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Vezon shall Return

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Posts posted by Vezon shall Return

  1. Let Vezon be my muse... ;)  *Clears throat*  :annoyed:


              Oh so spiny and slender in height, 


              In desert and wasteland full of spite. 


              Makuta Krika so wholesome  to fight,


              Repulses through Crast, in darkest sight.


    In simpler words, your artistic style is splendid. 

  2. A story about robot heroes being built? Now that's just cheap and cheating to begin with... of course it ended horribly. Nothing organic or special about them from beginning to the end.... lol Now Bionicle on the other hand... that's a different story. lol

    • Upvote 1
  3. Snake... looks like a new type of Metal Gear.  


    Nah just kidding, but seriously, it looks pretty good. I really like the more distinctive art style, it has a very dynamic perspectives.


    9/10. (Oh you just got trolled... because it's really a 10/10) Peace out Peace Walker. 

  4. Awwww! It's a cute little Chibi takua! Nice job on a 20-minute drawing, though I do find his feet seem a little to big in my opinion, it kinda messes up he red-to-blue.


    Hahaha... thanks. Well, it is just a simple concept art, so I don't have a size reference for his legs etc. Yeah I haven't decided if I should give him yellow legs or just red. Anyway, I'm actually considering trying out doing a simple animation with this character, but I will eventually make short comic book series eventually. 

  5.  Gali Mistika vs Gorast

        Ok, so I wanted to redo that previous versions of these characters, for various reasons, and I wanted it to be an actual action scene. I ended up trying a very anime style action scene. However, Gali's pose and hair is mostly based-off of Lady Deadpool, because... uh why not?  ;) 


        Anyway, I think I toned it down a lot compared to previous one, considering this just an action scene. The damaged armor is suppose to look similar to the Transformers movies, only it's not energon, but green Antidermis energy. (Remember, Makuta are really just armor controlled by evil glowing green energy goo.)  :P 


        Criticism, compliments, concerns? :o (If there is a legitimate issue. I will try my best to fix it.)

    (Oh and please no off topic nonsense... so if you have nothing to say about the actual picture then please refrain from commenting. ^_^


    (Thank you)  ;) 

    • Upvote 1
  6. I'm a little surprised, but I for one actually am in favor for the reboot. It's just like in comics there newer reimaginings of familiar characters, I mean if it is old enough to be reimagined by the company that means it has gained enough popularity.


    Bionicle being as old as it is know can be rebooted with the benefit of being both new and nostalgic, which is good because it will now bridge the gap between two generations. To me it's like the reboot of Star Trek, or the Reboot of Star Wars continuity with Episode VII. So overall, it looks very good.


    Who knows, they might be able to make a decent movie or tv show that has more deeper sense of mystical nostalgic atmosphere that both Hero Factory or that ninja whatever greatly lacked.


    Besides, I kind of hated how the original story ended, because I hated everything after 2009, the agori were stupid both story wise and in looks. I always liked the 2001-2003 and the 2006-2009 because they focused on a main storyline. The 2004-2005 to me was pointless filler that kind of broke some of the mystical and nostalgic tribal feelings from earlier years.


    Then there was 2010... a rather poorly made story arc that would have been good if it had interesting characters, or just used the main characters from the main story... led to a very disappointing movie that sucked more than the first three (which weren't that good, but at least the first one was more close to the original story and they had memorable music)...


    I know they were trying to go back to the original tribal feeling, but the atmosphere was boring and it had no real villain and it was rushed. The only good story arc that happened was the fight between Mata-nui and Makuta, but again it was only interesting because it was about the original characters from the main story arc. Too bad they didn't just use characters from the main story to end the story...  but instead they had Tahu and Takanuva be present for a few minutes at the end, but that's about it? No one cares about any of the Agori or whatever they are called. It just didn't work, because they were just cheap rip offs of characters from the main story. 


    So I'm glad they didn't go back to that boring mess of living on a boring planet with the main villain dead. The original story had an ending, even if that ending was rushed and poorly told, it was an ending to the main story and had closing. Makuta Teridax was dead and the planet was restored both literally and symbolically, with the moons "Unit" and "Duty" (Duty killed off the main villain) and the planet became their destiny. The end. 


