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Blog Entries posted by JiMing

  1. JiMing
    Eh, I was playing Tri-Force Heroes and Smash 4 with buds all day last night, sue me. =P But I did buck the trend of only going as myself during Halloween, and took a very minimal amount of time to come up with a costume!
    Are you ready?
    You sure?
    Okay then.
    Here we go.
    beautiful, isn't it?
  2. JiMing
    So I've made an entry entirely dedicated to having you guys suggest battles between any two fictional characters! I am interested in seeing what you guys want, but I will only take battles if I have prior knowledge of them and I consider them to be particularly interesting/popular.
    Also, how does one become a popular blogger? Sometimes I feel as if I'm talking to nobody.
  3. JiMing
    Stunned, Jim went up to each Magma grunt in the line and questioned what they were doing. Responses ranged from telling him to stop cutting in line to mentioning how they were polite for paying the entrance fee..... And one who wondered if they should take the museum by force. While his unease was only heightened, Jim backed off and let the grunts go, as he didn't want to have to deal with fighting all of them at once right then and there.
    The trainer rushed off to the shipyard, where Captain Stern was apparently located. However, going there, the captain's assistant, Dock, informed Jim that Stern left for the Oceanic Museum-the very location the Magma grunts congregated in. He wasted no time to run back, fearing for the Captain's safety.
    Yet when he returned, all of the Magma grunts who had been waiting outside evidently got through the reception. In fact, most of them were peacefully observing the displays. One of them even recognized Jim as the one who had beaten them before, giving the young boy the TM for Thief before hightailing it. While there were a lot of Magma grunts around on the first floor, Stern was nowhere to be found. Therefore, using the power of logic, Jim went upstairs, and lo and behold, Captain Stern was there to claim the Devon Parts.
    Yet two grunts had been waiting for the parts, and demanded Stern hand them over. After a few deep breaths and reminder of how easily the last grunt he had taken on was dealt with, Jim challenged the first grunt, winning with no losses. The second fared no better, confusing the trainer how they could be so weak. Then, before more grunts could show up, a thin, glasses-wearing man with cold eyes walked in. He introduced himself as Maxie, leader of Team Magma. Their goal evidently was to expand the landmass, providing more space for humanity to develop and exploit. Those words made Jim and his Pokemon's blood boil. How was it possible for someone to be so cold and callous?! The group wanted to stop Magma's plans right then and there but Maxie chose to withdraw the grunts from the museum. While glad he didn't actually have to take on the entire organization at once, the thought of what they were planning made Jim shudder.
    With nothing left to do in Slateport, it was time to head to the next Gym. However, a large crowd was gathering around the. Pokemon Contest Hall, piquing Jim's curiosity. Making his way into said crowd, he saw a young woman in flashy clothes speak to the entranced audience. Apparently she was Lisia, a Contest idol on her hundreth talent scouting adventure. Despite screams from rabid fans, she chose Jim, who had never even heard of her or seen her performances. Despite the death glares he got, Jim agreed to participate in a Contest.
    Bree conveniently had many 'Cool' moves, and so he participated in the Cool category. After feeding her many Pokeblocks and dressing up in a (rather tacky) outfit provided by Lisia that somehow fit his measurements perfectly, Jim went on to take the crowd and Contest by storm, as Lisia's chosen star.
    Even with his victory in his first performance, Jim wanted to get a move on and head to Mauville to continue his quest for the Gym Badges. Despite her confidence and peppy attitude, the trainer also felt somewhat nervous around Lisia too.... As if being around the Contest star conflicted with... Someone else. Jade even picked up on his unnerved behavior, asking what was wrong. But there was no answer to be had.
    It took a thanks and promise to compete again to wriggle out of the Contest Hall and Slateport. Beforehand, he received a special 'Cosplay' Pikachu who could learn new moves depending on the costume it had. Which, I guess was cool.
    Pokemon Acquired!-Heather the Cosplay Pikachu
    Heather doesn't speak much aside from the occasional 'Pika!' Instead, the maybe one-of-a-kind Pikachu prefers to express herself through bombastic and over-the-top motions. Being so unique has inflated her ego somewhat, though thankfully she's fully tolerable to the Pokemon of the PC. Some of her fellow Electric-types have even befriended her!
