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Elemental Ussal

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Posts posted by Elemental Ussal

  1. I.C. Kotahk, Tamaka, Takana,"Let's go then." The group made their way to Kotahk's hut. Kotahk opened the door and entered."Ok, here's the deal. I'm willing to give each of you fifty widgets per day, if you'll help me capture Zenex the Vortixx, and whoever else tries to oppose us, and retrieve the energy crystal he stole from the Ko-koro lab."

  2. OOC: Vompran purchased 10 Amana volo spheres in Xa-koro. After this post, he will have only three left. I won't be able to post till after 7:30I.C. Vompran Just as Vompran was pulling an Amana Volo sphere out of his backpack, a knife hit him in the leg. He fell to the ground. He forced himself to use the volo sphere to heal his stomach wound. He used one more on his leg, and another on his shoulder wound. With all of his injuries healed, the plant toa was ready for action once more.I.C. Kranuka "Sounds dangerous. We'd be glad to help you out though." He responded to the Le-koronan.

  3. OOC: Just tall enough so that you cannot see directly through them. Vompran is trying to conserve elemental energy. This may be my last post for today.I.C. Vompran quickly turned around. He had been sensing the movement through the grass Shade was moving through. He tried to dodge, but was jabbed in the lower side of his his torso. He took a step back in pain.

  4. I.C. Vompran"You're doomed to failure and you know it." Vompran turned the grass beneath Shade's feet into acid grass. he turned the grass around shades feet into bushes obstructing Shade's view, thus nullifying his kualsi.

  5. I.C. Vompran turned a backwards summersault to avoid getting hit. "Ok, you're asking for it!" He hacked at him left right and side with swift stern blows from his sythe from all sides.

  6. I.C. Vompran was distracted for a moment from his assault on Kyju by Shades sonic scream. As his ears rung, he tried to regain control over the thorned poison ivy vines attacking Kyju. Just try to ignore him...

  7. I.C. UssalaiusHmm. He must not be himself today. Ussalaius stared at the ceiling. "So is there anything you've been trying to do in particular, such as any quests or adventures, or have you been wandering around?"I.C. Kotahk"My hut is not too far away. When you're finished with your drink, we should start off."

  8. I.C. Kotahk (Ko-koro inn) shook with Ardoku. "I'm Kotahk." he stepped back. "I suppose we should head to a safer area. A public inn usually isn't the best place to talk about law business." I.C. Ussalaius (Ko-koro inn)"I'm fine, but... I'm surprised you are still in one piece. The last I saw of you, you were blasted in the air to who knows where."

  9. I.C. Kotahk, Tamaka, and Takana"Sounds like a deal to me.""Count me in"When Ardoku spoke, Kotahk couldn't help but feel a little relieved that he might also have a toa on the team. "Good. I'll need all the help I can get. What are your names and skills?"

  10. I.C. Kotahk looked around akwardly. He was not used to talking to anyone. Well. here goes nothing. "Are any of you toa good bounty hunters?" He asked the inns residents.Two matoran looked up. "What for?" the ta-matoran asked."I'm trying to track down a Vortixx. He's ripped off a Ko-koro artifact. The price I am willing to pay depends on the skills you have to offer."OOC: open for interaction.

  11. I.C. Kotahk, who had recently failed in his job of protecting an artifact found in the Onu-wahi mines, had determined to make up for his failure by retrieving it. As much as he hated teamwork, he knew he would not last long without it. He entered an inn to look around for recruits. He saw an elder toa of fire, and a toa of plasma drinking some black ale, a toa of air, and a toa of stone, as well as some other odds and ends.I.C. Ussalaius (Ko-Koro inn)

    IC (Henkka, in Voi's body, Ko-Koro Inn):Henkka sighed in relief. Trad had returned to his body. Henkka had returned to a body too... only it was not his own. This was a very different occasion, however. The last time Henkka had been Voi, he had had no idea about his mission or much anything else, for that matter. All that had changed after Stronin had managed to kill Alex, Henkka's deadly rival. Henkka had gained full control of his newfound ability to travel in time and enter bodies. Henkka also knew about what had happened to his own time, and what lied in the future."I'm glad you're alright, Trad", Henkka said. He looked around him and saw Stronin. He was about to say hi, but controlled himself. As much as Henkka trusted Stronin and was happy to see him again, he was in no hurry to explain that he was in control of Voi once more. He was still a bit worried about the Toa of Iron. Being the only one who had actually known Henkka while he was in a different body, Stronin had an ability not many others did. Henkka guessed Stronin didn't even know it yet. Unfortunately, he would probably find out sooner or later."So...", he said. "Are you feeling good, Trad? Are you ready to move on with us?"