    So this reboot can be considered an alternative universe or whatever, but it is a new universe, I just hope they are smart enough to put references or nods to the original story, because that's how a good franchise should be treated, you know, like they do in DC comics or Marvel comics. 


    I love the art style, very Samurai Jack and mini-series Star Wars Clone Wars (not that awful 3d one) feel to them, which adds to the nostalgia. (I really hope they just make a cartoon of it, and not that cheap 3d style like they did for Hero Factory, and if they make a movie... they better not just look like moving talking toys... I mean that worked for the Lego movie, but that's only because they were suppose to be made out of plastic toys.)

  7. Holy lordy people need to calm down about this. To be honest I'm a little bummed that I missed the original version, as I would have like to judge for myself on how 'racy' it is. But come on people, she has heels because Trueshadow felt like giving her heels. She has hair because Trueshadow wanted to give her hair. Her body is proportioned the way it is because that's how he wants his drawing to look. I don't see anything wrong with making a female character look like a female, even if proportions aren't exactly perfect.


    That being said, I think you're very good with colors. Everything seems to pop, and its bright and vibrant, just the way I like it. Also, Jaller's sword looks frickin rad. Kudos on that!


    Thanks, hahaha... it's ok, I think a few people were just overreacting a tad bit, but I don't mind taking some heat. Regardless, I actually like the final product of the tweaks I made from the suggestions.Yeah, I'm definitely going to use that technique I did with the fire sword in later projects. :P

  8. Time to post something less controversial. lol 

                   Isn't that right Takua? lol


    Yep... Takua agrees.  B-)


    This is a quick concept art I made in 20-ish minutes, for a possible comic series. It was a project I wanted to do for a long time, and I even had older artwork made from Paint and similar concept that were made in 3d. Don't worry, I can take any criticism, complaints, or concerns, so be as honest as you want to be. lol  ;)


    • Upvote 1
  9. Very good utilization of the various red shades for Jaller. Also, your image of his sword is the most wicked adaptation I've seen yet. It's all FWOOOOOSSHHHH and ZAWWOOOOOGGG and all FFFHHHHWWWWWAAWAAWW and other onamonapias.  The terrain looks pretty nice, too. 

    (Not sure if this has been said yet, but it's spelled 'Hahli' Sorry, I'm kind of picky with this stuff)  


    Hahaha.. finally, someone talking about something that actually has something to do with the picture! So kudos to you for breaking this mostly nonsensical debate. lol Yes, I was really excited about how the sword ended up, and little disappointed when no one commented on it until now. lol  :D


    I did mess around with different shades of red and this was the first time I attempted at using some form of background, but I couldn't figure out what color the sky should be on Voya-Nui? Oh and I didn't notice that I misspelled her name.... lol I guess I was thinking of "Gali" when typing it out.   ;) (I did fix it... but I can't fix the title of the topic...)

  10. Wow... haven't you guys been busy... lol Let this madness continue... lol





    we, as a species, have come so far.


    I know right? This is stuff is hilarious. lol And to think this all started be I was bored one day and decided to practice on my Wacom pad. It's like Alucard going just taking a stroll. lol (Abridged series reference)  B-)



    I'm far past being affected by such primal emotions, but rather look at the female form as a elegant expression of natural physical beauty. (Similar, not not quite the same way a doctor's typical response to certain human anatomy, which most people would otherwise feel uncomfortable with... I guess I'm more like a doctor in that sense.)


    The metaphysical understanding of natural beauty transcends sensual passions, and is an intellectual appreciation for quintessential beauty as whole. The emotions expressed between the two fictional characters are romantified to express the feelings of love between two beings. One bears fiery masculine qualities, and the other liquified feminine qualities.


    When together, the two are balanced and become spiritually connected, which is meant to be a beautiful element. Their physical image is suppose to reflect that beautiful elements and capture these qualities found within the characters in that image.


    How does this even compute.




    I know right... lol It's like your're in a poetry class and coming up with random half-baked content to give the impression that you had a preconceived notion of what the meta-cognition of the current situation expects of you and how you proceed to respond.  :???:


    So why does Hahli have heels? Seems completely impractical in every sense of the word. 


