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Blog Entries posted by JiMing

  1. JiMing
    I am currently in one.
    There was a school shooting threat in a nearby school, and they've been in lockdown since the beginning of today. Luckily I'm in a highly safe classroom, what with being upstairs and interior. I think this is more cautionary than anything, but one can never be too careful.
    Wish me luck.
  2. JiMing
    I have a question for all of you in the blogosphere. I've got an idea to count down on all of my favorite Sonic the Hedgehog final boss songs from the main series (No Advance, Rush, etc.). Now, I get a feeling that many people here dislike Sonic the Hedgehog, and love mocking the games, characters, and even fans. Yes, it's true the games struggled in quality from the 2000s onwards, but I have a feeling that Sonic has been making a comeback as of late (I don't believe any of the reviewers on Lost World, as game footage of it makes it seem extremely fun). Plus, if it's one thing a lot of people love, it's music, and I feel that Sonic games as a whole have awesome soundtracks. So I'd love to maybe introduce some new songs to you guys from an underrated series. And who knows? Some of you guys might disagree with my thoughts. Anyways, that's the gist of things. I'd appreciate it if you guys gave me some feedback.
  3. JiMing
    In no particular order, here's my personal roster of characters I use in Smash 4!

    I'd like to think I use a pretty good variety of characters, and this is by no means final of course... But hey! This is who I tend to Smash with the most at the moment when playing with friends.
    The personalized roster creator I used to make this can be found here.
  4. JiMing
    Yes, I know this was yesterday. WHO CARES, I HAVE THOUGHTS TOO! Now, I'm too lazy to organize my thoughts in paragraphs and whatnot, so here are bullet points for each comment I have to make, in order to the things were revealed in Smash Direct.

    The stages being split could possibly lead to disappointment for some (especially me since I don't plan on buying a Wii U anytime soon), but I think it could also mean some games get represented that normally wouldn't. Like Find Mii. =P
    Kid Icarus is being represented on the 3DS AND Wii U?! YES.
    Hard rock and orchestral Skyward Sword theme is also YES.
    So the Yellow Devil acts like a miniboss of sorts? And there'll be more stages like that (coughcoughRIDLEY)? That could be very interesting, but the competetive scene will probably go NO I WANNA FIGHT DA PLAYERS! BANNED
    Online play split between the casuals and the competitive scene? I figured something like this would be implemented, but I wasn't sure how... Now that I do know, I'd say it's a great idea! Hopefully it doesn't lag nearly as much as Brawl did though. =P
    Final Destination versions of almost all stages? YES. Tourney matches will probably be having a lot more variety later on!
    Global Smash Power? Eh... Not a bad idea, but I don't particularly like it either. Matchmaking based on skill is smart though.
    New items look fun, especially the Rocket Belt, which looks amazing.
    Saki and Lyn are Assist Trophies? Welp, there goes two potential female candidates out of the picture....
    Skull Kid, Midna, Dark Samus, and Elec Man? YES. Also Pong. =P
    Not much to say on the Pokemon, other than Arceus is now summonable. Yeah.... =P
    I like the splitting up of characters who changed mid-match. It gives another move to their moveset and allows you to concentrate on how to use one fighter, instead of two or three. I hated playing as the Pokemon Trainer for that reason. =P
    Zero Suit Samus with jet boots? That's cool and all, but has any other Metroid game before featured this? I don't think so....
    Before I say anything else, Zelda's hair clipping THROUGH HER BODY is hilarious. =P Even though I never really played as her in Brawl, the Phantom move seems like a nice addition! It also references the Spirit Tracks iteration. Though that means no Toon Zelda/Sheik I guess.
