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Status Updates posted by Franco

  1. I guess, but don't I deserve higher than a NINE-POINT SIX?

    I mean, c'mon. I've stood up to you and Zar, who both G-Mode like crazy :P

  2. It's okey, mon :D

  3. Haha, just you wait. I'm catching up to you in post count...

  4. Oh. First on my list is Haxorus, actually. It was going to be Drifloon, but right now, Lark would rather gain a physical fighter.

  5. Quite honestly, I'm confused about what Hex means. If I remember correctly, you only catch or knock out dudes. I don't remember them getting lost. XP

  6. Oh, yeah. I'm pretty sure I can do that, but that reminds me... *goes off to PM*

  7. Lost and regained? Wow, kid, you're something :P

    Yeah, I checked the thread, but I don't feel like posting in it quite yet.


    Will you take 'saving the world' as an answer for that one?


  8. E & P: *they shake their heads* No, we've seen Mangai before, but we're looking for Razgriz 1. We heard he lives around here. Do you know where he is?

  9. Fewl, I am fourteen, I just lied about me age here. Just ask a dude from MNI.

  10. Honestly. I promise, I will only use four powers next time I fight you. Four. And they won't even deal with Radiation, Heat, or Light :P

  11. KNI, how about this: Naara was only able to halfway heal him, due to exhaustion of her Xa-Kuta and the amount of damage on his body. Is that okay? I was just thinking that I want Hau to be weak and hurt, at least somewhat.

  12. Combat power rating, mon. I'm surprised to think me buddeh thinks so lowly of me, though :(

    I mean, I FLEW A CARKIN' TANK.


  13. Sorry about not ICing for Aexias yet, but I've been writing and rewriting several drafts, and nothing seems quite right yet. If I can't find something perfect, I suppose I'll substitute, but I HATE not getting something completely perfect.


  15. Yeah, I been good. I am finally getting my posting count and grade back up to where they used to be :D

  16. E & P: *slowly back away* Your RPer is...Strange. But specifically, we were looking for you, Jolek. Surely, you are smart enough to stop this miniskirt craziness and proclaim that the COMMAND KILT is a COMMAND KILT, not miniskirt! Our RPer understood when yours did not support the idea, but surely you are smart enough to :P

  17. Ah, okey. BTW, this is completely unrelated, but do you know of any excuse I can make for a toa being matoran-size?

  18. Yeah, still hanging in there, though I seriously need better updates next time XP

  19. ...And you are now officially awarded a medal for extreme optimism in the face of loss of vittles =P

  20. Hm...

    *travels back in time to before the attack by going faster than the speed of electricity, then begins to dance as Everytime I Skip blares out of hidden speakers*

    Fool, you are. Dance, I will :P


    Oh, well, now I have proof that I am unawesome for Zar. Thanks! :P

  22. Well, sorry, man, but Rm's noton the team. You should jsut say you like infilictingapin upon Dovydas and Zar.

    Wait a sec...Those tower things are attacking me? Well, then...

    *Gerbil Husaria divebomb into towers, wrecking them completely*

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