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Everything posted by ZTG

  1. Well, you can see a Scootaloo episode as a chance for her to become less annoying. ;)In other news, the Smile Song even makes non-bronies smile. New episode info: So... Derpy is dead? Sniff......grrrrrr that stupid brony! Why was that so offensive?!?!?!Don't go blaming and insulting other bronies. Firstly, it's much more likely to be due to parent complaints than any one brony. Secondly, remember to love and tolerate. And above all, remember that until The Last Roundup Derpy was just a background pony. It doesn't seem like she's going anywhere; but her speaking role has been altered to omit her name and it's unlikely that she'll be named again. That doesn't mean the show is any less the one we know and love.It actually was some Bronies who complained. =PAnd he's not insulting them. He stating fact.They clearly said "that stupid brony". That's not a particularly bad insult, but it's still an insult, and in light of the amount of hate said bronies are getting lately I think we should all pay attention to what we say lest we lose the positivity that makes this fandom so awesome.So bout rage thing. But he was being stupid yes and we should stay calm and continue to sprees derpiness everywhere!!! Me and my friend are working on saving Derpy not with rage but with awesomeness, so let's always remember Derpy on Derpy day thursday! What episode did sweetie belle do that? Anywho, the first three are comedic, not "insulting" because it's the reverse an numerous side of something. And the funeral thing is used a lot in adult movies and cartoons.Hearts and Hooves, during the song.That 'twas a funeral? Looked more like a speech
  2. Well, you can see a Scootaloo episode as a chance for her to become less annoying. ;)In other news, the Smile Song even makes non-bronies smile. New episode info: So... Derpy is dead? Sniff......grrrrrr that stupid brony! Why was that so offensive?!?!?!Don't go blaming and insulting other bronies. Firstly, it's much more likely to be due to parent complaints than any one brony. Secondly, remember to love and tolerate. And above all, remember that until The Last Roundup Derpy was just a background pony. It doesn't seem like she's going anywhere; but her speaking role has been altered to omit her name and it's unlikely that she'll be named again. That doesn't mean the show is any less the one we know and love.It actually was some Bronies who complained. =PAnd he's not insulting them. He stating fact.They clearly said "that stupid brony". That's not a particularly bad insult, but it's still an insult, and in light of the amount of hate said bronies are getting lately I think we should all pay attention to what we say lest we lose the positivity that makes this fandom so awesome.So bout rage thing. But he was being stupid yes and we should stay calm and continue to sprees derpiness everywhere!!! Me and my friend are working on saving Derpy not with rage but with awesomeness, so let's always remember Derpy on Derpy day thursday! What episode did sweetie belle do that? Anywho, the first three are comedic, not "insulting" because it's the reverse an numerous side of something. And the funeral thing is used a lot in adult movies and cartoons.
  3. Well, you can see a Scootaloo episode as a chance for her to become less annoying. ;)In other news, the Smile Song even makes non-bronies smile. New episode info: So... Derpy is dead? Sniff......grrrrrr that stupid brony! Why was that so offensive?!?!?!
  4. A truly amazing feet! How long did it take you to do this? I mean some of the characters like Jebraz and Boomonga have no canonical forms!
  5. We need another Rarity episode. Or at least another mane six episode. I think a Pipsqueak and Dinky ep would be nice... YES TO ALL THREE! Of course I would say...YES!!!!!!! As awesome as it was for pinkie to destroy the fourth wall several times and act like it never existed, the mane six must return with speaking roles, or at least 3 cuz we have been going with either background ponies or only one mane character.
  6. I think Disney's new movie John Carter is plagerising The Bara Magna story. Not going into a rant, but so far it's either similar or full out coPy right. John Carter is sent to a new world and must fight to return (Mata Nui did that too!) he befriends a native, has this slobbery pet(not a bug but still) and must fight a horde of unbeatable foes(skrall much?)! Thoughts?
  7. Pinkie Pie jus t made my today in today's episode!!! The smile song is my new favorite pinkie song!!!!!!!! The 4th wall is broken forever after today, and Pinkie's logic and Sonic Pinkieboom was epic!!!!!!!!!!!!!Plus babies returned, RD still reads, and now every pony has been infected by pinkie logic and now reality is screwed!