    I've always preferred using Sheik over Zelda (though she's still not one of my mains). Her new moves look pretty cool, and I'm glad to see Sheik is back!
    Kirby's tweaked Hammer move looks like it should add a whole lot of usability to it, and the move still seems very powerful. And the Ultra Sword looks waaaay better than Cook Kirby ever was. Glad they changed his Final Smash.
    King Dedede now throws Gordos? Oooh... That seems evil.
    Lucario seems like even more of a monster now that it's aura moves get even stronger than they did in Brawl. Though being able to self-destruct with the new power seems to put a damper on things. And Mega Lucario is his new Final Smash? Saw it coming from a mile away. =P Though it looks much more useful than Aura Storm.
    Olimar was apparently a beast in the competitive scene, so it'll be interesting to see how these changes affect him. Only being able to have three Pikmin at a time seems like it'll make management a whole lot easier, especially since they come out in a set order. Winged Pikmin also looks like a much better recovery move than Pikmin Chain.
    For Pit, I never really used the gliding much, so meh. His recovery move seems a lot easier to use now though, and I like how they're giving him more offensive power than he did before. And his new Final Smash is the Three Sacred Treasures? YES. I hated Palutena's Army in Brawl. Glad they're replacing some of the less useful Final Smashes!
    Woah, this wasn't really focused on, but Sonic looks a whole lot more fun to use now, just look at that awesome combo he pulled off! As he was my main in Brawl (yes people like Sonic still, get over it), I am very happy.
    I like Yoshi's new design, though I will probably not play as him very often. His double jump as his recovery made it really awkward for me to use him in Brawl...
    Hah, that troll with Pseudo-Palutena. Well played, Sakurai. =P
    Rosalina looks like an interesting character with the fact that she and the Luma can fight separately. It seems like it'll open up lots of combo opportunities, which is always exciting. Also, Gravitational Pull seems eeeviiiiiil.
    Little Mac also looks like a unique character. His attacks look fast, powerful, and seem to give him super armor often. Which also looks eeevvviiiiil. =P However, his weakness in the air and horrendous recovery seem like they should even out. In any case, I'm looking forward to trying him out! Oh, and the wireframe costume looks unique and will probably please the old school fans.
    Words cannot describe how eeevvviiiiiil the Villager's Pocket move seems. =P However, Timber looks exceedingly slow and will probably be not that great in direct combat. =P I see lots of usability in every move of his other than that.
    Mega Man, like he did when the game was first announced, looks like a very unique, fun character that I really want to play as! A lot of my guesses on what his moveset would be seem to be correct, and that makes me happy. And his Final Smash? SO MUCH YES.
    Wii Fit Trainer seems as silly as ever. =P Sun Salutation seems like an out of place move, but then again, yoga can probably only get so far with making a moveset. =P Oh yeah, apparently there's a male variant too. Meh, it looks like just a cosmetic difference.
    Custom move sets? Oh wow, that's what they meant by customization... It looks amazing, and I want to know more now ugh
    So I guess Smash Run will be the stand-in for the Subspace Emissary for the 3DS version? Looks like a fun change of pace. Though I wonder what the Wii U ersion will have...
    Charizard returns! Also saw that coming from a mile away, along with the Mega Evolution. =P Greninja, though, I did not. I'm still hyped because I like his design the best out of all the Kalos starter's final evolutions, and he looks like a really fun character to use! I have a feeling I'd use him more than Charizard actually. =P