    And so it was off to Route 110 for Jim and his team! Right off the bat, a Gulpin was caught and sent to the PC.
    Pokemon Acquired!-NomNom the Gulpin
    NomNom loves eating food. As in, a lot. In fact, eating is one of the only things that worries this relaxed muncher. And if there's no food around at the moment, NomNom is strong willed enough to find a way to acquired some. Keep your lunches away, folks!
    After much exploring, Jim ran into May on the Route! Apparently she had expanded her team and wished to challenge him, a wish he obliged too. While it was true her team was a massive improvement over having one unevolved starter, it was still a cakewalk for Jim and his full team to tackle. Jade even evolved during the battle into a Kirlia!
    May once more was rather impressed at how far Jim had come in such a short time. After all, he had only started being a trainer back at Littleroot! Even he was baffled at how quickly he picked up on the skills. However, it was quickly becoming clear that May had to leave in order to continue her fieldwork, and in that moment, Jim suddenly felt conflicted to mention his exploits at the Contest Hall. Before he could come to a decision though, May had left and it was onwards to Mauville for Jim.
    He had heard tales of how large the city had become, but the sheer size of Mauville still caught Jim and his team off guard. It was like the city was just one massive shopping center with living quarters upstairs. After a few minutes of deliberation, he decided to start at Rydel's Bike Shop. Kindly enough, Rydel allowed Jim to take not one, but two bikes for free! Even though he had to switch between bikes, this was by far the best deal he had ever gotten. After choosing the Mach Bike, Jim thought back to the Granite Cave. Could those muddy slopes be traversed at such a high speed?
    After returning to Dewford to check, it turned out that was indeed the case! The trainer had the opportunity to explore new sections of the cave, and caught two Pokemon.
    Pokemon Acquired!-Diamond the Aron
    Most of the time, Diamond is a lax Pokemon. She never really enforces or backs up her requests. She is however, defiant to not listen to the requests of others. How is that possible for one Pokemon to have those two traits at the same time? I'm not sure.
    Pokemon Acquired!-Futakuchiona the Mawile
    Futakuchiona is quiet. As in, truly quiet. She never utters a peep, ever, or does much of anything. That combined with her hair mouth makes the Mawile quite unnerving to the other denizens of the PC. And for good reason too, she's aggressive and loves to fight. Best to keep away!
    Afterwards, Jim made his way back to Mauville to take on the Gym! Every single one of his team members evolved save for Stormageddon. Combined with his lack of importance during key battles, the Wingull was getting frustrated. Was he useless? Gerridae no longer being a water type meant he had no one to compete with either. The others did what they could to cheer Stormageddon up, but nothing could snap him out of it.
    When reaching the Gym, there was none other than Wally, who was begging for his uncle to let him challenge Wattson. In a desperate measure to prove himself, Wally took on Jim. Sadly, only having one Ralts against a full team left him little chance of success, and so he was defeated in short order. Naturally, the sickly boy was disheartened... But seemed to gain a sort of resolve as he left.
    Nevertheless, it was Gym time! The electric barriers seemed rather unsafe, but that was of little consequence as Jim made it past the puzzle in short order. It quickly came down to Wattson versus Jim. The battle hit off to a good start, as the trainer learned of Magnemite's Sturdy ability beforehand, which was bypassed by Bree first using Quick Attack before securing the kill with Flame Charge. Voltorb didn't fare much better, as Jade simply healed back any damage done through Draining Kiss. In short order, Wattson was down and Jim claimed his third Gym Badge!
    Of course, that meant it was now time for him to head to the next city. But when reaching the end of Mauville, he saw two Magma grunts discussing plans and leaving. Just who WAS Team Magma, and just what were they planning? Jim was feeling afraid at what the future held for him, and Hoenn as a whole...
  4. JiMing
    This fanmade opening was so good that the author of the manga it was based off of requested to upload it to Youtube.
