he possibly could, being fast, having high endurance, and knowing his way around the island)...But then again, where's the fun in that? XP


    Do note that I will be making the caretaker matoran a PC, however. In which case he might find the new arrivals due to living on the estate and be the first to greet them there. No guarantees on what kind of greeting he will give, though, especially considering that I haven't drawn up his personality yet.


    -The Fearless Leader

  8. Just so you know, Katuko, your group will probably be building their new koro close to Jianheim-the estate of one of my characters, Keinju Sarusuma of Kuyre's Army. It's at Lake Pala and maintained solely by one caretaker matoran at the moment. However, if he ever returns...Well...All I can say is: I can't wait to see the reactions between Kuyre's Army and the ILS XD


    -The Fearless Leader

  9. Yes. xP


    @Raz: Sorry, I only found out that such a marvelous Hand Cannon didn't exist later. Forgive me for not remembering much from the Springfield Armory museum trip I once took-I distinctly remember their .500, though.


    @Splendid: Yep.


    @TQL: Heh, perhaps. I'm not one for shooting, and neither is my dad; I just like improvising.


    -The Fearless Leader

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