  8. I loved it cause Egoraptor voiced Rarity, but hated it cuz of the mexican joke, but still found that joke funny. Have cousins who are part Hispanic.
  9. Check out mr. Poniator on ####### (he does spoofs based off some things from episodes) the spoof series which starts with APPLE MOV. (warning!!!! Language and some sexual jokes), oh And Epic Cupcake time and epic pie time!
  10. Okay so...what is your favorite fanmations?3. Epic Cupcake time2. Apples MOV.1. Epic pie time
  11. He sounds like Mr. Nezzer the whole time he is under that spell, to those who watch or used to watch Veggie Tales you know what i mean.
  12. That idea is the... best... possible... thing! XDI think I actually have a few images of two ponies saved from a pony generator (Dawn Twinkle was one of them, the other was a white unicorn. XP)Where is this generator?
  13. So on to a new topic, what is your pony? I mean like your pony character you made up?Mine is Gear Shift.He is red with brown hair and a short brown tail with goggles and hazel eyes. Cutie mark I a paintbrush and pencil going through each other forming an X and their on top of a cog.
  14. Its not just feathers that make a wing, wings have bones and skin, it's just covered by feathers.Well, yeah, but go back to the clip and see how RD's trapped. Then look at where Sweetie Belle removed one of Scootaloo's feathers. They look like pretty much the same point.Well RD's an adut Pegasus and her wings are more developed, while Scootaloo's are smaller and are mainly feathers while there are less bones and thin skin which allows them to fly. RD's wings are bigger an have more bone and skin and a little less feathers.
  15. Its not just feathers that make a wing, wings have bones and skin, it's just covered by feathers.
  16. Jelly troll, love, shippers grtting ticked? Awesome!Also, cherrille reminds me of my big sis, and I have never seen big Mac so gay(as in happy) and have a lotta lins today! However, it wasn't clear if they are together...I can't tell if they were just trolling, or if they joked to them about that, and really love each other...sigh...On a side note:-You'd think Rarity would have been with sweetie belle at the shop-Sweetie Belle and Rarity share the same line. (hint hint?)-Fanart armageddon!!!-Lovey dovey Mac sounds like Mr. Nezzer when he is baby talking to one of his chocolate bunnies-Cherille was the slightest bit...seduecive looking at one part...okay every part when looking in macs eyes. Thanks animators for fan service. -No Mac no apples? *bawk*NEVER!
  17. Hmmm...Progress is a very goofy story that focuses on Luna - a lot of comedies reference it, so it might be good to know if you start looking into that. It's pretty sweet (and definitely not mature).Geez...I'm looking through some story lists now and when we get into background ponies everything good (at least of what I've read so far) seems to be either a Doctor Who crossover or a shipping fic, which strays pretty far from the feel of the official canon.Bubbles is said...but beautiful, it's a fanfic about Derpy/Ditzy I suggest reading it! Also, there is a fan series called Doctor Whooves and his assistant, but it's somewhat based off of the cannon story with the doc and Derpy/Ditzy either helping the plot move, or explain certain things like why Derpy went north, or how the windagos came to the pony world.
  18. So retarded that Derpy's scene insulted People! I saw a video of the fanvoice of Derpy/Ditzy, and she made a very valid point! She said people over care for the disablitied, and that they can't make jokes about themselves. The way I see it, Derpy is not mentally retarded! She is simply absent minded, and a bit of a klutz. People thought that Derpy was a stereotism about the retarded, and how "derp" is an insulting word! We all derp! But then again, this hasn't been official, and we should wait and write polite and straight to the point emails to hasbro about how bronies and pegasisters feel about this, that was how SOPA stopped
  19. Larryboy is the best superhero ever! take that batman!
  20. And back to the cider episode, is Oder like the beer of ponies? Either that or it just tastes real good cause I saw Cherylie take a sip, it was like fOr a second she was drunk. Just asking, cause they have made a few adult references in the show, cuz of the bronies
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