    That is the work of an amazing fan. If only we had more dedicated fans like this, I'd love to see a Mega Man Classic anime.
    (Granted, it's a reskin of the Namco x Capcom opening, but still....)
  5. JiMing
    After resting in the Pokemon Center, Jim decided to try out the 'Pokemon-Amie' feature. He took several Pokemon from his party out to play, feed them Pokepuffs, and bounce yarn off their heads. Though it was strange to pet a Beldum at first, Jim soon found himself growing ever closer to his team.
    Yet the fun had to end sometime, and the boy set out to Rustboro to challenge the Gym Leader, Roxanne. Everything was well and fine, until he reached Petalburg Woods. A strange man in a red outfit from a 'Team Magma' was accosting a Devon Corporation scientist. Upon his arrival, said scientist hid behind Jim, leaving him to battle the strange man who had pulled off some sort of strange dance maneuver prior to their fight.
    Thanks to his strong team, Jim made quick work of Magma grunt and his lone Poochyena. Everyone on his team celebrated their victory, especially Pooch, who hated to see her kind aligning themselves with such a strange person. In return for guarding the scientist, he bestowed the EXP Share to them, allowing for quicker training in the future. With their new tool, Jim's team set out to toughen themselves up.
    At the same time, the young boy began catching more Pokemon. At first he was hesitant to do so, not wanting to abandon them at the PC. But then he learned that Pokemon enjoyed having an endless, wide-open cyberspace where they could meet Pokemon from all over. So Jim went on a catching spree, Crocea Mors playing no small role in their usage of Hold Back.
    Pokemon Acquired!-Tenga the Seedot
    Fitting her rash nature, Tenga jumped at Jim and his team without considering the fact she was horribly outmatched. Despite that, her sturdy body made the Seedot put up a fight before being captred. Now she sits in the PC, exploring around and waiting should her time ever come to enter the team.
    Pokemon Acquired!-Quickfoot the Zigzagoon
    Despite his species' tendency to act scattered, Quickfoot is actually quite the timid little Pokemon. He prefers eating to battling, and so doesn't mind his position inside the PC. He hopes to learn to become more outgoing at his own pace inside the cyberspace, and sorely hopes Jim doesn't drag him out back out.
    Pokemon Acquired!-Caterkiller the Wurmple
    An intimidating name hides a very jolly Pokemon who likes socializing. In fact, he has a tendency to flee most conflicts he encounters, and is thankful for the PC providing a safe, non-conflictive environment.
    Pokemon Acquired!-Major the Taillow
    Major is a quirky Pokemon. The others find him strange, and he's strongly defiant to their charges of his opinionated nature and strange nature of said opinions, brushing them away in an instant. He does however become good friends with whomever can get past his odd personality.
    Pokemon Acquired!-King Duuuh.. the Slakoth
    It shouldn't come as a surprise to learn that the Slakoth is rather naive, as he fancies himself a king over.... Something. Nobody knows what he 'rules' over, or even his actual name. Upon proclaiming his regality, King was unable to complete his declaration, leaving the final 'Duuuh..' uttered to be his name. He loves to laze around in the PC, but his mischievous nature manages to show itself occasionally in the rare prank.
    Pokemon Acquired!-Mothra the Cascoon
    Once again, yet another naughty prankster gets picked up by Jim. Though she cannot perform pranks on her own due to currently being encapsulated in a cocoon, she will collaborate with the others on brainstorming elaborate schemes. Mothra has also befriended Quickfoot due to their shared love of food.
    Pokemon Acquired!-Amy the Skitty
    Amy is a guy. Figured we should get that out of the way first, as those around him don't seem to recognize that. To make matters worse, his quiet personality prevents him from actively protesting against the mislabeling, though he throws silent tantrums due to his quick temper. Everyone seems to ignore those, though. Poor Amy.
    Pokemon Acquired!-Muse the Whismur
    Whismur are known for having sensitive ears. Muse doesn't let this bother her though, what with a hardy demeanor and whatnot. In fact, being impetuous and silly, Muse is considered the most outgoing and fun Pokemon to be around in the PC. Whenever anyone begins to feel bored, stuck in cyberspace, they can always count on a certain Whismur to cheer them up.
