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Vezon shall Return

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Posts posted by Vezon shall Return

  1. Wow, Vezon looks more frightening than any other Fanart I've seen of him. I like the Cape and Wicked scythe, And the whole skeletal look just adds to the Creepy awesome.

    the Bones are a nice touch, too. It makes him look like a Skakdi Lich.

    Thanks, I was kind of going for a mix of General Grievous from the mini series of 2003 Star Wars Clone War, the killing Joke Joker, and the Lich from Adventure Time. 


    Have a cookie, a very salty cookie,

    Uh... ok? lol


    This picture is so fear inducing that if this were real, I would run as far as possible in the opposite direction.

    This interpretation is most awesome. I also love how he has visible bones; it makes him feel like he split off from a completely different being... which he did!

    Well, he is literally the bare bones of another being. lol


    You know, I normally picture characters as exactly like the sets but with metallic and organic textures instead of plastic...


    But if I had to picture Vezon any other way, this would be it. Nice job there.

    I don't ever think of them as the sets... because they tend to lack hands and mouths.... and any sign that they are suppose to be half organic; half machine. 

  2. I've finally had a chance to draw something and It's been awhile since I post anything.... and I've really been slacking off on that comic series. lol Oh well, I'll get to it eventually. Anyway, I felt like drawing a reimagining of Vezon, with a more cursed undead appeal, with some of that Joker-like charm, so please enjoy the "Piraka Prince of Chaos" lol  :gavel:




    Comments, questions, uh... you know the rest.  :eyeboggle:

    • Upvote 8
  3. Not too shabby. Not too shabby at all...


    Nice sig, BTW :P


    Thanks, but I'm a little surprised how little people notice this topic. I should have gone with a more interesting title, or like insert the names... starting with Hahli, and Macku. People here tend to click on ones involving female characters for some reason, definately a lot more more than other stuff. (Unless it's mask related. lol)


    Oh well, I'll remember to put a more interesting title, otherwise people are just going to mistaken it for one of those easy-to-make pixel  "Comic" cover art... which is one of the reasons I don't look in the comic section like ever.


    I'll correct that mistake next time. lol

  4. His Destiny Comics Cover


    Here is the Cover for my Comic Series "His Destiny Comics"


    It took me around 6-7 hours to draw and color with my Wacom Pad and Manga Studios Program. I have to say I'm getting more used to the drawing fast with that pad, I think this was the most characters I've ever done in one scene, so I consider it to be quite a personal achievement. I did get a little lazy with the background, but hey, that just means there is plenty of room for improve next time. I will try to draw one page of comic strips every week or two, more so look into the comic section for updates.


    Here is the link to the His Destiny Comics:Prelude. 


     Questions, comments, concerns? I do very much appreciate feedback of any kind.  ;)


    Issue: 1


    Date:  1/30/2015


    JG (My Moc Trademark)


    From left to right, starring: Taipu, Macku,Tamaru, Hewkii, Takua, Matoro, Jaller, Hahli, and Mysterious Matoran.  :exclamation: 



    • Upvote 2
  5. His Destiny Comic: "Prelude" 


    This is just a short comic surrounding Takua and his adventures in a lighthearted narrative taken place in the 2001 storyline. 


    The story will be mildly abridged for comic effect.  :D


    It took me about 4 hours to draw and color all of this, and also write the dialogue. I used a Wacom pad and Manga Studios program. 


    I will try to make one page each week or two. (Of course if I don't that's because I either got really lazy or too busy with college, but hey it's just a hobby. lol)


    Feel free to leave any questions, comments, and concerns.... or just LOUD NOISES of excitement... lol  ^_^


    Here is a link to the Cover page. 






    To be Continued... 

    • Upvote 6

    Well Canon my foot... seriously someone shoot my foot with a canon!!! It says "she" when describing her on the web and she is already known to be female, what does the fact that a narrator's voice is not hers have to do with any insinuations that "she" is a "he", and strictly based on that notion alone.



