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Everything posted by ZTG

  1. Seems like Lauren Faust knows that some of the actors were in BIONICLE movies, which ergo some biofans would love the show which is working. Either way, BIONICLE and Ponies now have this weird but awesome relationship...
  2. I'll joinBZP Username -Alt. DCharacter Name -Zac, Spartan-Z17Species -HumanAffiliation - Spartan-IIIsRank - SergeantFaction -ODSTSpecialize in - Invention, Demolition, Hacking, DrivingPrimary Weapon -ShotgunSide-Arm -Rocket LauncherGrenade - Two Frag GrenadesAppearance -White skined, Short Brown hair, bangs part to right, hazel eyes, 6 feet tallBiography -I used to be a regular teen, living on Reach, creating machinary. Until that fateful happened. I heard about this new Spartan project and I wanted to see what it was about! Luckily, they mistook me for a young adult and I was recruited into the program. Instead of them giving me the default armor, I was able to make my own after I told them about my ability to build. I made my own armor, which is red and black, and I was placed with in ODST and I was asked to make my own squad, think they were putting me into a test. Now I need to assemble my crew...
  3. Yup. Thats what the title says. Here you can chat about Veggie Tales, and talk about the characters and your favorite show. What? MLP got a topic, so why not?
  4. However, even the strong were weak. The Defenders of old began to crumble. Gresh went crazed due to Kiina's death and he went to the Dark Side, never to return...Helryx met her match when Takanuva was corrupted by Makuta, and after a long fight, Helryx's body was destroyed...Takanuva became known as Garncha, Makuta for 'Fallen Toa' and Garncha turned into a makuta...Tahu and Artahka however, still lived...Tahu knew he had to do something, he had to find his heir. Among the Matoran of Fire, he found a special one. One with gold and red armor, with a golden hau, crafted quite differently from the others. On it were crimson stripes, and on his chest was a crimson marking, it wasn't of matoran writing or of agori. Tahu knew he was special, and began training him. However, the young Matoran had no known name besides the fact that were he came from, he was called a Kama, and Kama to his people ment Life. Tahu then gave the young matoran his name, and soon he was named Tahukama, which ment 'Life fire'.
  5. There are also a bunch of other connections. Allegretto posted a lot of them here. Also connections between Gundam.Yea like Nuju I think voices Blueblood and Fancypants I think. I heard that Matau also voiced for either G3 or G4 Spike. No wonder there are a bunch of BIObronies!
  6. You got that from Princess Bride didn't you? Anyway, BIONICLE has been passed on to the fanbase. We are now in control of it. Take the BRONIES, they have some power, that helped developed some backround ponies like Derpy. So yea, I think Greg would want us to continue, and we should try to back a huge seriel with our characters called BIONICLE: Our Tale.Every time the fans have tried something like that, it's ended up bombing. Fat chance it'll work."I have a chance! And its fat!"Lol but still, better to try than not to. Never can know if it will work if you never do it.
  7. PrologueOur kind has grown since the war for New Spherus. That's what our people call it now. But I fear if Mata Nui was here, he would frown upon what has happened in the past 1,000 years. Who would have guessed that Kiina would go to this extreme to bring Mata Nui back. It started with a small group, then into a cult, and now into a civilization. Infact, she even tried to bring back Mata Nui by reserecting Teridax, thinking his powers would work. Her foolish attempts only killed her, for even though she had succeeded in bringing bak Teridax, he consumed her life force, and took her dead corpse and created his new wife. In fact, he used the corpses of the fallen to make new armor for his new Brotherhood, and the civilization Kiina had started, they became the slaves of Makuta. Slowly they grew, and we Toa and Glatorian overlooked this threat, and allowed it to flourish. Before we new it, they had taken control over the dark side of the planet. However, Tahu, the last Toa Nuva used the Golden Armor to form a barrier of light around the equator, and that was to allow a century of peace. In that time, he and the defenders of old, Takanuva, Gresh, Helryx and Artahka, made an organization, to protect the agori and matoran. The Gunneraso, which is matoran for The Gunsmiths. However, even the strong were weak. The Defenders of old began to crumble. Gresh went crazed due to Kiina's death and he went to the Dark Side, never to return...Helryx met her match when Takanuva was corrupted by Makuta, and after a long fight, Helryx's body was destroyed...Takanuva became known as Garncha, Makuta for 'Fallen Toa' and Garncha turned into a makuta...Tahu and Artahka however, still lived...Tahu knew he had to do something, he had to find his heir. Among the Matoran of Fire, he found a special one. One with gold and red armor, with a golden hau, crafted quite differently from the others. On it were crimson stripes, and on his chest was a crimson marking, it wasn't of matoran writing or of agori. Tahu knew he was special, and began training him. However, the young Matoran had no known name besides the fact that were he came from, he was called a Kama, and Kama to his people ment Life. Tahu then gave the young matoran his name, and soon he was named Tahukama, which ment 'Life fire'. 10 years together they trained before the young matoran turned into a toa, and soon after that, Tahu began to fade away. His life force was coming to a near end...Tahu, knowing he was going to die, gave every last bit of his Toa Powers to his apprentice. Tahukama was given th e golden armor to wield, with him being the Prodigy of Tahu. Tahukama took the Gunneraso into a new direction, by training them to learn about the old ways of combat. You see, Gunneraso were Toa and Glatorian, but they had been trained in the use of fire arms for quite some time, they had forgotten of their previous ways of combat. Tahukama began to separate the Gunsmiths unto groups, the Toa would master fire arms, and the Glatorian would train their old ways, in combat. The side of good would have to know every battle technique, every trick, ability, skill and strategy in order to return peace to New Spherus.