    While they added Pokemon to the PC, the rest of the team persevered in the field and trained themselves. Everyone worked hard, though none more than Stormageddon and Gerridae, who as the two Water types of the team were the best ones to go up against Roxanne and her Rock types. Their rivalry reached new heights, neither of them becoming more powerful than the other for all the time spent training. Meanwhile, Bree and Jade knew their usage during the Gym Battle was unlikely, but they kept training anyways for future endeavors. And still, Crocea Mors eventually decided over the course of their training that a boy with no badges wasn't worthy to train such a fine Pokemon as themselves. They left to perform even more jokes against those around them, turning from invaluable ally to unwanted nuisance.
    After some time, the moment of truth arrived. Jim and his team stormed through the Rustboro Gym, trampling the three trainers found inside. Things were looking good for them when they finally reached Roxanne herself. After some small talk, the battle began.
    The Geodude sent first stood no chance, being wiped out in two turns, only surviving one thanks to their Sturdy ability. Victory appeared nigh, until Nosepass was sent out. The young trainer found himself against a seemingly impenetrable wall, with neither Gerridae's nor Stormageddon's water attacks doing anything to faze it. In the end, both the water types fell, and Jim was left in a bad position. Bree wouldn't last long against a Rock type, and Jade's Confusion was unlikely to faze Nosepass. With little else to lose, Pooch was sent out in the fray.
    And once more, the odds made a complete 180, this time slanting heavily in Jim's favor. While the Rock Throws hurt, Pooch was able to withstand them long enough for Jim to apply Potions when needed. And no matter Nosepass' attempts at raising their defense with Harden, Howl allowed the Poochyena to strike back with greater force. With one last Ice Fang that landed a critical hit, Nosepass went down, and Jim was declared the victor.
    Obtaining his first badge was nearly as defining a moment as getting his first Pokemon to Jim. Everyone succeeded-except for Gerridae and Stormageddon, who were both very unconscious.
    Such euphoria was not to last however, as the same Devon scientist from Petalburg Woods had his parts nabbed by another strange man in red! Jim went after him, especially after learning Mr. Briney's beloved Peeko had been nabbed as well! Chasing the grunt into Rusturf Cave, he engaged him with Jade. For most of their trip, Jade had been the one lagging behind in hitting power. But now after learning Disarming Voice, he got to show just what he was made of. The Poochyena sent out stood no chance against the Fairy type move, and Jim retrieved the parts.
    As thanks, the newly-established trainer was taken to the top floor of the Devon Corporation, meeting the CEO. He was requested to take a package to a man named Steven at Dewford, conveniently where the next Gym lay. Could it be the same Steven who sent Jim the shiny Beldum? Jim wasted no time running back to Mr. Briney, who offered to ferry him over. While on the ocean horizon, Jim looked back at his team. Bree desperately avoided the water spilling on board, Stormageddon and Gerridae continued to bicker over who was the superior water type, and Jade congratulated Pooch for winning against Nosepass while being thanked himself for taking out the Magma grunt's Poochyena. And so the team continued on, Dewford appearing on the horizon. As he smiled, Jim knew that no matter what, his team would rise to the challenges head... And succeed.
    (whew, that was long. This project is probably the largest fictional writing endeavor I've ever taken. Sad, I know. Oh well, lemme know what you think in the comments, if you can make it past all that was written!)
  6. JiMing
    My sister returned from college for the break. Woo-hoo! And I got four free game apps thanks to a Christmas Eve deal from Amazon, which would be Sonic 2, Terraria, RPG: Soul Historica and Five Nights at Freddys (which I doubt I will play but if I feel like scarring myself for life, I know where to turn to). Overall, pretty good break so far!
    What about you gentlementlepeople? Are your breaks okay too?