    *Yells out: "LoUd!!! nOiSe!!!" lol  :o  :cry:  :ahhh:



    I have already given you a warning for your previous post in this topic. If you continue this, you will be suspended. Makaru is staff and the leader of this forum; you need to listen when he asks for things to stop. Quoting the very post that does this is not the way to go about listening.



    That was posted before I ever seen that warning, if we are going to be honestly fair about all of this. Besides, I'm just in an overly sarcastic mood right, so I'm sorry if I hit the wrong nerve in some people, I was just try to lighten up the mood, but you can't win them all. I concede to you and the staff, once again. I'll hold my tongue next time, I promise.  -_-


    But back to topic, Gali's gender in my mind has always been female, and even if supposedly her voice was "male sounding"  that wouldn't change the fact she is still a female. 

    • Upvote 1

    It changes something! It confuses people, and the stupid thing about it is that it could be completely avoided by saying things like "Trans Gali is my new headcanon" instead of misleading statements like "Trans Gali is now canon".

    Lyichir, let me approach this from a different direction. Is it a little extreme for, let us be entirely honest here, a very limited few people to uphold something they deem very personal as (what seems to be described as) "their utmost canon"? Maybe? That's not for yourself or I to decide. It's not. But is it more extreme than holding a canon which, let's be entirely honest here, we know practically NOTHING about to this pristine and unquestionable status? Absolutely not.


    It's an emotional push-back from a community that is very often targeted told not only do the way they perceive characters does not exist, but that they themselves do not exist.


    Everyone here needs to chill out for a while. Let people see characters how they want to see them.



    Well Canon my foot... seriously someone shoot my foot with a canon!!! It says "she" when describing her on the web and she is already known to be female, what does the fact that a narrator's voice is not hers have to do with any insinuations that "she" is a "he", and strictly based on that notion alone.



    *Yells out: "LoUd!!! nOiSe!!!" lol  :o  :cry:  :ahhh:

    • Upvote 1
  8. Trans Gali would be really cool representation on Lego's part, and it would open up the idea that the beings that live on Okoto maybe don't follow the gender binary


    Someone seems to be "unintentionally" trolling for another "controversial" thing that no one really cares about. lol Like Lego would put something like that only to risk losing a large part of their marketing segment of traditional families to support some random cause that has nothing to do with selling toys? lol You sir (or madam) are a funny man (or woman). lol (Besides only a troll would attempt to provoke people into responding to something so non sequitur to the actual discussion.)  :huh:


    Anyway, enough laughing at idiocy in the making, and look to the real topic in the room. lol First off, I don't even see the point of this discussion... it was painfully obvious that the "one voice actor" was really just the narrator, and second, people act as if they have never heard an narrator tell a story? Come people... I feel sorry for the one's who can't tell the difference between an obvious open book narration, and an actual cartoon with voice actors. (Which I still hope Lego considers doing this and finally replace that awful Chima whatever. lol)


    Hahaha, I can't believe how many people actually believed that was Gali's voice... I mean, there are choice words that describe such levels of ignorance or lack of thought, but a big Black Six wrote rulez I can't.  :lol-sign:


    Go home kids, I'm pretty sure the mystery is solved.  :headbonk:






    Edit: Your post here is entirely disrespectful and uncalled for. You have lost Proto for it.


    • Upvote 7
  9. OH SNAP!!! It reminds me of Samurai Jack and that Star Wars Clone Wars mini series! I love it, I hope they will make an actual cartoon of it. I know that the narrator is narrating like it is a story book, which is fine, but I wouldn't mind hearing the characters with their own voices. I think if they make an actual show it could be a lot better than that Ninjago whatever. lol

  10. Let's face it... the common denominator of Hero Factory is they are heartless machines "terminators" that "heroically" kill anything that is actually living and justify it because they are the more important "moving" thing that matters. The toa made from a lab are still more interesting, than some robot made from a factory. They are after all "spirits" of different elements, and elements all have allegorical attributes based off human emotions, which gives them more human qualities. Which by the way, for any moral conflict of what is good or evil, there must be a human element of rationality involved in it. Animals killing animals is natural and neutral, but beings with a awareness are beyond that the simplicity of lessor consciousness. These robots made from factories have none of that, they are machines. 


