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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by AZBlue

  1. RT @sakinajaffrey: UK friends & family, please watch tonight’s episode of #Timeless which airs on E4 at 10pm. Brilliantly directed by @AMK

  2. RT @mistertodd: THE LAST JEDI is my favourite Star Wars movie: the one that made me gasp the most, cry the most, laugh the most, feel the m…

  3. RT @Jgrazela: I have decided in my delusions that the reason @nbc has held off on announcing a #timeless renewal was because they are waiti…

  4. RT @goranvisnjic: Told you we are working on it...

  5. RT @malcolmbarrett: In 1888?! ...We need history now more than ever.

  6. RT @chillyhades: Showrunner of a show on another network loves #Timeless and, like my family, it’s the only show her family watches togethe…

  7. RT @RenewTimeless: TO ALL CLOCKBLOCKERS - The next push to TREND will take place TODAY at 12 NOON PACIFIC/3PM EASTERN. We need all Clockblo…

  8. RT @chrononaut67: Roses are red,I’ve run out of poems.Please, @nbc, keep #TimelessAlive in our homes.@Sony #RenewTimeless

  9. RT @sakinajaffrey: Love my team.Hate my dorky collar!Renew #Timeless https://t.co/dnstT9Ty0F

  10. RT @TimelessRenew: My favorite #timeless friendship is Agent Christopher and Connor. It started out with total animosity and now they've gr…

  11. RT @katie61234: OK! I’m sure you all know this, but #RENEWTIMELESS !!! We NEED it!!! #Timeless https://t.co/mj78uwXdGG

  12. RT @malcolmbarrett: SPOILER ALERT:.....The cast is just as worried me as the fans...#SaveRufus #RenewTimeless https://t.co/r3XXVCveLy

  13. Mom Onua is now canon!
  14. So, I've been following NBC's sophomore show Timeless from it's premier. It's a fun show, and definitely underrated. One year ago the first season ended, and the show was cancelled before NBC reversed their decision a few days later. Now the show is again at risk, with no word on a third season or a cancellation. I had something happen with the campaign to keep the show on that I never would've expected. I made a tweet that is currently sitting at around 250ish retweets and over 600 likes. I'm amazed that this happened, and also proud to have my voice be heard in a fandom as large as Timeless has. If you haven't seen the show, go watch it on hulu. I highly recommend it, even with its flaws, as a fun action/adventure/romance/history lesson/drama. Yes, it has all of that.
  15. RT @Mattney: I want to know more about future Lyatt! Who’s with me here????#RenewTimeless #Timeless @abigailspencer @MattLanter https://t…

  16. RT @HamillHimself: URGENT: The Senate votes on #NetNeutrality in less than 48 hourshttps://t.co/esNeOTflsa or call (513) 854-0120 to cont…

  17. RT @sarahnicole_116: PLEASE READ! I still love how the @SmithsonianMag does articles on our show. That must mean that we are doing somethin…

  18. RT @Scifilia: When you think you couldn't possibly love a fictional character more and then she shows up from the future looking like Sarah…

  19. RT @MissDonni: Yes! What he said! And scoop up #underground while you’re at it. America NEEDS these shows right now. https://t.co/3MeMdxU0oe

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