    Raiden from Metal Gear uses high heels, and he's a dude.... :o  and he was able to implement combat uses with high heels. lol It's more practical if you know what you are doing with them.  B-) 



    The art itself isn't the problem, what it implies is.


    Last I checked, this is a forum to comment on people's art, and not on what their art may implicate. I'm also impressed by Trueshadow's willingness to roll with criticism and even modify his art to better fit BZP's atmosphere. Yes, there are problems with the implications of this piece of art, namely internalized sexism, but I think there are better ways to discuss it than by simply throwing criticism and accusations at the artist. 


    Saying things like "save this stuff for DeviantArt" and "why not just draw blatant p*rn" accomplishes absolutely nothing besides creating hostility where there needs to be none. Instead of vaguely insulting the artist, why don't you try to instigate an open dialogue about sexism and the derogatory ways females are so often portrayed on media of all kinds? I think that will produce far better results than simply tossing out vaguely insulting one-liners and jumping ship.



    Awww... thanks, but as nice as that would be, this is the internet after all, and it is kind of expected to have some people use simplistic methods of critiquing, while others are more open to friendly dialogues. ^_^


    I wouldn't mind hearing people's opinions and concerns, and more than willing to make changes, if your arguments are informative and reasonable. So it is somewhat hard to get a truly honest opinion of the art itself, but unfortunately most of the input so far is too vague or unrelenting to the subject. (But don't mind humor.. BULik and hashtagfortyfive, not bad. lol)



    IMPORTANT QUESTION: why does Hahli have hair, and why doesn't Jaller


    I mean this is a pretty standard thing in awkwardly sexualized female bonkles art but it will never not be weird to me


    Do all these artists just exist in a world where all girls have long hair and all guys are bald or something??


    You so right... I really should give Jaller hair. lol



    While I appreciate your having changed your artwork to fit within BZPower's guidelines, your commentary in both of your topics has been borderline inappropriate for a few reasons. BZPower does not condone objectifying material, and furthermore, General Art is not the place for discussion of sexism.


    Many of the other comments made in this topic have been off-topic or otherwise unnecessary.


    So, consider this a warning to everybody.


    I did not see this post, when I posted this post, because you can't see new post when writing one, so starting after this post, I will definitely keep that in mind. (I'm a little too lazy to review it all right now.)


    Well, again that was fun, as always. I have been enjoying all of this, it has been a mostly.. interesting experience so far.  ;)

  11. I see no problem with over-sexualising Anime drawings, as it is very common in anime to have characters that are overly sexualised. Look at the main female characters in Yu-Gi-Oh, for an example.


    I like Gorast's colours, with the different shades of green. She also looks insectoid but graceful, and her wing colour is very nice, too ^_^


    Dude thanks for for the support, but nothing anyone could ever say on here could ever to me. lol And from what I could tell, I have not been given a notification by anyone that my artwork breaks the guidelines.  ;)



    ...and you don't see a problem with more sexist anime being produced, because anime is sexist to...begin with?




    Aren't people wonderful?




    I expect the guy to get constructive criticism. It's alright suggesting he tone it down. But when he's getting posts like "what and why" that will knock his confidence. The guy wants to share artwork and people on here are bashing him for it.


    Sorry are we suppose to be okay with sexism?



    The concept of sexism is completely subjective to cultural norms, which is why Anime can easily come across as sexist. The modern interpretations of what sexism is still widely debatable in both social and political acceptance of gender equality or inequalities. So objectively speaking, your high horse of morality has no bearing in a sea of conflicting voices.  :D


    But, yeah, I would say this is the least threatening and mildest form of sexism. After all, I believe it is the feminists that say sexuality empowers women, so how are imagery that empowers women that sexist? Never quite understood that, but hey that's an interesting social theory that's thrown around.


    Now telling women they can't have certain job positions, but men can, that women don't get equal pay are a serious sexist issues, in both cases that can't be discussed on this website, nor do they have much to do with my artwork, meaning my "sexist" artwork has little to no impact on society's ever changing values on views of gender equality.


    If it did that would be quite amazing to say the least. lol 


    Everyone, please lighten up. The moment you start getting self-righteous on here, just calm yourself down and remind yourself that you're on a website devoted to children's building toys.


