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Status Updates posted by sunflower

  1. Weekly avatar change 2: Spore! :3

    1. Calvirick


      Spore had its days with me. Then TF2 came along.

    2. sunflower
    3. Simulacrum




      I enjoy spore, in case you've failed to notice.


      No, really!

  2. Lets see... Bzprpg > Math Work.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Snelly


      Yep, glad I don't have any more classes in math in college anymore, which means I'm done with it...forever

    3. Calvirick


      @Xemnas of Crystal: Trig was hard. Algebra was fun!

      @Snelly I'm sure that feels awesome. :P

    4. sunflower


      Algebra is awesome.


      Like awesome kinda awesome. :P

  3. I used to be able to walk, but then I took an arrow to the knee.

    1. Snelly


      I used to be con artist...then I took an arrow to the knee.

    2. sunflower


      Really? I used to be on the Lego Forums, but then I got over run by noobs.

    3. Simulacrum


      I used to be a healthy, functioning knee, then this arrow appeared...

  4. I'm not really 72, am I?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. sunflower


      no, duh, Mata Nui.



    3. BenLuke


      Gravity is no mere alien, he is a force the universe itself!



    4. sunflower






      So, i'm wating for someone to be the weak or strong force. XD Or electromagnitism.

  5. Avatar change 1 comments: who ever knows where I got this one is awesome.

    1. Snelly


      I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that is from Exit Path

    2. sunflower


      Close... MUHAHAHA! :P


      Its similare... and made by my favorite Flash Game Devs...

  6. I have decided to change my avatar every week, without using the same one for 3 weeks. This is going to be fun.

  7. lul, I'm a crab again. :3

  8. And its back to Darkspore now. :P

  9. My stuff is now Spore themed. :3

    1. Wade.


      How is Spore anyways? Never played it.

    2. sunflower


      Awesome. A really fun and entertaining game, even without the expansion packs.

  10. Yay! For giant lasers. :3

  11. I now have a comic series! Check it out in the Comics Forum! :3

    1. Wade.


      Awesome! Expect me to follow them since they're pretty good and you're using the Dark709 kit. :)

  12. "...well, you stole my joke. Let's hope you don't steal too many more of those, as I have a very limited collection of them, and without jokes, this fun fun trip will be a lot less entertaining." -Me, Aftermath 2

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Wade.


      Did you google translate that or do you actually speak french? :P

    3. Snelly
    4. Wade.


      I thought so XD

  13. Gravity wants to play Darkspore. :3

  14. Changed my avatar to Magnos. :3

  15. I used to play Skyrim, until I took an arrow to the knee.

  16. waaassssssssuuuuupppppppp??

    1. Wade.


      My soul, floating to heaven. Don't ask.

  17. lololololololololololololololololol, wut?

  18. so you people don't have to go seaching around the profile pages, My Sig Links To My Bzprpg Profiles. OK?

  19. so you people don't have to go seaching around the profile pages, My Sig Links To My Bzprpg Prifiles. OK?

  20. Haters gonna hate, but Bonecrusher hates haters, and everything else.

  21. Haters gonna hate, but Bonecrusher just hates haters, and everything else.

  22. Haters gonna hate, but Bonecrusher just hates...

  23. lolz, I survived 23 minutes of listing to Stayin' Alive in the car, with my parents. Help me. Please.

  24. New Onuzek artwork up in the forum.

  25. Grr, Gravity wants to play Darkspore.

    1. BenLuke


      Referring to yourself in the third person again, are we? :)

    2. sunflower


      :D I've been role playing Onuzek way too much.

      But what would it mean if I said: "Grr, gravity wants to play Darkspore."

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