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Posts posted by ZTG

  1. IC: Zac"Ah..." Zac said, "So dad, what are you doing here?""I'm here to stay," Gemini said,"But... Do you have any powers?" Zac asked,"Where do you and Caleb think you get your mutant powers from?" Gemini said as he right hand began to turning flames, though it was small and controlled, and his left turned to ice.

  2. IC: Ratchet and Clank As Adelheid asked that question about the Digimon, Clank and Ratchet had appeared in front of the Digidestined, "Man you guys are light on your feet!" Clank said,IC: Zac"Mrs Hecate? Mind showing us more of tomb so we can find the problem?" Zac asked

  3. Well to state off firstly, I wanted it to be a surprise plus I forgot to PM you the link because of rehersals and such this past week :P other than that thank you :DFirst off, the whole satchels were not intended to be there, it was something I mistook for in one of your full body pictures of Takanuvia, but I never realized I was wrong until after the picture was finished :POther than that danke Taka

  4. IC: Gemini Gemini was about to speak, but his voice was cut off by another, "Dad!" Gemini turned around to see an overjoyed Zac who then ran up to the bi-mutant and gave him a hug. Gemini was bit stunned but proceeded to hug his son back.

  5. OOC: In a sense it does, but it also can give a, lets do this kind of vibe.IC: Shadows and Zac"Wait a second!" Shadows said as he appeared before Dack, trying to prevent him from taking another step, "You can't be so rash, something could be waiting for us,""Shadows there doesn't seem to be anything!" Zac said

  6. IC: GeminiGemini turned his attention to the girl and gave a slight smile, "Yeah, a dad who cares for them alright," Gemini saidA dad who murdered his wife and was witht the brotherhood. But I guess I did do the right thing in keeping my kids safe,"Name is Zacchaeus Todd," Gemini said as he reached his hand out to Fauna.

  7. IC: Zac"Amazing!" Zac said as he saw Ho-Oh, "Now we have three Legendaries on our side to fight!" Zac was filled with energy from the indescribable sight. Shadow himself was amazed as well, and bean to grow more hope in the group. But... Soemthing troubled Shadows"Mr. Palmer," Shadows said, "Do you think we will encounter any traps or perils? I ho lightly doubt that the Ancients would leave the Void Tower without protection,"OOC: Guardians at the Gate could be a better choice :P

  8. So this is something I did on MS Paint when I got bored. Basically it's Takanuvia who belongs to the user Taka Nuvia, and I decided to draw her on the computer. And like all my BIONICLE drawings she looks somewhat human but still looks more robotic.


    So without more babbling here it is.

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