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Status Replies posted by JiMing

  1. Darnit, the SNX reboot is basically ready, but it just needs a name. And I start school in less than a week! I guess I should wait...

  2. In this avatar presenting a fight of 4 shown tonight, you will see a sneak peek of the shenanigans featured in the SNX reboot! Here, SybreX is fighting Sailor Jupiter while Sybre is about to be attacked by Geist Stiel. If you want the image larger, ask me about it.

  3. In this avatar presenting a fight of 4 shown tonight, you will see a sneak peek of the shenanigans featured in the SNX reboot! Here, SybreX is fighting Sailor Jupiter while Sybre is about to be attacked by Geist Stiel. If you want the image larger, ask me about it.

  4. In this avatar presenting a fight of 4 shown tonight, you will see a sneak peek of the shenanigans featured in the SNX reboot! Here, SybreX is fighting Sailor Jupiter while Sybre is about to be attacked by Geist Stiel. If you want the image larger, ask me about it.

  5. In this avatar presenting a fight of 4 shown tonight, you will see a sneak peek of the shenanigans featured in the SNX reboot! Here, SybreX is fighting Sailor Jupiter while Sybre is about to be attacked by Geist Stiel. If you want the image larger, ask me about it.

  6. In this avatar presenting a fight of 4 shown tonight, you will see a sneak peek of the shenanigans featured in the SNX reboot! Here, SybreX is fighting Sailor Jupiter while Sybre is about to be attacked by Geist Stiel. If you want the image larger, ask me about it.

  7. I have no idea why I like Sailor Moon. It's mega cheesy in my opinion. I guess I like the characters best.

  8. In this avatar presenting a fight of 4 shown tonight, you will see a sneak peek of the shenanigans featured in the SNX reboot! Here, SybreX is fighting Sailor Jupiter while Sybre is about to be attacked by Geist Stiel. If you want the image larger, ask me about it.

  9. In this avatar presenting a fight of 4 shown tonight, you will see a sneak peek of the shenanigans featured in the SNX reboot! Here, SybreX is fighting Sailor Jupiter while Sybre is about to be attacked by Geist Stiel. If you want the image larger, ask me about it.

  10. In this avatar presenting a fight of 4 shown tonight, you will see a sneak peek of the shenanigans featured in the SNX reboot! Here, SybreX is fighting Sailor Jupiter while Sybre is about to be attacked by Geist Stiel. If you want the image larger, ask me about it.

  11. In this avatar presenting a fight of 4 shown tonight, you will see a sneak peek of the shenanigans featured in the SNX reboot! Here, SybreX is fighting Sailor Jupiter while Sybre is about to be attacked by Geist Stiel. If you want the image larger, ask me about it.

  12. In this avatar presenting a fight of 4 shown tonight, you will see a sneak peek of the shenanigans featured in the SNX reboot! Here, SybreX is fighting Sailor Jupiter while Sybre is about to be attacked by Geist Stiel. If you want the image larger, ask me about it.

  13. In this avatar presenting a fight of 4 shown tonight, you will see a sneak peek of the shenanigans featured in the SNX reboot! Here, SybreX is fighting Sailor Jupiter while Sybre is about to be attacked by Geist Stiel. If you want the image larger, ask me about it.

  14. In this avatar presenting a fight of 4 shown tonight, you will see a sneak peek of the shenanigans featured in the SNX reboot! Here, SybreX is fighting Sailor Jupiter while Sybre is about to be attacked by Geist Stiel. If you want the image larger, ask me about it.

  15. In this avatar presenting a fight of 4 shown tonight, you will see a sneak peek of the shenanigans featured in the SNX reboot! Here, SybreX is fighting Sailor Jupiter while Sybre is about to be attacked by Geist Stiel. If you want the image larger, ask me about it.

  16. Perhaps by removing myself from these arguments, the forum will go back to normal. I will, therefore. refrain from mentioning it.

  17. I know I couldn't pull off Dragon Ball: High Power, but how many of you want a Dragon Ball comic series in the near future? I have the perfect idea for one.

  18. Well, it's official: Sonic: Pure Chaos is a flop. I thought it would reach out to many Sonic fans here, but JiMing was the only one posting for weeks now. I don't even know how the series got over 1,000 views because it's a complete and total failure! I don't think it'll get a season 2.

  19. Well, it's official: Sonic: Pure Chaos is a flop. I thought it would reach out to many Sonic fans here, but JiMing was the only one posting for weeks now. I don't even know how the series got over 1,000 views because it's a complete and total failure! I don't think it'll get a season 2.

  20. 2 more months tilll I get my braces off. Yeah!

  21. 2 more months tilll I get my braces off. Yeah!

  22. (We here now, JiMing) Game Goku: When's the boss? (I have another idea. Let's finish yours first.)

    1. JiMing


      Game JiMing: Huh, I don't see how that connects to the Shadow Dimension, but I'll go with it.

    2. (See 99 other replies to this status update)

  23. (We here now, JiMing) Game Goku: When's the boss? (I have another idea. Let's finish yours first.)

  24. (We here now, JiMing) Game Goku: When's the boss? (I have another idea. Let's finish yours first.)

    1. JiMing


      Game JiMing: As always, no time Goku. Let's go!

    2. (See 99 other replies to this status update)

  25. (We here now, JiMing) Game Goku: When's the boss? (I have another idea. Let's finish yours first.)

    1. JiMing


      Game JiMing: Yes I do.

      Game DBZ Omicron: As do I.

    2. (See 99 other replies to this status update)

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