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Lemony Lepid

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Posts posted by Lemony Lepid

  1. an art focused kit that is still in progress.





    Only phase one, no masks, dull color. sorry.

  2. Uh... No. technic colosyum is ALL technic things. not just bionicle.

    My game:

    will have a cool comic for every battle

    have cooler weps

    have total freedom with customization.

    has better range and

    backgrounds. epicness.



  3. You guys should check out my game. it is kinda' like this one.



    Pohatu VS Onua

    1500 W each


    Pohatu lifts up a rock and throws it at onua. onua gets crushed. I bury him too far underground. he falls in lava from aqua magna's core. he gets crushed because of high pressure. he pops like popcorn. I win.



    Got kinda lazy...

  4. GALI VS POHATU!! here is my slightly amusing stratigy.



    (setting: po koro's shore)Pohatu runs around flailing his arms, screaming: HAHAHAHAYOUCANTCATCHMEHAHAHAHAAnd then he goes underground. then he pops up and uses his ruru to blind her for a moment. then he punches hur in the stomach and kicks her in the face very fast with his kakama. once her head is bleeding he stomps on her right leg. It breaks. He burys her under ground.



    the end.

  5. This may seem copyed from Technic couliseum, but it is of my own disign...


    This game chalenges my spriting skills, comic skills, and posing skills. all put together to make one cool game.




    no what I call ,supernoobofawesome, weapons. (AKA things like: staff of a bajillion hit points, or mask of indestructableness-ness, ect.)

    No instant death kills unless enemy was stabbed in the heart, neck, or brain.

    no flying unless toa of gravity, you have a miru, or if you have a kadin

    No using the mask of life unless it is a special event. anounced by me or a sub-staff.

    You may not have more than five things in your inventory unless it is a special event or if you perchase a bag for 500 W.

    No useless comments like 'LOL' or '*random joke*'

    No having an army.


    You are a Toa/skakkdi/rahkshee/vahkii/anybionicleofsimilarsize MOC of your own disign, with a weapon of your choice.



    make/create a moc or PM me details. (may NOT be canon char.)

    PM! NOT COMMENT! give me an image(s) of the moc so I may sprite it up.

    give me details about his/her background story.

    Explain what he can do. (element, weapon function, mask type, ect.)

    I will determin your MOC's mind, agility, strangth, and toughness. (total= 15 pts to start with)

    I will make an image and post your statts on the first post (here)

    you startout with 50,000 widgets. (50 studs equal 1 widget)



    challenge an opponent by PM, along with a wager of widgets.

    announce it in comments, along with the agreeable fair wager.

    Post your stratigy in a spoiler with your opponent. along with *area setting.

    I read them and make an action comic using the stratigies.

    the winner is determined.

    then is awarded.



    Loganto- 600 HP

    E: Plantlife

    W: dual energy katars (-30 HP per hit)

    Ag: 4

    St: 4

    Tou: 3

    Mi: 4

    Items: akakomaku (mask)











    when there is an event, I will post a comment saying a particular event is in session for (insert time here).

    rules of current events I made up:

    Group battle- 2 or more players, free for all

    light VS dark- 2 or more players, 2 teams.

    Bag full 'o' goodies- 2 player, unlimited inventory

    weapon pack- 2 player, winner gets 1 free weapon forge.



    sea of protodermis-

    moving platforms, and an audience to laugh at your defeat.

    Kini Nui-

    colapsable stone towers, and a hole that leads to your death.

    Grass field-

    a quiet little place, isn't it?

    Glatorian arena-

    very messy, alot of... clean-up.

    Bowl of soup-

    careful, it's hot!

    plain white background-

    where am I?



    Mask- 8000 W

    Hau • Kaukau • Miru • Kakama • Pakari • Akaku

    Huna • Rau • Mahiki • Komau • Ruru • Matatu

    Calix • Elda • Suletu • Sanok • Kadin • Iden

    Arthron • Faxon • Zatth • Garai • Volitak • Tryna

    (gives corosponding ability; one use per battle; useless for vahki and rahkshii)

    Weapon forge- 10000 W

    (make coustom weapon)

    Bottle of energised protodermis- 1000 W

    (pour on self or foe; 50% chance of death; 25% chance of mutation; 25% chance of fusion to random object)

    Disk- 3000

    (power may be chosen; regenerates; -30 HP per hit)

    Trainer- 1000 W Per +1

    (adds agility, strength, mind, and toughness)

    Name change- 25 Std

    (changes your name)


    (under development)


  6. My Toa loganto Moc was sitting on my shelf... half way across my room.

    wake up on the floor. middle of the night. no covers. see loganto all tucked in my bed with my three comfortors. toss 'em off my bed. go to sleep. same thing happens an hour later. except his brain piece was red instead of blue. im freaked out. sleep on the couch. wake up with loganto staring right at me from the kitchen floor. I try to rip off his head, my throat is in pain. try his arm, shoulder hurts. Flipped. Out. I started crying in my bedroom corner. this was seventeen days ago. ever scence, I refuse to go to bed. loganto still is watches me from my shelf as I bzp to pass the time.

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