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Elemental Ussal

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Posts posted by Elemental Ussal

  1. I.C. Vompran fired as many thorns and Telekinetic bolts as possible at the Rahkshi. He would continually bombard them until they either fell, or killed him.___________________________________________________OOC: Unrelated to Rama swarm raid.The Po-toa blocked the knives with his shield, and fired a massive fist of stone at Dymiun.Kranuka jabbed one of the Jaga in the back while it was fighting a hologram. However, his dagger got stuck, and the Jaga turned around with furious eyes, and knocked him outside the inn with one of it's punches. The Jaga then bled to death.

  2. I.C. Ussalaius"It'll wear off. I'm convinced now that It won't be in vain if I kill myself to stop him." After a little while, the magnetism weakened. "Do any of you still have your powers? Or were They stolen?" Ussalaius unhinged the joint of his shoulder to fit between the blades Stronin had created. He carefully slipped through, and reconnected his shoulder.OOC: Yes, some people can do that. Ninja's figured it out in Japan.

  3. I.C. Ussalaius"Any good toa is insane." Ussalaius used his Calix to dodge the beam. "Is there any way to reflect the power-draining beam back onto him?" He whispered to Stronin. "I am feeling rather desperate now."

  4. I.C. Ussalaius"We need to get that spear away from Voi."He hurled one of his poisoned shurikan at Voi's hand, with deadly-skilled aim. He knew that even if he failed to harm Voi, he would be able to distract him for a second, so Stronin could do something.

  5. I.C. Ussalaius"It's all the same to me." He speed-read the note Ire had found. 2 Evil beings? Is Voi one of them?Syge was trying to steal the staff. He surrounded him with a fire wall in attempt to suffocate or burn him.

  6. IC: Raiden + Pet ussal talking to Tradoris and Vulcanon"Ah, I'm not really sure,but my gut is telling me to get dual swords..." "Although,It might be hard getting them,because I made a plan to get here, and planned everything, except for the money.""Any ideas?"

    I.C. Tradoris"Well, being a Skakdi, I have no issues with stealing money... Or I could just give you some... Tell you what, If you can win a battle with my Nektaan robot (pet) I will pay for your swords."
  7. I.C. Kranuka (Le-Koro inn)As the meal slammed into his face, Kranuka drew his dagger. "How did they get in the village? They can't fit in the elevator!" He looked at an evil toa with a mask of telekinesis who was standing in the rubble He ordered the Jaga to attack. "Well that explains that."A Jaga charged at Kranuka, he fended himself off pretty well for a matoran, but the Jaga persevered. Kranuka was no match for a Nui Jaga's strength. He would be beaten to a pulp if no one helped him.The Toa with the Matatu mentally lifted several dinner knives and hurled them at the toa.

  8. I.C. Ussalaius had been trailing behind the rest. When he came to the Plateau, he was able to scale the wall by melting his hands into the rock for handholds. He stayed behind the others until the rocks blasted him forwards with everyone else, and he was noticed. Ussalaius launched a flaming arrow at Voima. "That one's for suing me for canibalism."

  9. I.C. Kranuka turned his head away from the table and coughed. His cough sounded somewhat like the word Show-off."Sounds like you've been busy. Great job. We've been fighting Fikou, Nui Rama, and a something else... It was big... I forget the name."

  10. My favorite is the matatu. It has lot's of uses that could be used in everyday life, not just when saving the world or something.

    Calix. Too bad it's ugly. :confused:

    I don't think the Calix is ugly, but it does look pretty weird. I guess the toa figured that the looks were worth the power.
  11. IC: Raiden + pet ussal crabfollowed Vulcanon quietly,and was impressed that Vulcanon found one."Thanks. BY any chance,would you mind giving me your name?"

    I.C."I am Tradoris, and this is my absent-minded brother, Vulcanon.""Huh? you say something?""What type of weapon do you believe you will be getting?"
  12. I.C. Kranuka"Excellent craftsmanship. I've made several weapons as well. I prefer to sell them though. Blacksmithing is very hot work. I'm assuming you'll be the brains in the bunch?"

  13. OOC: @ Katuko are we still posting once in between Nuju's, or has that rule subsided?I.C. Kranuka"I'm Kranuka, nice to have you here. Looks like we're having a nice little toa team reunion." He noticed his glowing sword. "How much did that thing cost you? Or did you make it?"

  14. I.C. Ussalaius refused to follow Voi. He realized now that he was no better off than Voima. Jala seemed surprised."Why didn't you follow them?" One of the guards asked."The same reason I don't want to end up on the wanted list of Ta-koro.""I see.""I'd be willing to help track them down for you if you wish.""How do we know you're not going to stay with them?""You can send some guards with me.""That would be well, but they are needed here to protect Ta-Koro. I don't think they can be spared at a time such as this... However, you seem trustworthy enough. You may go alone.""Thank you. Until next time." Ussalaius saluted, and left the building. OOC: Ussalaius to Onu-Wahi____________________________________________________________________________I.C. Tradoris, Vulcanon, Nektaan robot "pet""No, I am not familiar with this area.""Me am. Me found a weapon shop around here not too long ago.""If there is one thing I distrust, Vulcanon, it is you.""Me sure me saw one! It's this way!" Vulcanon marched off down the street. "Uhhh... No it this way." Vulcanon travleled down a different street, and sure enough, there was a weapon shop.

  15. OOC: Tradoris, Vulcanon, and "pet" nektaan robot from Onu-wahiI.C. Vulcanon clumsily ran into Raiden as he was walking past. "Vulcanon! Watch where you're going!" "It not my fault if he decides to stand where me is going to walk!""How is it not?"Vulcanon shrugged.

  16. I.C. Ussalaius did not know if he could believe what Voima had said about Voi. But what if he is telling the truth. I will have to be on guard at all times around Voi. And Voima, I can tell, is quite the troublemaker. How can it be safe for anyone to put too much stock into what he says."Well, I'm ready to get this court thing started."

  17. I.C. Kranuka noticed a foreign figure looking at them. He nudged Dymiun, as he was the closest to him, and subtly motioned to the toa. "That guy? Do you know him?"I.C. Kotahk, Tamaka, Takana"Let's get out of here." The three, and Ardoku retreated from the battle field. It was hard to ward off rama attacks while running at the same time, but they were able to escape with minor injuries."Is everyone still in one piece?"Tamaka re-attached a piece of armor that had broken off. "Now I am."OOC: These three have left the fight.

  18. I.C. Vompran formed some healing herbs and gave them to Dervian. They wouldn't heal him much, but hopefully he could numb his pain. He telekinetically lifted him off the ground and put him a safe distance away from the battle. A rama group flew at Vompran and a few other members of the ground squad. It knocked him backwards into a tree, but the Ve-toa managed to avoid his deadly claws. He smashed one's head with his sythe. He pulled out his grappling hook, grabbed one as it was at retreating from it's last hit and run tactics, jerked it to the ground, and killed it.I.C. Kranuka and the trio arrived at the inn. He sat at a table and waited for the waiter. When the matoran who worked their arrived, he ordered some fish, and a small cup of ale.

  19. I.C. Ussalaius went along with the guards. He wondered if he would get out of this one free.Just in case, he subtly hid one of his shurikan in between his mask and his face; the guards had not noticed.

  20. I.C. UssalaiusHoly Mahi. I'm in trouble."I don't think fighting will help our cause. It's bad enough for me to be in this situation. I don't want an innocent bystander in trouble for my sake too."

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