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Lemony Lepid

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Posts posted by Lemony Lepid

  1. LOL.


    Fun comic fact:

    the reason brutico and I were in te same position in my first comics was because I didn't know how kits worked, so I couldn't make more positions.

  2. Also, there was no noble Hau in 2004, unless you're confusing it with the Kiril or referring only to Lhikan's noble Hau in the story. And in the latter case, the reason other noble masks haven't appeared prominently in story is probably just that there haven't been many Turaga with important roles in the story whatseover, which again is a consequence of the sets. From the beginning the sets have always dictated who the main characters for each story year have been. No Turaga sets, not much chance of Turaga having a starring role in the corresponding story year.

    I think it's likely that there was a conscious choice not to focus on Turaga so much, so as not to overcomplicate the whole story and likely to avoid being too repetitive.Also, why wouldn't he be referring to Lhikan's Noble Hau? :P


    The reason I ask is because I had some cool disigns I wanted to show him.

  3. I'll work on that. maby.


    Fun comic fact:

    The reason the Doctors have 3 different colored eyes on there Akaku masks is because they have modified the mask with 3 settings. Orange is the X-ray vision (ironically), the white is an optical light, and the third is the actual eye.


    Only reason I have a scope is because my character is blind in the right eye. ( that is a story to be told later)



    New comic

    I know you are there, cat. post yourself! or just a comment.

  4. LOL, By the way, to all my fans, I enjoy feedback. As long as it's feedback, I can make my comics better. I don't even care if it is like... "your comics are so dumb!" I don't care! I NEED FEEDBACK to FEED ME! just say SOMETHING!


    By the way alaxus, I didn't know anyone used the nope thing... I thought it was only used for your unsprited face... sorry.

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