  7. JiMing
    So since I got a few people telling me to go with the idea, here it is! I will count down on the final boss songs from every console released game that is a platformer. If you're wondering what games I'll be covering, this is the list:
    1. Sonic 1
    2. Sonic 2
    3. Sonic 3 & K
    4. Sonic 4 Episode 1
    5. Sonic 4 Episode 2
    6. Sonic Adventure
    7. Sonic Adventure 2
    8. Sonic Heroes
    9. Shadow the Hedgehog
    10. Sonic 2006
    11. Sonic and the Secret Rings
    12. Sonic Unleashed
    13. Sonic and the Black Knight
    14. Sonic Colors
    15. Sonic Generations
    16. Sonic Lost World
    All right, now that that's out of the way, let's start this list at the bottom of the barrel!
    #16: Sonic 4: Episode 1

    Ugh, I know I said that Sonic games have amazing soundtracks overall, but both Sonic 4 Episodes just have... Disappointingly below-average soundtracks. I wouldn't call them horrible by any means, and I believe that Episode 2's soundtrack is slightly better, but this is NOT what I expect from Sonic's great track record with music.
    This track just bursts with all of the problems I have with 4's soundtracks. It's ridiculously short, to the point where if it was on iTunes, a 15 second loop would be longer than the full song. The song isn't very good anyways, because the melody is overly simplistic, and lacks any amount of drama that signifies you're at the end of the game. Ironically, the boss is one of the most difficult Sonic final bosses in recent times.
    The good thing is, it only gets better from here. Let's see what comes up ahead, shall we?
  8. JiMing
    Now begins the story of a young boy. But not just any young boy. A young boy whose father is the prestigious Hoenn Gym Leader Norman! A boy who will strive to become the very best, no matter what the odds! And his name iiiiiiiiiiiiiis......
    Okay, so his name's like any other boy out there named Jim. But that's besides the point! Because when he exited his house for the first time, the young boy ran into May, the daughter of the also-prestigious Professor Birch! The two hit it off rather alright, though perhaps that was in part due to May having heard about Jim from her father beforehand, as she mentioned how she hoped he would be a nice person she could be friends with. Despite being embarrassed over such a wish, it turned out that Jim was exactly the person she had hoped he would be.
    ....Still not impressed? Then what about the moment directly afterwards, when he met Birch himself, being attacked by a vicious Poocheyena! With a prompt, Jim wasted no time grabbing a Torchic from the professor's bag and fended off the wild Pokemon with haste. When returning to the lab, the young boy was allowed to keep the Torchic as thanks for being there at the right moment.
    Pokemon Acquired!-Bree the Torchic
    A mild-mannered Torchic, Bree is just as eager as Jim to explore all of Hoenn. Being as mild as she is, Pokemon battling is something for her to get used to, but her trainer seems to have faith in her capabilities.
    After this, Jim made his way towards Oldale Town, where a kind woman stopped him at the Pokemon Center. Apparently it had been sent over from a 'Steven'. Whoever he was, Jim had no idea. Oh, and she gave him Heal Balls too but that's not as cool.
    Pokemon Acquired!-Beldum
    Upon spending a small amount of time with Beldum, Jim developed a theory for why they were sent over to him. The shiny Beldum turned out to be extremely mischievous and naughty, constantly playing pranks on those around them. Despite being unable to change the name, Jim has taken to calling Beldum Crocea Mors.
    With two Pokemon in hand, Jim was able to win against May rather easily. Despite her loss, Birch's daughter wasn't mad at losing, in fact, she was proud of the trainer in the making for succeeding. Afterwards, Jim spent the rest of the day battling and catching Pokemon, with the occasional Trainer fight sprinkled inbetween.
    Pokemon Acquired!-Pooch the Poocheyena
    Pooch's name isn't very creative, yet she still loves it. It must be due to her very relaxed outlook on life, simply strolling by without a care in the world. Even if she is finicky about some things, Pooch never lifts a finger to change them. She stood out to Jim due to knowing Ice Fang, rather than Bite like most of her kind.
    Pokemon Acquired!-Stormageddon the Wingull
    It shouldn't come as a surprise to know that Stormageddon is slightly vain, as she will only respond to that name. To make things worse, she's rather impish, sharing Beldum's love of practical jokes and riling others up for fun.