    "Voi? Is that you? The Ta-toa approached Henkka in Voi's body. "
  12. I.C. Vompran waited until Ril's fire-ball was fired, and then he sent a hoard of poison ivy vines at Kyju, attempting to just hold him in place while the others could finish him off. If he tried to rip up the vines, he would only have about five minutes left to fight before breaking out with severe skin irritation. Vompran added thorns onto the ivy vines, to add pain onto distraction.

  13. I.C. Zenex eyed the building before him. it was a laboratory in Ko-koro. In the dark of night, he stealthily entered. There were two guards at the door. He pacified one matoran with his fist, the other with the blade of his weapon, and hoped as he locked them into a storage room, no one heard their shouts for help. He kicked in the door to the room, and found the object he was looking for- an energy crystal. He was heading for the door, but was stopped dead in his tracks by Kotahk, a toa of ice. Zenex muttered under his breath."Care to explain what you're doing?"Zenex darted off in the other direction, jumped out a window, and narrowly dodged Kotahks ice blast. Kotahk tried to follow him, but Zenex had successfully ditched him.The next morning Kotahk set off looking for recruits to recover the stolen crystal.

  14. I.C. Vompran (Leader of the ground squad)Vompran was busy trying to hold off as many rama as he could. At first glance, he had thought Allyen and Auron were dead, but remembered that they had vision spells frequently.Vompran snared several Rama in his carnivorous plants, and fired thorns at several more. After killing about 8 rama, he switched to firing Kinetic bolts from his mask, giving his elemental energy a rest. Vompran waited anxiously to see what Onyx's fate was.

  15. I.C. Vompran (Ground squad leader)"Don't mention it. I don't know their status yet. Hope they are okay." Vompran channeled his elemental into creating massive Venus flytraps (Like Dendron) and formed some pitcher plants and sun-dew plants as well.I.C. Kranuka"Ok... But If I fall, I won't be happy." He hopped aboard.

  16. OOC: Vompran, GROUND SQUAD LEADERI missed way too much.(Edited I didn't know Tohgno was on a gukko)I.C. Vompran

    IC:Suddenly the Nui Rama made a bold assault, trying to surround Tohgno and pick him off. He knew he had no chance alone, so he dived again, hoping someone in the ground squad below him would assist.OOC: Oh, and please quote my post if you are the person saving me, to find it easier.

    Vompran spotted a soldier in lethal combat with a group of rama. He fired a barrage of thorns out of his hands holding off the rama giving Tohqno a chance to regroup himself. The toa of plantlife continued his battle, felling one rama with his sythe, another two by slamming them together with his matatu. A rama charged him and gored him in the shoulder with his claw as he was regrouping from the last attack. "ERRGG. I'm gonna feel that tommorow."OOC: BenLuke, what's our current location/objective. From what I've seen, we're in the forest a little ways outside the rama hive, right?
  17. IC: (Uar - Pala-Koro)"So, how much time until the attack?" Uar asked Vompran.IC: (Enara from Onu-Wahi)Having stalked Uar and the group through the jungle, Enara saw the Toa of Ice speed off through the jungle. Assuming the group was headed the same way, she followed the quietly from he treetops from about half a kio away, and finally saw them stop near a lake, with Uar sitting by it. With a large number of Gukko by the lake, she inferred that this was the base for the much-talked-about attack on the Nui-Rama Hive. All she would have to do now was wait...

    OOC: Whenever Katuko and Nuju Metru work it out.I.C. Vompran"It should only be a couple hours. I've been getting kind of restless waiting for the attack, but I'm sure that once we launch it, it won't end soon enough."
  18. IC: Tagnrua"I can get you there in half the time," he siad to dekuna, removing his bench, and making room for a second rider. "I can go twice the speed of someone on foot." Cretilian (OOC: Remember him, little venomus rahi?) crealed up onto the steering wheel and made a shriking sound. Suddenly, a (OOC: Whatever there called, Nui kopen or rama or whatever.) came out of the trees, and made a narrow pass at nogow. Nogow doged out of the way, but the wasp hit the tire and bent the axel. stunned, cretilian jumped on its head, and bit it, injecting his venom, while tangrua threw his blade into the wasps chest. "O.k., perhaps traveling on foot might be our only option," he said after examining the broken axel.

