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Status Replies posted by JiMing

  1. Thinking of sending the Taker MOC to the 2014 Convention Curcuit!

  2. Ah, the chill of outdoors in the winter. Ain't good for my skinny arms.

  3. Since you can't recieve any more PMs, here is my Xaniskit sheet I request you use instead: www.brickshelf.com/gallery/JiMing/Comics/new_jiming_xaniskit_sheet.png

  4. Since you can't recieve any more PMs, here is my Xaniskit sheet I request you use instead: www.brickshelf.com/gallery/JiMing/Comics/new_jiming_xaniskit_sheet.png

  5. Since you can't recieve any more PMs, here is my Xaniskit sheet I request you use instead: www.brickshelf.com/gallery/JiMing/Comics/new_jiming_xaniskit_sheet.png

  6. That is not a real Chinese person in your avatar. That is a FAKER. Our hair is not naturally beeswax yellow.

  7. Anyone else think that Teen Titans was a great TV show?

  8. Anyone else think that Teen Titans was a great TV show?

  9. Anyone else think that Teen Titans was a great TV show?

  10. Anyone else think that Teen Titans was a great TV show?

  11. I hate dandruff. It messes up my looks and makes me feel , unappealing.

  12. Oh no, the Music Overlord's returned! But Anberlin is standing right there!

  13. Oh no, the Music Overlord's returned! But Anberlin is standing right there!

  14. Oh no, the Music Overlord's returned! But Anberlin is standing right there!

  15. Oh no, the Music Overlord's returned! But Anberlin is standing right there!

  16. Oh no, the Music Overlord's returned! But Anberlin is standing right there!

  17. Just another day...

  18. Today is my last day for school. After this is Thanksgiving break yay!

  19. Today is my last day for school. After this is Thanksgiving break yay!

  20. Those who say there's nothing like a nice cup of tea for calming the nerves never had real tea. It's like a syringe of adrenaline straight to the heart...

  21. What if Sonic had a Broly of his own? That'd be creepy!

  22. I think I might temporarily leave BZPower in a few days.

  23. What if Sonic had a Broly of his own? That'd be creepy!

  24. I think Sonic.exe may have been responsible for the recent forum crash!

  25. Darnit, the SNX reboot is basically ready, but it just needs a name. And I start school in less than a week! I guess I should wait...

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