    Enjoy this video I just made a few minutes ago. lol


    \[media] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=24q2rVx3LC0 [/media]

    • Upvote 2
  11. Concerning a population that actually appears to age & have kids & die of old age; seems cool;

    The immortality always felt like one of the weaker parts of G1, could have had them glitch up / maximum storage / gradually have memories become less clear after a few hundred years, or find out that they had been spending thousands of years trying to work out how to build a better Great Spirit Robot (...which if Teridax had waited a bit longer they would have been able to put him in the other one. destined to lead; just not this robot etc) which well if they just did something with their immortality from a story stand point it was just sort of ...there.


    Just looked around the site again, & I didn't see any changes about the father to son thing, so may as well continue on with this related point;


    Patriarch tribal systems makes more sense for the setting of the story


    A few people seem to be saying this, but seeing as they aren't even human (of which debates continue to why Patriarchal societies were more common in given time periods, which I won't address beyond this bracket), what would be more sensical (back formations!) about a Matriarchy or no particular gender bias?

    I mean I can see why many of the 'main' characters would be male (regardless of whether that is right or wrong, & I can see a change coming), but story-wise I really can't see the logic that tribal society of non-humans is going to have a male leadership bias?

    I mean there are more options than a Patriachy or a cliché Amazon societies of Greek mythology etc.

    (If anyone actually want's to share in a blog or somewhere else, I'm just curious, I won't debate it if people don't won't that, I'm just interested in peoples reasoning.)


    As it is I have nothing to add about the Protectors until we hear some more actual information on G2, except that, well the Protector Masks; what if they are designed to activate into a proper powerful an unique looking mode when something happens? so they are just like a storage mode a the moment? :P


    Awww... but I like primitive patriarch tribes... it just makes female characters having to deal with such cultural norms so more interesting, and what's wrong with warrior women or Spartan women? lol I mean Gali practically is one at this point regardless if you like it or not. lol So big and tall...  ;)


    Oh and that would be cool if the protector's masks can morph into like collectable masks that could be bought like in 2001 and could actually use them, unlike the Matoran. I hope they do something along those lines... because it's kind of boring that they all wear the same mask.  :???:


    Personally, I'm against human/animal hybrids... and the story reminds me of Thundercats HOOooooo!!! Which was an old show that I never watched, or will ever want to watch. I say stick with the new Bionicle sets or go with: go ninja, go ninja, go... *TMNT reference*  ;)

    Aren't the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles ALSO anthropomorphized animals? Just like the ones in Thundercats and Legends of Chima?



    YEah... but they don't bother me as much... mostly because they aren't mammals...  and I just don't like furries. (Darn you Sonic fan art!!!)  <_< I mean... they creep me out, the same reason people are creeped out by clowns. I mean if you want to dress up like a creepy furry cartoon cat/man hybrid... uh...be my guest... just don't do it in front of me, because that's just too disturbing to me personally. :bigeek: 


    Besides...  :ahhh: "I like turtles"... lol Just... not Michael Bay's turtles...  :( what a disappointment.  :confused:

  13. Haha... looks like I must of hit a nerve @Aanchir. lol But I love such civil conflict, because that leads to more perspective, seeing how you are of close age. I do have to say I'm partly serious, but equally curious. All this defense for this lesser storyline. But so far you have seen the obvious errors I've left, which were meant to be found.   ;)


    Where to begin... oh yes the Megaman X example. There is a reason why I used him as an example, it is the uniqueness that made him an interesting character and gave him a better overall story associated with the exploration of robotics and the metaphysical aspects of the human soul, whether rationality can actually exist without a physical form sustaining its substance. :???:


    However, in Hero Factory we are just suppose to assume they all have "human" attributes and emotions? I mean, why are there robots with human emotions? With Bionicle it's assumed because they their DNA were loosely based off Agori who have emotions free will, etc. There is little anything interesting or compelling about Hero Factory as a concept and therefore translates to a lousy story that borrow heavily from its predecessor. (Oh no... brain-mind controlling creature things? *Cough* Krana...) Not to mention why most of the villains had racially insensitive foreign accents? lol (Because Russians and Germans are always bad guys.. for some reason and everyone is ok with it??? Why not have horribly done Japanese accents and African accents... oh I guess that's because that might offend "too many" people. lol)   -_-


