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The Lonesome Wanderer

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Posts posted by The Lonesome Wanderer

  1. OOC:open for interactionIC: Sand. Whiteish-biege Sand. The Vortixx was lying on the beach, watching the waves roll in. Now then, how the karz did I get here. Last he remembered, he was running from some Skakdi on a doughnut shaped island... which he could not remember the name of. Figures, right when things start to get better, I Travel again. He decided he would need a new name here, considering some of the unpleasant situations he had had elsewhere. He decided on Nanashi, "no name" in a language he had encountered over the years.

  2. Just saw episode 8...

    Apparently Garmadon becomes good again! He also has the ability to create golems.


    I don't believe that, not because it doesn't fit with the descriptions we've read, but because

    I don't believe Garmadon would turn good. He might pretend to do so to fool the ninja, or he might perform an act which could be perceived as good, but I don't think Garmadon turns good this year any more than Teridax did in 2007 BIONICLE. Garmadon, like Teridax, has shown himself to be capable of making what seems like a victory for the "good guys" advance his own evil schemes.


    Good point. Also, he could do a good act, but not necessarily for the ninja. I'm pretty sure this is how it will go:

    Garmadon returns. He saves Lloyd from being eaten by the Serpentine.

    It makes sense to me, and if he were to do that, it could be perceived easily as him becoming good.

    when he is actually saving his son for fatherly reasons(most probably NOT!)
  3. I lied about my role, so he told me to take a screenshot. I lied about not being able to take a screenshot, but he kept pressing, trying to teach me how. So I left a ridiculous message on his tip form thingy, with my name on it. It was about my deep love for mashed potatoes. It worked. We haven't spoken about screenshots since.

    - :burnmad:

  4. species: VortixxAppearance: tall, wears mostly monochromatic black armor, with some sparse purple on legs and shoulders. Purple helmet.Name: Kitane (Alias:Nanashi)Gender: maleaPowers and/or weapons: two daggers, Elemental Emulator(can emulate elemental powers that have been used against him in last 24 hours. Can overheat and takes time(1-2 posts) to clone a power.),purple helmet made of metal from the southern continent.Alignment: True Neutral(right now)Bio: He has no memory of how he got to mata nui or who he is. He has been mysteriously appearing on different islands, and is now on mata nui. Why or how this happened, not even he knows. Hie has(among other places) been to Zakaz, the Southern Continent, and a large city(metru nui).Name:AiriosApperence: A male toa of fire with heavy armor, a mask of shielding, and a custom fire swordSpecies: Toa of FireAlignment:Chaotic GoodBio:Airios has lived in ta-koro his whole life, and is an avid Kohli fan. He craves adventure, and tends to do things 'for the heck of it '. He has a selfish side, and is very stubborn.Ex-Shades------------------The Shades are an order of assassins, with there goals unknown. There leader is referred to as The Higher. However, they have taken an interest in Nanashi for unknown reasons.(Taka)VortixxTall, similar color scheme to Nanashi. Wears a long, almost invisible cloak.MaleA long sword, Collapsible blade, Art of Shadowbending(allows him to be almost invisible in a crowd or dark place).Neutral EvilBio: An assassin since a young age, he has extreme experience.(Gorugon)VortixxLight purple armor like Nanashi's, Recurve bow, razor-tipped arrows in leather quiverFemaleNeutral EvilBio: Taka's sister, grew up with him, both recived similar training. Most males are stunned apon sight of her, which is why her alias is Gorugon(Gorgon)

  5. My in-production first RPG (that I've made). Any use of real names is completely coincidental.

    1. CharictersTo make a charicter fill out this forum.NameFactionWeapons/ArmorBackstory2. StoryAge of AncestryThe world is called Dragar. The year is 1221 h.c. (human calendar). The two dominant kingdoms of Dragar are at war. The war between the Anholmar and Nordhagar has been going on for the past 50 years, and shows no sign of stopping. The once-great citadels of Cavharran and Khazish are in ruins. As the war goes on, castles and forts are biult and destroyed within a matter of months. This is a world where heroes are needed, heroes like YOU!3. LocationsIn Dragars Misty Plains, the war has heated up. The stage is set for a final battle. But where and when?Cavharran--- Once home of the Anholmer army, now a smoldering ruin. The Nordhagar destroyed this base, leaving tumbled rocks in its place. Messages, describing what happened here for all to know, are scrawled on every surface.Khazish--- A port, once often used by the Nordhagar, now lies in ruins. Destroyed by the Anholmer to cut off Nordhagar trade with foreigners, now home to a small Nordhagar garrison, bravely defending what is now a major arms storeScorcerers Lair--- Rumored lair of a fierce sorcerer, mysterious beasts hunt at night, and in the day, The keep is shrouded in abnormal mists.Battle Gate--- A ruined gate, towering over the Misty Planes. A mysterious, pale light shines from it at night.Warriors Fortress--- A tall tower, with garrison. It is abandoned, and yet people still see strange figures mulling around the tower. Two dragon statues hold a small, pale object in there hands, but no one knows exactly what, seeing that the stairs up to the top are broken.more areas later4. Weapons, Factions, ArmorThe two factions are the Anholmer and the Nordhagar.WeaponsFor All

    • [*]Longsword[*]Battleaxe[*]Shield

    For Nordhagar

    • [*]Poleaxe[*]Cleaver- a duel-sided Poleaxe[*]War axe- a Battleaxe, with a sword blade up the middle[*]Javelin[*]Duel Swords

    For Anholmar

    • [*]Mace[*]Warhammer[*]Steelsmash hammer- a Warhammer, with maceheads instead of hammerheads.[*]Bronzed Club

    ArmorFor All

    • [*]plate[*]mail

    For Nordhagar

    • [*]Truesteel- extraimly tough, like mithreal[*]Blue striped plate

    For Anholmar

    • [*]Rustless armor- neaver rusts, tougher then plate, can take a blow from a Battleaxe without denting[*]Red striped plate

    More info on Rpg soon

  6. And now I get to have Makuta and Pridak plan their revenge. Muahaha!Must...resist urge... to... immediately... write chapter 3....-ibrow

    WRITE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Would you be mad if I said that I already have it done, but am holding off until everyone has read Chapter 2?-ibrow
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