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Status Updates posted by NorikSigma

  1. "I have no allies, for I have no equals." - Teridax being Teridax

  2. 2000 POSTS!!!111oneoneeleven

  3. Activity update: I will be offline for the next three weeks, and will be able to post only on weekends in subsequent weeks.

  4. And another new spinny

  5. Another year on BZPower, another new spinny :)

  6. Due to school starting again and a hectic workload, I probably won't be online much on weekdays, and weekends are limited too. Thanks for your time.

  7. Hmm what to say.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. NorikSigma


      "I was asleep in the Star Destroyer on the thirty-second."

    3. Voxumo


      *clicks the stop button*

      Well while they may not believe you were there, by saying you were at the star destroyer on a made up day they will know you were lying... works for me

    4. NorikSigma


      Just as planned.

  8. I do not have the chance to post during Thursdays and most weekends. Phooey.

  9. I do not have the chance to post during Thursdays and most weekends. Phooey.

  10. I do not have the chance to post during Thursdays and most weekends.

  11. I got a raw L1R5 of 11. That was okay...

  12. I just realised. My GCE 'O' Level Examinations are over. I feel mostly relieved though, not necessarily ecstasy.

  13. I should update my sig.

  14. I think Voxumo is stalking my updates...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. NorikSigma


      That is more disturbing, the way you said it.

    3. Voxumo


      Me stalking your updates? Never. Infact it took me this long to discover this one even existed. I would have to be the worst stalker ever.

    4. NorikSigma


      You admit it! Guilty as charged.

  15. I'll be offline for a long while. For real this time. Any interactions with my characters have been delegated to the respective players. If you're here, you probably already know who's playing whom.

  16. I'm about to collect my GCE 'O' Level Results at 2 PM today. Gosh I hope I get a raw L1R5 Score of 6, at most, 10. Wish me luck!

  17. I'm going to Junior College nervous me is nervous blubblubblub.

  18. Mmm, coffee...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Voxumo


      *Throws a frozen can of Mtn-Dew at your head*


      I believe I just won this beverage fight

    3. -Windrider-
    4. Voxumo


      Exactly.. and this isn't one of those little cans.. oh no this is one of those new big cans which are like twice the size of a regular can... and it has the added benefit of exploding upon impact sending shrapnel along with stickiness

  19. My results were okay I guess...

  20. New name coming soon.

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