    In a nutshell, the Direct was SO MUCH WIN and hype. Summer seems so far away now.... Dang. Hopefully they reveal more information before then!
  5. JiMing
    So that Monster Hunter 4U demo, it's great huh? Want access to it? I've got a demo code!
    But see, I'm also part of a collection of members who have all agreed to change their display names rather soon to match the casts of Bravely Default and Bravely Second. We've filled up all the spots-save for one. Nikolai Nikolanikov.
    The deal is this: I give you a code so long as you change your display name to Nikolai Nikolanikov and take a new avatar.
    Sound good?
  6. JiMing
    I'm not gonna claim I'm not biased, because I totally am. I loved Avatar: The Last Airbender when I was younger, and I still think it's one of the greatest cartoons-no, TV shows to ever exist. From what I've seen, Legend of Korra is also amazing, but the original will always hold a more special place in my heart.
    Toph was one of my favorite characters from the show, even if she didn't get as much character development as the others. The fact she still kicked major butt despite being blind, and how awesomely sassy she is makes me like her just as much as I do Sokka and his hilarity, really. And yeah, her Earthbending is really, really frigging impressive. There's one thing though.
    Shonen characters can sometimes be kiiiiiiiiiiiiiinda overpowered.... As I believe is the case for Naruto characters.
    And from the things I've read so far, Gaara looks like a beast (literally since he has that Shukaku demonthing in his belly)..... This kind of displeases me... No, it displeases me a lot, because I want Toph to win reaaaaaaaaaaaaally badly, but I'm not sure if she can anymore.......
    Then again, there's this quote from Ben Singer on his Twitter regarding this battle.....
    Does this mean I can get my hopes up? Please tell me it does.....
  7. JiMing
    I know that not many people on this site will care whatsoever, but the fact that this exists is awesome for me. Surprisingly, the voice acting is pretty good. The translation obviously is not exact, but overall, it stays quite true to the original. And for an added bonus, they pronounce the Chinese names correctly! I always get ticked off when Chinese words aren't pronounced correctly in media. (It's Yah-ng She-ow Loh-ng, Lee-eh Ruh-n, and Soon Woo-koh-ng people!) Though it is a bit awkward with Lie Ren , because in Mandarin, that literally translates to 'hunter'. Anyways, other names like Ruby or Jaune are left untouched, because it's not really easy to find meaningful approximations of western names, contrary to public belief.
    I would post the links, but I'm not sure if the site is allowed. It's on YouTube, but in considerably worse quality. Then again, I suppose there's very few of you who will understand it. I don't even know why I posted this, maybe I just wanted to post in this blog again. And also to possibly educate a few people about the proper pronunciation of Chinese words. Anyways, that's all for now. Hopefully, I'll visit the blogosphere again soon!
    (Final Note: Ruby sounds adorable even in Chinese)
  8. JiMing
    So uh, turns out that TV show announcement also entails a video game! And toys and whatnot, but that's not what we're here for. So why is this actually interesting to non-Sonic fans? Because of the developers for both the Wii U and 3DS versions. Big Red Button Entertainment, the Wii U developer, has Bob Rafei, Naughty Dog veteran. He was their first hired employee, and has worked on the Crash, Jak and Daxter, and even Uncharterd: Drake's Fortune. But the first two are the ones that matter, because this means he's worked on previous critically acclaimed platform games. Sanzaru Games, the developer of the 3DS version, recently released Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time. So no, Sonic Team will not be mindlessly headbanging keyboards, these are industry veterans who have worked on similar projects before.
    The characters have also been redesigned. Truth be told, I actually like Tails's design, and Sonic and Amy's aren't bad either. But Knuckles must have been taking steroids or something. =P
    That's all for now, I can't really think of anything else to say, besides this could be interesting.
  9. JiMing
    You Are A:
    Lawful Neutral Human Wizard (1st Level)
    Ability Scores:
    Strength- 10
    Dexterity- 12
    Constitution- 11
    Intelligence- 13
    Wisdom- 14
    Charisma- 12
    Lawful Neutral- A lawful neutral character acts as law, tradition, or a personal code directs him. Order and organization are paramount to him. He may believe in personal order and live by a code or standard, or he may believe in order for all and favor a strong, organized government. Lawful neutral is the best alignment you can be because it means you are reliable and honorable without being a zealot. However, lawful neutral can be a dangerous alignment when it seeks to eliminate all freedom, choice, and diversity in society.
    Humans are the most adaptable of the common races. Short generations and a penchant for migration and conquest have made them physically diverse as well. Humans are often unorthodox in their dress, sporting unusual hairstyles, fanciful clothes, tattoos, and the like.
    Wizards- Wizards are arcane spellcasters who depend on intensive study to create their magic. To wizards, magic is not a talent but a difficult, rewarding art. When they are prepared for battle, wizards can use their spells to devastating effect. When caught by surprise, they are vulnerable. The wizard's strength is her spells, everything else is secondary. She learns new spells as she experiments and grows in experience, and she can also learn them from other wizards. In addition, over time a wizard learns to manipulate her spells so they go farther, work better, or are improved in some other way. A wizard can call a familiar- a small, magical, animal companion that serves her. With a high Intelligence, wizards are capable of casting very high levels of spells.
    Hopefully this isn't anything too bad or whatever.
    EDIT: Wait what the wizard uses female pronouns. Isn't that sexist and demeaning to suggest non-physical fighters are all women?
    Oh, and it speaks tantamount to my reserves of MANLY TESTOSTERONE FUELED MANLINESSS! I apparently don't even deserve gender neutral pronouns. Don't know how to feel about that. =P
  10. JiMing
    This... It's just so catchy and energetic. The vocals in the back really add to the song, and the melody itself is wonderfully composed.

    This song is very subdued and slow, yet it has a trance-like effect which immerses me into the melody itself. I love it when a song does that. Oh, and the violin part is absolutely beautiful...
  11. JiMing
    So I've made an entry entirely dedicated to having you guys suggest battles between any two fictional characters! I am interested in seeing what you guys want, but I will only take battles if I have prior knowledge of them and I consider them to be particularly interesting/popular.
    Also, how does one become a popular blogger? Sometimes I feel as if I'm talking to nobody.
  12. JiMing
    Oh right, it's almost new year's. Well, how about an amazing Smash 4 video to help hammer that point in? Featuring one Jayroach3 and his incredibly godlike Shulk!
    As the video states, pure optimization indeed. Even more impressive, some of these clips actually feature true combos. As in, you can't airdodge or DI away from them, and they are guaranteed to land. This guy really knows his stuff, and it made for an INCREDIBLE video that I am still watching over and over again thanks to just how freaking awesome it is.
    On another note, can someone find the remix that was used? I know it's some Touhou song... But I don't follow Touhou and have no idea what to look for. xD
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