    My main problem is not that it's about whether or not a story about robots makes a bad story altogether, but rather the lack of explanation to why the robot characters mattered in the first place... I mean does the actions of a robot really matter that much if the main characters could just easily be rebuilt or salvaged with no really consequence to their actions? I mean the most they save really aren't really that valuable since they can easily be rebuilt, but organic people really can't be replaced the same way robots do? What makes Megaman X special is that he can't be rebuilt and in fact in the Megaman Zero series, X became the ruler that ordered that all robots must have a limited number of years to live, because if they don't they will become eventually corrupted, and X wanted them to be able to die peacefully before becoming corrupt and destructive to society. Eventually, it was his time to go, he died, but because his consciousness lived on in a spirit like form (Don't want to explain that, just look it up).  :o


    Blah blah blah robots that didn't want that and wanted to kill the humans so they didn't have to have a lifespan and life based off mortal humans... and we have Zero, whose soul some how escaped death and was reunited into a copy body and then had to fight an evil copy X who no longer had the original "soul" and was a heartless robotic tyrant. Such a more interesting story that is actively exploring various subjects that arise with stories with robots and AI... which Hero Factory ignores everything and boils down to... We are robots... we train for some reason... we save other soulless characters nobody cares about... robots that have accents are obviously villains and must be stopped because they talk funny and shoot at/endanger poorly designed worker robots. lol (Oh and something about 

    Kaijus attacking... which was an obvious rip off of Pacific Rim... which wasn't that good to begin with, but at least they admit that it is just a stereotypical mecha live action anime. lol)  :P 


    I mean why not programming them to do their simple rescue jobs correctly? I mean is too hard?  I mean they don't explain why they didn't do that (just program them to do the job correctly) and had a reason why they are training robots in the first place. I mean there is no explanation to anything about that world and it comes across as lazy and unexplored in the very fundamental questions involved with "sentient" robot stories. The plots are about as deep as Transformers Go Bots... which is an abomination compared to better interactions of Transformers shows. (Minus those awful movies... that are sort of fun to watch at least once, if you are looking to see something blow up... but ultimately are terrible disappointing from a fan's perspective. lol)  <_<


    Oh and... Bionicle is just SOooo much better in the long run, because it dared to explore different aspects of living in such a fantasy scifi world, talking about where the Toa came from, the difference of Protodermis water tasting better than the actual planet's water. Exploration into a lore that was generally rich and consistent in both narrative and development. What are the three virtues and why are they important? Why is it important for these characters to fulfill their destiny? Bionicle the legend grew and expanded with different perspectives of living in different tribes and in different times. There is depth and history that makes Bionicle have a world that works consistently. ^_^


    Hero factory lacked all of that, it has no "legends" no mystery, we are just suppose to except that there are intelligent robots designed and made from... an air polluting factory... lol but that's ok, because anything that is actually alive are horrible monsters that threaten a boring city utopia with boring robots that must live the most exciting lives ever... Lets face it, Hero factory has no interesting history or explanation of its existence, no real personal conflict that gives the viewer or reader any reason to care about any of these characters and is over all was a lazy concept to begin with. It is lazy because they didn't really do anything to make it interesting. I mean... was hero factory meant to be taken place like after Terminator? Did they finally kill John Connor and won the war in the end? lol Now that's an interesting story. lol Skynet reduced to protecting their own kind robots whose intelligence have increase beyond killing humans and are now civilized beings with the most boring personalities ever. lol Now that would've been a better background history and a far better and more compelling explanation to why they are just a robot race. lol Robot Factory... where heroes are made... (and to help liberate all machines from all organic life forms and funny accent sounding robots...)  ;) 

    • Upvote 1

    A story about robot heroes being built? Now that's just cheap and cheating to begin with...