    IC: Zealokan, Payiges, Aki-Nui, NPC Stable OwnerZealokan saluted the owner of the stable, who made frowned at him in return. 'Oi, you can't blame me if my Kane-Ra's a little hyperactive.''So I'm supposed to expect the bull to pay for my gate?''I'll pay! Just.... not right now.''Okay, but it'd better be soon, or you'll be in a whole mess of danger.''Toa's honour. You have my word.'As the two Toa walked on, Payiges whispered to Zealokan 'Touchy, much?''I know, right?' He whistled loudly, and Aki-Nui came rushing to the edge of the stable, careful not to burst through it again. 'Haha, I've trained you well. C'mon, we've got to get to Lake Pala.'The Silver Toa opened the gate, and he and Payiges jumped on his back, Payiges at the reins. 'Yah!'Aki moved slowly out of the stable, and then went off at full pelt, stopping by Dekuna.'Run beside us, Zealokan'll give you a boost with his power.'Meanwhile, the Stable Owner finished sweeping up the remains of the former gate. He'd had enough. The Matoran grabbed a stone tablet, and began to carve.

    IC: (Uar)"Well, see ya there." Uar said as he activated his Kakama. I love this mask... he thought as he made it to Lake Pala in a few minutes. He could see a great number of Gukko, some of which were bending down to drink from the lake. With nothing better to do at the moment, he sat down, waiting for the rest of the group to catch up.

    I.C. Vompran noticed Uar sitting near the lake. He approached the newcomer.
    IC (Dekuna):Cursing bad luck for the broken cart, Dekuna picked up the Matoran and began to run. The cart he decided to leave behind - they could come back for it later. He did, however, unfasten the rahi that pulled it so that the beast could follow them.With the help of Zealokan's powers and Aki-Nui's strength, the team soon arrived at Pala-koro, and found that Uar had already arrived. It looked like he was talking to a green and blue toa, so Dekuna went to greet him."Hello there" he said to the toa of plantlife. "We have heard that there will soon be an attack on the nui-rama hive, so we came as quickly as possible to give our aid. We are a part of the Hau Karda, a team of beings dedicated to protecting Mata Nui's inhabitants from Makuta's influence. I see that you met Uar here, and this is Tangrua (he indicated the Po-matoran), the toa riding the kane-ra and Zealokan and Payiges, and I am Dekuna. How can we be of assistance?"OOC: I hope Tangrua doesn't mind being carried.IC (Lema): Toa Lema, while patrolling the jungles north and east of Le-koro, was noticing an unusually large number of beings tramping through the forest this past day or so. From the tracks he found, they all seemed to be headed in one direction: east. The curious toa of air could not think of any reasonable explanation for this occurrence, other than that something unusual must be going on in his wahi. As a sworn protector of Le-wahi and its Matoran inhabitants, he decided to investigate the cause. Activating his mask of speed, he shot off at breakneck pace, before running straight up the trunk of a tree and ito its branches. From this high vantage point, he continued to half run, half fly through the treetops until he reached Lake Pala, where many beings were gathered. This must be the place.He dropped down out of the trees by the lakeside, rolling onto his backpack to break his fall.

    I.C. Kranuka watched as the last rama fell. He sighed. "Done at last! Nice job everybody!"I.C. Vompran"Looks like things are heating up."

    IC Dymiun, Fehron, Botan"Uh... Some help here?" Dymiun asked, the now disconnected generator magnetized to his hand. "Well, that worked, at least," said Fehron, trying to show Dymiun how to demagnetize the generator, "Now what?" "We head to the village," replied Botan. "Well, there is a better way," suggested Fehron. He focused his power and created a wheeled cart large enough for the four of them. It was designed so that Dymiun's magnetism could turn the axle. Seeing what they were doing, Dymiun provided some plant fibers, and, at Fehron's command, stretched them over a large metal frame to form fold-out glider wings. "Hop in," invited Fehron.
    I.C. Vompran (pala koro)"Good, we could always use some help taking out those rama. The attack will be launched in only a number of hours. By the way, I'm Vompran, one of the deputies of the ILS. If it seems fit to Madrihk, our leader, You could probably join the secondary ground squad that Kethrye and I will be leading."I.C. Kranuka (le-wahi forest)"Are you sure this thing will fly?" Kranuka looked a little bit nervous about getting on the flying cart. "Second, how are we going to take off? There are far too many trees around here to get a running start."
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