    Pokemon Acquired!-Gerridae the Surskit
    A textbook example of never trusting a book by their cover, Gerridae is bold and fearless despite his dainty structure. Adding on this is a quick temper, both attributes contributing to his competition with Stormageddon on who is truly the superior Water-type.
    Pokemon Acquired!-Jade the Ralts
    Jade is a rather jolly individual who brims with energy and runs around often. He struggles with the prospect of evolution, as while most male Ralts wish to become a mighty Gallade, Jade feels a preference for the elegant form of Gardevoir. This has caused him to be mocked by others of his kind, though Jim has promised to support him no matter what path he takes.
    After filling out his team, the young trainer stopped by Petalburg and meeting both his father and a young boy named Wally, he rested at the Pokemon Center. It had been a long day, and he was to have much, much more ahead...........
    (P.S. Apologies to Mahou Shoujo Mega Man/Pahrak, for stealing pretty much everything. Please forgive meeeeeeeee)
  9. JiMing
    So uh, turns out that TV show announcement also entails a video game! And toys and whatnot, but that's not what we're here for. So why is this actually interesting to non-Sonic fans? Because of the developers for both the Wii U and 3DS versions. Big Red Button Entertainment, the Wii U developer, has Bob Rafei, Naughty Dog veteran. He was their first hired employee, and has worked on the Crash, Jak and Daxter, and even Uncharterd: Drake's Fortune. But the first two are the ones that matter, because this means he's worked on previous critically acclaimed platform games. Sanzaru Games, the developer of the 3DS version, recently released Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time. So no, Sonic Team will not be mindlessly headbanging keyboards, these are industry veterans who have worked on similar projects before.
    The characters have also been redesigned. Truth be told, I actually like Tails's design, and Sonic and Amy's aren't bad either. But Knuckles must have been taking steroids or something. =P
    That's all for now, I can't really think of anything else to say, besides this could be interesting.
  10. JiMing
    So I really need something to post about on this blog, and based on the reception of my last blog post, I will turn that concept into a series.
    It'll be called the Fictional-Character Face-Off, and I will take two fictional characters from any medium and set rules for the fight. I'll also write a quick and short narrative of the circumstances of the fight, but be warned, I will take a lot of liberties with those.
    Dr. Light had sent MegaMan to the Planet Popstar to examine and conduct research on the natural flora and fauna, as well as examine the various species that inhabited the planet. As MegaMan landed on the planet, the wind from the landing knocked over Kirby, who was about to eat a delicious strawberry shortcake. Kirby got up and saw that his perfect cake was ruined! He searched for the assailant, and just then, MegaMan exited his ship. Fuming, Kirby quickly inhaled a Waddle Doo, gaining the Beam ability and struck MegaMan. Knocked back, MegaMan got up and readied his Mega Buster.
    You guys are free to suggest specific battles, but I'll only select them if they are particularly interesting and if I have any knowledge of the characters.
  11. JiMing
    I uh, have one left after giving one to a friend. But uh, I'm not entirely certain if anyone still wants these or how to distribute them.
    Maybe I'll do some sort of RNG list thing??? I'm not sure. xP But hey, if anyone still wants a Tri-Force Heroes code, I received them, and have one left.
  12. JiMing
    No, not because I ate a lot of chocolate or whatever.
    I got Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate yesterday, and played the HECK out of it.
    Got myself some awesome looking Tetsucabra armor too...... I'm satisfied with my 11 hours of progress so far!
  13. JiMing
    I have a question for all of you in the blogosphere. I've got an idea to count down on all of my favorite Sonic the Hedgehog final boss songs from the main series (No Advance, Rush, etc.). Now, I get a feeling that many people here dislike Sonic the Hedgehog, and love mocking the games, characters, and even fans. Yes, it's true the games struggled in quality from the 2000s onwards, but I have a feeling that Sonic has been making a comeback as of late (I don't believe any of the reviewers on Lost World, as game footage of it makes it seem extremely fun). Plus, if it's one thing a lot of people love, it's music, and I feel that Sonic games as a whole have awesome soundtracks. So I'd love to maybe introduce some new songs to you guys from an underrated series. And who knows? Some of you guys might disagree with my thoughts. Anyways, that's the gist of things. I'd appreciate it if you guys gave me some feedback.
