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Status Updates posted by Cida

  1. No, it's just that I find it entertaining to watch fat computer people get so easily angered. :)

  2. Thanks noobs.

  3. Is the guy below me okay?

  4. You do realize that was sarcasm. Go eat some chips and please leave my page. KTHNX

  5. Just so you know, my intentions are to confuse.

  6. Thanks, but I don't take forums seriously. They're entertaining.

  7. I know this sounds dumb, but how do I look back at old comments?

  8. And how do I read old comments?

  9. Your banner is killer.

  10. you like me

  11. Rofl, if I get banned I get banned, the website's loss.

  12. Thank you for knowing what a pentagram is.

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