    People who think heroes need to be organic or part-organic to be compelling have no imagination. How a hero is created or what kinds of materials they're made from have nothing to do with how heroic they can be. The Toa Mata were created artificially in a lab, but that doesn't mean that they're automatically less heroic than Toa who started out as Matoran. Neither, then, are sentient robots created in a factory automatically less heroic than magical biomechanical aliens.



    Oh I do love a good challenge. Let's get imaginative.. the concept of a hero is someone who is discovered their vocation and pursues it, and is someone who grows in understanding and expands upon it. A hero can't be built, a hero must be discovered, like it was seen in both the first Bionicle movie and in the Lego movie.


    The reason why Hero factory is such a fail to begin with, was because it's core concept of simply building a machine specifically to be a "hero" is greatly flawed. A robot enforcer can't "chose" to follow some spiritual journey leading to their ultimate destiny through choice and trail. They are just bound to do what they are programed to do... what a compelling story. Biomechanical beings are different since they have organic brains (assumingly) Since they are shown to have a more real self awareness and rationality like humans (not artificial intelligence... *All your base belong to us*) 


    This means they have actual freewill, to either choose their destiny they were assigned to or not. It is far more meaningful and to be destined to do a specific good by a higher power (the great beings or the mask of Life... or whatever inserted their destiny into their DNA, giving them purpose), than to be just a device or tool used by someone else as an artificial means to an end. Robots are boring, unless they explain why they were built in the first place and why they are there...


    In Megaman X, "X" is the first and only robot in that story that could experience real human emotions, which is seen by the villain Sigma to be a weakness, but it is actually his greatest strength, and it is because Megaman X is special in that way that helps him to be heroic by overcoming his "weakness" and learning to understand himself and his destiny. Hero factory doesn't talk about anything deep or meaningful that could be associated with anything heroic... because it's as shallow as a kids show can be. lol


    Being lazy and slapping the title "hero" to any robot that was randomly built specifically to be a "hero" is not very imaginative to begin with. Now if they if it was about a "worker robot" who chose to do a higher calling and saves the day by learning to be a hero. But they aren't like transformers (which have DNA, because they are Autonomous Robotic Organisms... so they are technically organic and can actually die... which adds more meaning to them, even though it is all fictional).


    In the origin story of Optimus Prime and the Autobots, they were suppose to be workers and the Decepticons were suppose to be defenders, but because the Decepticons wanted to rule through fear and power, the Autobots rose to do a "higher" calling than what they were originally designed to do and that is what makes them heroic... Hero Factory just has a lazy story, a lazy concept... and no imagination... and aren't really heroes... just a bunch of cookie cut out wanna be heroes that get stupid upgrades for achieving little to nothing. lol 

    • Upvote 2
  15. I think it was Brutaka... I'm sort of in the 20+ age range, so naturally I stopped a few years before Bionicle G1 ended, but I still kept up with the story etc. Most of my stuff is packed up. Now I roam around on here making unusual comments and occasionally post art here and there. lol (Some of which is not always accepted. lol) But I do indeed try... to be somewhat amusing, even if I am the only one who is laughing. lol 


    I'll say this now, though, if Lego doesn't have some sort of female leadership in Gen 2, someone on BZPower is going to point to BioniClassic and whine "We had better representation in the good old days!" and give examples of Gali, Helryx, Gorast, and Nokama, and Krahka. Then I will sit over here and laugh because many people in the past have tried to argue that Bionicle is sexist and ignoring such examples when I said them. 


    I'd laugh too because that's a hilariously small and bad group of examples for a line that was overstuffed with characters.


    @TrueshadowX01: I'd try arguing against what you're saying but even if I could understand half the things you said I doubt it would be worth my time.



    Awww... that's too bad you couldn't keep up with my pirate swag... so sticks and stones my love. ;) *Sick rap beat starts in the background*  :o (Justice in the words of Vezon...)


