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Premier Members Year 12

About JiMing

  • Birthday 06/25/1998

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    Fighting games, dogs, and a whole lot more.

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  1. Yeah, PS4 or XBOX One? I'll probably get a Wii U, if ever. Mainly because SMASH BROS.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. JiMing


      I don't like paying 500 dollars to have fun, and I like my current 'weak' laptop. It works just fine for browsing the web, which is what I do on a computer. Nintendo consoles may be weaker, but their games are super fun, and they are more reasonable than other next-gen consoles or good gaming PCs.

    3. Toa of Dancing

      Toa of Dancing

      A PC that's decent enough to run most games on low graphics will run less than that if you know where to get the parts. Plus, PC is, again, a fair amount more flexible than consoles. I do love Nintendo consoles, of course, don't get me wrong. I just prefer to have one system to play most of my games and handle the rest of my electronic life.

    4. JiMing


      I don't want to run them on 'low' graphics. If I get a game, I prefer having it look like the developers intended it for me, which is why I still don't plan on getting a super-awesome PC, even though Steam is pretty cool. It's just dem exclusives, man!

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