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Everything posted by ..::FaithLoveHope::..

  1. o.O Id like to live in my Van by my River O.o...

  2. OWNAGE! >:D

    Stellar Kart Owns, Leeland Owns, Sanctus Real Owns, Switchfoot is OK, but the first 3 is where all the Good Stuff is really at >:D

    Yeahya for awesome Artists!

  3. Lol.. Heh.. well... I could go into a philisophical standpoint and say "IM not the TyRaN I once was," But ima not go there :P

  4. What? theres only One TyRaNiTaR on BZP o.O...

  5. I knows :D

    Ive been busy... like Ive told Deadalus countless times before, my priorities have shifted... alot :o...

  6. I know, but your like... almost never on :s

  7. erm.. how old are you? O.o...

    honestly, jsut get along with people, you dont like Pokemon, dont come to the topic... sheeeshz...

  8. no =s

    I was on a Church Retreat... sue me >_>

  9. ~~Hit list for people who need to get AIM:


    ~~Hit list for people who need to get on AIM:more


  10. wut? rly? Im going sea!

    BTW.. when you gonna get AIM? ;_;

  11. So, I herd u dnt leik Mudkibs
  12. Y Helo thar? N-E-Thing hapenning en ur Blog?

  13. Why does the Sun hate me so? >:o

    My cat start scrathing me while she was stretching, and shes doing that right on my sunburn >_

  14. Back from vacation....

    one thing I dont get is why the sun hates me... I went to Knotts Soak City at Palm Springs and I got a major Sunburn...

    Guess its Sun:1, Me:Zip... *Goes off to devise a plan to get back at the sun*

  15. Havent been on in forever >:o

    Luckilly, BZP went offline so I had an excuse to start playing Runescape 10 hours aday to get DChains, Legs, and a Whip... WOOts for great timing plOx? :P

  16. Dude, I cant let one of my Fave Bloggers not be on my friends :D SPAMZ and LEETZ!

  17. ..::FaithLoveHope::..

    Guy Rules

    ROFLOCITY... Kex your Humor astounds me.. Nice Find, I really Like #1 (xP) That "Do you think I look fat one" is magor ownage
  18. That Sadness! The Unhappiness! The Sorrow! Oh woe is us @_@ Omi.. youve been there for a while, and weve had some good laughs... Peace to a valued member... Goodbyes can only say so much =\
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