    That said, Trueshadow: sexualized Bionicles tend to be extremely awkward, especially when they're in a context that isn't appropriate. If you want to draw sexy ladies, I suggest you go the 1950s pinup route, where the sexualization is appropriate for the genre. You can have all the fun you want with your heavy-lidded eyes and feminine curves in that context. But when you're illustrating actual dramatic scenes and still inserting weird sexual stuff into them, it gives the impression that "highly sexualized" is the only way you know how to draw female characters.


    I go to an art school, and I know a guy like this. Everyone hates working with him on projects, because he can't help but inject his sexual fixations onto everything he draws, and it comes across as pervy and gets in the way of the story being told. I like the female form as much as anybody, but trying to contort your characters into sexy poses and high heels when the scene apparently involved strangling (?) is just inappropriate and weird. 


    Oh I know, but the funny thing is that unlike my previous two, involving Matoro, and my latest artistic entry, the Jaller and Hali one (which I did revise for certain complaints)... anyway, this one was meant to be awkward. I did not intend the Jaller and Hali one to be so controversial, now that was unintentional. But controversy does leads to so many unexpected responses, which I find most fascinating and amusing to me, so I guess that was a win, win, for me. Muhahahahaha....  :popcorn:  


    But why would I purposely present something that was awkward? Well, half of it was because I was bored and wanted to practice drawing the female form. :music:


    The other half was because I wanted to see people's reaction to seeing two unexpected characters to be interacting uncharacteristically. After all, Gali isn't suppose to be timid, but here she is passive, and Gorast isn't suppose to be so calm, but more violent and out of control. (In case you are unfamiliar with their characteristics.) In other words, this work of art was more of a parody; a comedic representation of characters.  :jester:


    Therefore, much like Adventure Time's style of using subtle/awkward images or concepts by taking seemingly two opposites and creating a flat note in that moment of phantasm when someone viewing the the image. Imagery is a powerful way of manipulation people's first initial emotional reaction. In other words, it was mostly to mess with people and to see what would happen, and boy did it not disappoint me.  ^_^


    Well... it's been fun.  :eyeboggle:

               (I'n not insane... I prefer the term... "creative"... lol)

  12. Even though I revised the picture, I just can't help but want to address each person. Because I enjoy doing so... lets begin...  :P


    anatomically this makes no sense... and why is their armor so far from being practical? like.... what is going on here..... why not just draw blatant p*rn, like.... you need to relax


    Again, the Catwoman and Batman comparison, they both have different functionalities, and it makes sense for the Inika to be more fast and mobile. :P


    And no, I wouldn't want to destroy someone's childhood in that way. No, because by just by adding emotions between two characters that don't technically share equal a romantic relationship is enough to cause the more sensitive fans to face-palm themselves. As I said in a different post, "Some people just want to watch the world burn."  ;)


    Hands seem a bit small, as well as Hali's mid-torso, but otherwise a good piece.


    I don't know, I generally prefer smaller hands that are proportional like in Anime or Manga. Thanks by the way. 


    I'm under the impression that you've been hanging out on one of the darker corners of the interwebs, as Tentalones up there suggested.


    In all honesty, it looks good, but... Seriously, what is that armor supposed to be covering? You realize that these guys fight in life-or-death situations, right? Hahli's lingerie isn't gonna do squat for her in battle. 


    Awww... yes... the dark corners of the interweb... where bit-coins are suppose to mean something... nah just kidding, I've heard of things, but never brave enough to venture into it myself. lol


    No, I've got more inspiration from comic books than anything else, in case you were wondering. Again. Catwoman/Batman comparison, and personally if I had super powers I would probably go for more mobility, after all, you can't get hurt if no one can hit you.  :fear:


    Perhaps this needs a little toning down?


    Haha... I did my best to tone it down. I wouldn't mind feedback on the art in general though, but if you don't want to that's perfectly fine.  ^_^


    hmmm, i'd honestly have to agree w/ the others here.


    Hahli, in comparison to the generally anatomically stable proportions, is a bit on the skinny side in her waist area, which, also appears to be lacking some important plating/ribbing. :0


    (just a suggestion though. :t )


    I did take your suggestion, but it may still be a little on the skinny side, but I think it looks a little more "stable" now.  ;)


    Could you save stuff like this for DeviantArt? That's where all the hormone driven Bionicle drawings usually are. 