  14. JiMing
    You know how Voltex, Blade, Ehks, and me all have avatars from Bravely Default? Well, turns out there may be room for a possible fifth member! If you're interested, give us a shout, preferably in the blog post.
    P.S. Edea is adorable. JUST LOOK AT HER.
  15. JiMing
    (also I am pretty sure Sakurai is aging backwards, just, as an fyi)
  16. JiMing
    So... I get to change my name soon! Woo! I don't have to be an advertisement for Indivisible anymore, what a relief. xD Anyways! The 31st I get to change it. But what's the fun in doing it by myself? Here's an idea, Smash fans especially should listen closely!
    So, for Smash 4 character reveal trailers, everyone has some sorta catchy tagline, right? Well, besides Mega Man who just gets a boring "Joins the Battle!" but that's besides the point. xP Okay, so there are... 7 DLC characters, I would like to say? Yeah. If people want to, how about organizing a group that large and changing names to the character taglines? Examples would be "Mewtwo Strikes Back!", "Roy Seals the Deal!", "Cloud Storms Into Battle!", etc. The only real problems as far as I can tell would be Lucas and Ryu, who have taglines that go past the 25 character limit. So for those, I would propose "Lucas From Nowhere!" and "New Challenger! Ryu!" All in all, we would need people for Mewtwo, Lucas, Roy, Ryu, Cloud, Corrin, and Bayonetta.
    Now, I'm thinking I'd be lucky to get anywhere near 7 members to do this silly idea. But if somehow there are more than that who would want to do this, well, uh... Probably do the tagline of one of the revealed Smash 4 newcomers. If more people would be willing to do that instead of a DLC character, then by all means tell me that! This is a silly idea like I said, I just wanted to do something a bit different and all. xD So yeah! If anyone's interested, give me a shout. I'll be organizing something should enough people get on board for this.
  17. JiMing
    After watching every single one of them multiple times, I have compiled a list of which ones were best in my opinion:
    1. Meet the Medic
    2. Meet the Pyro
    3. Meet the Spy
    4. Meet the Soldier
    5. Meet the Engineer
    6. Meet the Sniper
    7. Meet the Scout
    8. Meet the Heavy
    9. Meet the Demoman
    Keep in mind that is just my personal opinion. You're free to agree or disagree with this list.
  18. JiMing
    Christmas almost over huh. I hope it was a good one for everyone else!
    I did... Not that much. Still recovering from having a wisdom tooth pulled two days ago. Still writing college essays and stuff. I did go to my parents' friend's house for dinner though... Watched both Elf and Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. That was cool.
    Also I'm wondering what my next name change should be, and sort of have a Smash Bros. related idea? Except it'd be like, multiple people being in on it sorta thing? I dunno whether that's a super great idea yet, so if it sounds like an interesting idea, please let me know and I'll elaborate more. xD
    Anyways! I hope your December 25th was great! Have a good night, BZPower!
  19. JiMing
    As this blog entry probably has clued on, it is my birthday! Am now 16 years old. =P Couldn't do much today though, as I had to attend SAT prep class today. xP
    Ah well, there's always the weekend. Hope you fellows had a better day than me!
  20. JiMing
    So an RPG of Marvel just opened up today in the Off Topic Culture forum. It looks great, I suggest checking it out! I got a robot char with S.H.I.E.L.D. as of now.
  21. JiMing
    Okay, now I consider all songs from hereon out to be within the decent, good, or amazing ranges. The past two songs were in the mediocre range. Anyways, onto the music!
    #14: Sonic the Hedgehog 1
    Now the Classic series that people love so much gets some representation! Like the last two, I believe this song to be a bit on the short and repetitive side, though nowhere near as pronounced. I also like how this song has a greater sense of finality that the last two lacked.
    Tune in tommorow (hopefully), for the next song!
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