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Premier Members Year 12

About JiMing

  • Birthday 06/25/1998

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    Fighting games, dogs, and a whole lot more.

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Defender of Mata Nui Defeated

Defender of Mata Nui Defeated (148/293)

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  1. Hey, would you look at that, people don't like me on this site!

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    2. Toa of Dancing

      Toa of Dancing

      Well, that stinks. Some people just aren't nice. =P

    3. Sybre


      Hey, man. There'll be people who do and don't like you. You can always focus on the people who do cuz that's gonna make you feel better. Lemme tell you something, you're my best friend on all of BZPower, and I'm proud to say it because you're a great guy with relate-able interests and you send a good outward message. Sure, I'm wondering how people could ever hate you, but they're just missing out. I don't care if I only have 1 star here. It's what I rea...

    4. Sybre


      lly am that matters, so who cares about a bunch of little stars? We're all more than what meets the eye.

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