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The Lonesome Wanderer

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Posts posted by The Lonesome Wanderer

  1. IC: Nanashi watched as the guards lifted the gate. "Be wary traveler, there is a little 'squabble' down the beach. So I would be careful". Nanashi nodded and continued to the village square.OOC: open for interaction.

  2. Wotsiznaim used The Fallen.I did it better. MY MASK!

    Wait, so you're trying to say that the 'Judas' of the 13 original Transformers who survived being thrown into an extradimensional limbo and is enveloped in flame who's defeat came only when Primus was roused from his slumber and condemned his wayward creation to an explosive demise, isn't as good as a pathetic Bayformer who got killed by a puny Autobot in a movie with plot holes of unimaginable size? You sir, are a fool. And it is this foolishness I exploit as I tear your intestines out and strangle you to death with them.My mask.
    I sue for gore.my mask
  3. I know, however it was sorta sad, because it's implyed that

    they are the last non-cranks on earth

    also, the series is about 60 kids who are trapped in a giant maze. It is reviealed that the maze is one of three trials.And the kids can die. And did I mention the Robots and later Zombies http://www.bzpower.com/board/public/style_emoticons/default/sarcastic.gif. There's alot more, but thats a plot-less summary.Also, the Kill Order is about young Thomas

  4. IC:Nanashi looked at the village of ga-koro from outside the gate. It was large, and floted on lillypads. There was not alot of technology, which Nanashi thought was strange. He was used to large citys, not small huts. Nanashi knocked on the gate "Hello!?"ooc: people should not be able to pronounce his name.

  5. My god...that game was the only thing I did on Lego.com when I was ten. Good memories. Also plenty of memories of having to inexplicably race the same people over and over again...I wasn't even sure if they were real people after a while. XD

    probably were not XD
  6. OOC: ok, I'm being ignored. Off to find some Players!!!!Nanashi stood, and got his bearings. He was on a beach, and there were some huts in the distance. With nothing else to do, he began walking. And he walked. And walked. And walked.

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