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School Lockdowns



I am currently in one.


There was a school shooting threat in a nearby school, and they've been in lockdown since the beginning of today. Luckily I'm in a highly safe classroom, what with being upstairs and interior. I think this is more cautionary than anything, but one can never be too careful.


Wish me luck.

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Are you sure it wasn't because


Someone got on the roof


*Snaps fingers*

Not cool, Burnmad. Try making that joke when there's the very real possibility of an armed person who is perfectly willing to gun down everyone in sight is possibly at or coming to your school and has no rational thought, and you're huddled in a classroom trying to look inconspicuous.


I got pretty shaken up, even though everything was fine.

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I'm sorry if I offended you, I was merely trying to cheer you up with a joke. Humor always cheers me up when I'm down, scared or what have you, and, seeing as you said you were in a relatively safe location and that you were fairly certain the lockdown was cautionary, I didn't think you were that shaken up. Please accept my apologies and allow me to restart the conversation somewhat more considerately.


For what it's worth, I hope you're okay. Has there been any news of whether there were actual shootings, or was the threat just a stupid prank?


*Snaps fingers*

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I've been through one of these. There was a bomb threat and we all had to go to another building. Even though it was just a prank, it still put me on edge when it happened.


After that we had lockdown drills where teachers went over the procedure.


Even if nothing happens, it's very frightening that the need for such procedures exists.

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Oh man, I think it was my senior year when we had like three incidents around our school in the span of one month - and by around I mean right outside or across the very narrow street. We had some frequent lockdowns, it was pretty scary. Our school wasn't in that great of a neighborhood, so... anything could've happened. Thankfully our security/local police force are really attentive and efficient. It helped that my class was in one of the workshop rooms with the super tall ceilings; we hid in this sort of interior balcony thing.

Glad everything was okay, yo ._.

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I'm glad everything's alright




is the US even a real place? how can school threats be so commonplace that most people have a story

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@Burnmad: It's fine. That was a knee-jerk response due to still being rather jittery about the whole experience. I'm glad we're on the same level, and no, we don't have all the details yet.


@Lyichir: No, actually. California. I'm still in high school...


@Everyone else: Thanks for letting me know I'm not alone out there! The fact anyone has to go through this stuff is just sad.....

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I'm glad everything's alright




is the US even a real place? how can school threats be so commonplace that most people have a story

try northern ireland, where school threats are so commonplace that not only does everyone have a story, but the actual threats are ignored and they refuse to do any lockdowns unless there's evidence of a shooting or someone actually finds the bomb


i've been in a couple lockdowns, man, i know how it feels (pretty awful tbh,although i imagine we're a lot more casual about them over here)

glad everything was fine


- Indigo Individual

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There is something I could say that comes to mind but that would be in the realm of political discussion so I'm just going to say that if such a thing happens regularly where you guys live something must be very wrong and that I hope you and everyone else are alright and that you won't have to live through that, let alone an even more serious situation, ever again.

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