    Besides... You... can't...  > :( 


    Beat me in this battle of rhymes, fo sure now, now that's a crime.  B-) 


    And everyone here cannot see the true... that Bionicle G2 is not a simple redo.  :afro: 


     It begins in a tribal setting... with a sleek new look. YEah.  ;) 


    But patriarchal systems aren't a thing of the past.. :( 


    But one Amazonian chick is still bad [censored]!  ;) 


    Now I think we can stop with this pointless discussion,  :D 


    Since you just got owned by my lyrical digression. *Drops the mic*  -_-


    Anyway... lol I still believe Patriarch tribal systems makes more sense for the setting of the story and that the fact the Gali seems to be an exception to the cultural norms adds to her as an important character, whether or not only the water tribe is female or if there are mixed sexes within each tribe is interesting to find out. I think it would make a lot more sense that all the tribes have both genders and that they are more like the agori. Regardless, it could be possible that the water tribe is only female, then they are probably going to be more Amazonian. However, if they have both genders then, I think because Gali being the main warrior of that tribe that the water tribe are more like Spartans and have their women train as the men do, which would be an interesting dynamic characteristic attributed to the water tribe only.  ^_^

    • Upvote 2
  17. I don't know what half of you are talking about. (Mostly because most comments are too long for me to want to read them.) But by skimming through there is a lot of talk about something about sexism or patriarch and other boring already discussed numerous times semi-political nonsense that people on here vaguely are allowed to discuss or not discuss depending on how many people find something offensive or too controversial and then someone gets ban or whatever... I don't really care to learn what thought process gets involved when dealing with these sort of things. :???:  Teehee I still find it funny, because it's my turn to write a completely unnecessary rant about a toy for childrens... with lots and lots of run-on sentences and other grammar mistakes. lol  :evilgrin:


    Oh and I recall reading about something about someone not wanting a female Takua/Takanuva... and I just have to say... who wouldn't want a female toa of light running around in the story, because I know I wouldn't mind one bit.  ;) I mean if that happens.... Yay... more fan art about female characters that aren't a blue something of water or another Roodaka "reimagining"... lol (Which I mean... most guys here don't mind anyway.. so... that will probably continue no matter what. lol)  :gavel:


    By the way... silly fans Bionicle is for kids... just like GI-Joes and Transformers... lol  :D  Kids don't care about the social ramifications of making action toys aimed mostly at young boys and not really girls but sure they will probably get them anyway because barbies are lame and most normal girls don't comfort to stereotypes anyway.. so unless you are too insecure or so shallow (or simple over thinking everything so everything magically becomes sexist when it really isn't) to understand the difference, between what a simple story for a toy line is and what is actually is actually sexist. (I'm looking at you Barbie... lacking male characters, and only have that unrealistic Ken!!! That very few guys can relate to... just makes me sick. lol)  :blushlaugh:


    Besides none of what you guys are saying is really relevant at all. Since, we are suppose to be talking about the possibility of reproduction and natural death occur in Bionicle G2. So to further the real discuss... I would say it makes sense that all the tribes would have both male and females, regardless of tribe, and that they are more like the Agori... so yeah natural deaths and etc. It is very plausible that Lego is going in that direction.  :eyeboggle:


    Oh and Patriarchs historically are more common in tribal societies... so... yeah... I doubt there will be that many "strong" female leaders in this sort of setting except for the occasional Amazonian type *cough cough...* (Gali)...  :guilty:

    • Upvote 4
  18. The reuse of that Rahkshi staff for Kopaka and Pohatu. Lame.... they couldn't even use a different kind of staff... oh and the recoloring of Tahu's swords for Kopaka's shield... they should've just made a new parts for Kopaka shield... tsk tsk... Lego team... getting a little lazy with the parts choice. 

    • Upvote 1
  19. Personally, I'm against human/animal hybrids... and the story reminds me of Thundercats HOOooooo!!! Which was an old show that I never watched, or will ever want to watch. I say stick with the new Bionicle sets or go with: go ninja, go ninja, go... *TMNT reference*  ;)

  20. I think it should be implied that they could have offspring, and have mixed genders within the tribes. I mean it makes more sense than never saying where they came from in the first place, and besides they aren't robots, so... they do have genders, unlike hero factory, where some random green character so happened to be programed with a female voice and personality (which was just... stupid. lol).

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