    I actually was considering opening an account on that website, but I haven't gotten around to it. However, I wouldn't really say my art was "hormone-driven" since I was mostly focusing on the form and not the sensuality aspect so much, but I guess it could be taken that way. lol


    I'm far past being affected by such primal emotions, but rather look at the female form as a elegant expression of natural physical beauty. (Similar, not not quite the same way a doctor's typical response to certain human anatomy, which most people would otherwise feel uncomfortable with... I guess I'm more like a doctor in that sense.)


    The metaphysical understanding of natural beauty transcends sensual passions, and is an intellectual appreciation for quintessential beauty as whole. The emotions expressed between the two fictional characters are romantified to express the feelings of love between two beings. One bears fiery masculine qualities, and the other liquified feminine qualities.


    When together, the two are balanced and become spiritually connected, which is meant to be a beautiful element. Their physical image is suppose to reflect that beautiful elements and capture these qualities found within the characters in that image. 


    However, I guess I could see why most people would has reason to assume things, which is perfectly fine. After I did ask for people honesty.Well, anyways, that was fun addressing all of you. I do hope you guys like the revised version a more than the original. Oh and please continue to offer any feedback or concern, I'll be looking forward to it.  :D


    Helps to have a mask of "Luck".  ;)

    ...Is this supposed to be some sort of innuendo


    Like I honestly can't tell, please help me out here



    Hmmm... well it wasn't suppose to be, but it does imply that it was lucky to save her in time, I guess? I hope that helps you. After we are suppose to be "pure-minded" individuals here, who do not scuffle at the grounds and gutters of the societal browser of thoughts and opinions, also known as, the internet.  lol  B-)


                                            ~Stay thirsty my friends~ 

  14. Hey Vezon if you met Deadpool, would the fourth wall be totally destroyed beyond all hopes of repair? Oh and after would you two form the greatest bromance ever in the history of bromances.  ;)

  15. no i'd rather not see this style again (but if you like it continue drawing this way lol) but its good to see young people invested in making artwork. just stick with what you like and continue to get better is probably all i have to say... lol


    Hmmm... well that's some awesome sauce. Don't get me wrong, I love all of this input so far.   ^_^


    After all, you know when you are doing something right (or slightly wrong), when it is mixed with various views. So... peace out dude! lol B-)


    (Spoiler alert... I probably will continue doing a similar style, but I will try to tone it down a little.)  :o

  16. this is implying more than it should.

    have I not suffered enough?


    Hmmm... do tell what implications that are implemented? lol All I see are emotions of gratification. So I do apologize if her gratification brings you suffering, that's too bad.  ;) But do check out my earlier one's just in case it will bring you more comfort.  :D


    Jaller's gonna need that lucky Calix to keep from snapping Hahli in half at the waist.


    It's ok, her arms are wrapped around him tightly, so I think she'll be fine, but thanks for the concern.  ^_^  

  17. Jaller saving Hahli*... Helps to have a mask of "Luck".  ;)

                     (I fixed the spelling)



    I took this scene from when Jaller uses his mask the first time and saves Hali. ^_^


    Ok, so I've been having fun with my Wacom pad in the past few days. :gavel:


    I tested out some transparency effects when I made Hahli's "energy" hair and the smoke effects.   :D


    Jaller's flame sword was actually made on accident, when I was erasing parts of it and then found that it made an interesting effect, so I messed around with that and came up with that flame design.  :lol:  


    Criticism or compliments, feel free to be as brutally honest as you wish, because a shadow of truth never killed anyone...     ;) 


    A few notes...


    After taking in some of the recent comments, I took the liberty into updating the picture a bit so it is more "modest" for those who deemed it "too much" and even made her waist slightly thicker.


    However, the implications that my artwork should be on less nobler of websites such as this is well noted, but I assure everyone that this was never my original intention, nor to arise such controversy. Those kind of sites generally do not provide true art. 


    Regardless, I do love to take in the time to address such things. Nevertheless, my main focus when drawing this style of artwork has always been more concerned with technicality of the art itself, not whether or not the functionalities of armor is realistic, at least in the context of the universe it is about.


