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Status Updates posted by Franco

  1. *Heightened


    Don't tell me you actually said that.

  2. *high-fives* Gotta go back to the fight now. Bai!

  3. *incinerates air* Naw, I'm too powerful for you. I mean, c'mon: you don't even wear a hat :P

  4. *Is unsure whether to laugh, cry, or ASPLODE*



  5. *Joins Raz, also adding a few choice insults to bad country music*


  7. *Laughs* Long story, mi padawan. Long story.

  8. *Manly fistbump ensues*

    Okay. I'm sure you'll think of something. BTW, what is the comment from Kughii about, 'xactly?

  9. *Meanwhile, KNI's body is strangled to death*

    You let it up, or my shadow hands are going to have a long feast. And it does involve your soul >=D

  10. *punches you* Hey, don't diss on me! :P

    My point is, that was only a few years ago. Be careful, mon, about what you know and what you think you know. Because the next thing you know, everything you thought you knew is a lie and the world is crashing down on you.

    Also, your vocab, superior to mine? Naw. That doth be a most heinous lie, Sir KNI :P

  11. *Rodents ot the universe boom out, along with all mudskippers, boom out "COMMAND KILT"*

    Methinks you outmatched ;P

  12. *Salutes smartly* Yessir.

  13. *salutes* Roger that, MUDSKIPPLES.

  14. *Salutes* Roger that, MUDSKIPPLES.

  15. *Shreds through mirrors with blades*

    But guess what, mon. I am the Freak Without A Leash. You heard that right. Spawnie's buddeh. And that gives me the awesomeness to not be afraid of your stoopit nightmares :P

  16. *shrugs off armor, then draws crystal lightsaber and crystal Hat* I think that's you, me friend. *Paralyzes KNI with his electric powers, then starts cutting you in half with blades made of crystal and and energy*

  17. *Shrugs* Yeah, yeah, but those still don't really have training.

  18. *Smiles* You'd be surprised by how many people want to kill me :P

  19. *Smirks*

    Not quite.

    *KNI finds that his mouth is closed and can no longer move*

    Too bad you let me paralyze you. Now, to kill you...

    *all the blades fly at KNI*

  20. *This sentence

    **Have a good day.


  21. *Tips hat* I'd be honored, and I seriously need to get back into writing, anyways. What about?

  22. *You suddenly realize that all your clones and cats have dissapeared*

    My gerbils don't do that. Besides, dthey can beat your clones easy, what with superioir weapinz, armor, and powah. So, because of this, I'm leaving you a little Christmas present: sucking all them down KNI's black hole :P

  23. 1. I know that perfectly well. I assure you, my definition for a lot of things is different than other people's, and many would classify me as an extremist.

    2. I know that, and I don't like it.

    However, neither of your answers really deal with more than one of mine, so I'll leave it at that.

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