  8. You got that from Princess Bride didn't you? Anyway, BIONICLE has been passed on to the fanbase. We are now in control of it. Take the BRONIES, they have some power, that helped developed some backround ponies like Derpy. So yea, I think Greg would want us to continue, and we should try to back a huge seriel with our characters called BIONICLE: Our Tale.
  9. I wonder who the next villain is:We've Had Nightmare Moon (idk what she represented)Dicord(Chaos)???(???)Who do you think and what would he/she represent?Also, anyelse notice how Rainbow Dasdh sounds a lot like Pajama Sam at some points?
  10. Oh my God.This is like the ending of Epic Pie time except they all point at Rainbow.LOVED EPIC PIE!
  11. The recent episode you'll see:-Derpy Talking-Big Mac Crying (He is a softy, so am I)-Why we don't break a Pinkie Promise-More Pinkie Epicness-Why we dislike the Mayor-Why Derpy should be a mane character(Still clueless on the element of harmony she represents(if she gets one(if she becomes a mane pony)))-Why this show is awesome-And why do I say why so many times here?
  12. With a plan like that you'd basically be just setting yourself up for disappointment when it stops being successful and gets cancelled-- more disappointment even than the actual toyline's cancellation, perhaps, because at least the main BIONICLE story kept itself flexible so it could bring things to a relative close on short notice if sales began to dwindle. As it is, though, do you honestly believe that it would be wise to create a TV series like this with the intention of it lasting 20 seasons? That to me seems pointlessly ambitious.It should be at least 10, (6 if you combine the storylines into each season like 1-3 will be the Mata Nui series with Metru Nui in it revealing the past (Also helps ltell how the masks of light and time got there and how the matoran did too) insted of the metru series being its own seasons, and the voya and marhi series in one season with one half voya then after the first half, the next being marhi, while karda nui, bara magna and the final battle having their own) and if it goes well, then a new season after the main series could be the aftermath of the war.
  13. My guess is like its them against everything. Pretty sure there will be more freelancer backstory, hopefully the reds and blues get action scenes again. My guess is that it'll be centered around Carolina, Wash and Church, how Wash doesn't want to be a part of freelancer and Carolina revealing more info about the IA program to Church and the teams learn about when the Red vs Blue project was establish. Hopefully sister returns due to the fact that she was the only character with jr who was not in season 9. Differently gonna be that awkward when Churc meets his creator. So Carolina is hellbent on revenge, Wash wanting this to be done an over, the teams being clueless on what's happening, and Church learns of his past.
  14. Spoiler: Derpy hooves is ditsy doos cannon name now and she got lines!!!!!!!! Epic!
  15. Dutch website called "www.nu.nl" says that the creator of the Rayman games slapped Rayman Origins on a game disc so he can start working on a real sequel to the rayman series. it says the rabbids will be replaced by a new enemy. We know now that Rayman Origins isn't the prequel to the game series but more as a cannonical reboot
  16. Also:Chruch: Hey do here that?Wash: Yea..is that..music?Churhc: Yea it i-oh no...Wash: What?Church: Run.There is a lot of jokes of the Reds' jeep. Weird why it wasn't in season 8 when they saved Simmons, would have made it funnier.
  17. Love the banner and pic. Also, you didn't here it from me, but Rayman 4 (The one we were promised in 06 but got replaced by RRR) is coming out in either 2012 or some time later! Same everything, minus enemies. Some speculate it would be revenge of the Hoodlums, or a new species or what not. So Rayman Origins is not the prequel to the series, but the 3.5 kinda. So yea.
  18. Anmation? I think they should do good old flipbook. THey hav overused CGI for their stuff, NINJAGO would be better as an anime, Kai and Cole's voice actors were in Death Note! Point is, BIONICLE as a cartoon show would do better. Much eaisier to make the shapshifting makuta and other villains. It would kinda be like Generator Rex with the good guys looking cartoonish with the villains and monsters looking scary and revolting (minus Roodaka since all villainesses look hot). My point is, if it was an official show, it should be 2d animation, makes things easier.
  19. Does anyone have any idea how old the mane 6 are, or at least if they are teens or young adults? The only clue of their ages is that Fluttershy is a year older than Pinkie Pie, meaning Pinkie could or is the youngest and AJ being the oldest because of her being more mature than the others.
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