    After all for you know is the "protodermis" or "first-skin" can look light and yet still be durable. The purpose of armor is to protect against possible threats, but light armor can realistically improve mobility, so it is a trade off, much like the contrast of Catwoman outfit is to Batman's armor. 


    Speaking of superheroes in comics, there is a similar focus of detail to the female form that is very common among most, if not all, female superhero characters. That being said, I was rather surprised to find such a consensus among members that deemed my original to be "too much", but I guess it can't be helped.


    I do hope this revised version is more pleasing for everyone. Oh and thank you all for the feedback, it has been most interesting.  ;) 

    • Upvote 2
  18. do you draw all of your characters like that?


    Not always, but I can if you want me to.  ;)


    GORAST IS A FEMALE?! This is new knowledge to me. Can you send me the original of this please? I'm...curious.


    Yes, she is female. I did send you the original version, since you asked so politely. (If anyone else is curious about the original version, just open the current picture into a new tab and replace the g2 with: g1.)  ^_^


    Another great Anime version of BIONICLE characters! Its great the way you draw these, it really captures the way the characters would look if they were a cartoon!


    Thanks for the feedback.  B-)

  19. theyre hypersexualized for no reason....


    Well, I guess that's your opinion. -_-  Hahaha... I mean it wasn't the intended to be taken that way. I mean... I was just practice drawing the female form. Besides, I've seen other members on here occasionally draw female characters with similar styles. I apologize if this style is not to your liking, but hey can't please everyone.   ;)

    • Upvote 1
  20. Not bad, not bad at all! Definitely looks like an Anime version of Matoro, the way you did the mask is really great! Great job!


    Awww... Thanks man.  :P


    Looks good, and very Matoro, but a few nitpicky details- Matoro Mahri has a hunchback and red eyes. I feel he may have benefitted from a different facial expression, maybe a more serious and grim one. Overall, a great work of art! I like the free floating tubes that aren't connected to his Cordak Blaster. I assume its in hammerspace at the moment. :)


    I couldn't tell if what color his eyes were in the pictures of the sets, so I'll keep that in mind if I ever draw him again.

    Oh and hammerspace is the best kind of space.  ;)


    You might want to switch to a more solid brush, but otherwise it's pretty good.


    Solid Brush... is that the technique when you draw in a cardboard box.... Hmmmm... Snake? :o Hahaha... I'm just kidding. I'll consider it. Thanks. 


    I like the body design and armor. His color scheme flows well together too. My only complaint would be that the Ignika could be a little bigger. But aside from that this is really cool. :)


    Well, the Ignika does have the power to change size unofficially.... and shape... and color... It's like alive or something, or a Pokeman that evolves for reasons unknown. (Actually, I mostly just got really lazy near the end.)  :D



    (Yes... I like to respond to every comment... because it's fun I guess?)  B-)

  21. Hey, Gali Mistika's mask actually looks good here! I commend you for that admirable feat.


    It was easy... for you draw this head... then you erase the minor details and then you get this head... thingy. Nah just kidding, thanks man (or woman?) 


    But serious no comment on the awkward expression on Gali's face? No? Hahaha... Ok... Hahaha... 

  22. Both your Matoro drawings look extremely feminine for some reason. I think their features are too smooth and curved. The faces are also very feminine.


    What's the green flame stuff on that side of his head?


    As for the sword, definitely seeing a Kirito influence there, lol. Looks like it's actually made of ice though.


    I gave him more feminine features because Matoro reminds me of Zero from megaman zero, and he's pretty feminine looking, but most people still like him. The first drawing of him as Marhi had a similar design to Kirito's avatar in the second season. Finally someone who know's about SAO! lol 

    Oh and I like making one of the eyes to glow overly dramatic, you know.... just for fun.  ^_^



    I like the style, but it could use a little work. The proportions are all strange, and he looks oddly feminine with smooth features and large chest. Also, it's weird how only one of his eyes is glowing. Everything's well thought out and designed though. I especially like how is energized ice sword is a laser buster sword. Might steal that in the future.  :D


    Technically his chest does kind of look like that.. just kidding... it's really his hips and legs that look feminine, uh because reasons I mentioned above and again the eye,,, for fun? And why go for regular sword if you can use ice powers to make a fantasy buster sword? Stealing ideas is what the internet it for, so go for it.  ;)

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