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Everything posted by Franco

  1. Wait...

    Isn't htat his ship?

    Oh, wait *faceplam*. You're right. Editing. I is dumb.

  2. No. I can tell you that I, unfortunately, don't.

  3. *Sigh* Well, guys, guess this is it. I was balancing too many projects and School all at once, and something had to get left in the dust. I'm sorry it had to be this. My procrastination, my bad timing, and the sheer numbers kicked in. I wish you the best of luck winning this thing. I only hope that you aren't mad at me for not helping out as much and posting a chapter within the time limit. My only other wish is that you say it was someone else's idea to write of Johmak. Bye.
  4. Man...School just started for me, too. I know how you feel.
  5. Franco

    Find The Pattern

    There is no method to this madness On second thought, there might be...
  6. Never seen them. Why?

  7. Star Wars, Wall-E, and Myth Busters? Awesome!

  8. Franco


    My books, I also keep for two years, but this is the second one.
  9. Franco


    Why don't you want to be 15?
  10. Franco

    Ask Rig

    Are you sure that you want me to fly into a berserker rage?
  11. Franco

    Ask Rig

    Have I come back to BZP just to visit your blog and put you in a state of everlasting torment?
  12. Guys, sorry about this, but you'll have to wait till the 31st for me to get back-turns out I'm going somewhere other than Kennebunkport.
  13. Well, the former isn't a flashback at all, and the other's how it will happen, yes.
  14. Franco

    Ask Rig

    When are you going to awake from your coma?
  15. Okay, working on it. Guys, how'd you like it if I set Johmak's people up as warlike, have her meet Ijonuu (in flashback), and begin a journey to Bota Magna, where the people of the MU are building homes now that thye have none?
  16. Franco

    Why Lego?

    Where'd this come from?
  17. LOLWUT? No, srsly. Riggie, I don't get it...
  18. Yeah, I'm "vertically challenged" and 'horizontally challenged". Ick.
  19. Woah... That's awesome, dude... wish my life was like that
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