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Blog Entries posted by JiMing

  1. JiMing
    BZPower was chilling like a cool person (not cool dude) does, until every website in existence walked up to it and said (in unison), "U are not good website, we beat you up!"
    Then BZP laughed at their faces and said "Nu-uh, you guys can't stand up to my awesome!" BZP then showed off it's awesome, scaring the website.
    "Anyways," BZP said, "Fight!"
    Yeah so it's BZP's twelfth anniversary, so because the site has been around so long, it's obviously very awesome! Let's show every other website how freaking awesome we are because go BZP!
    But seriously, happy twelfth birthday BZPower!
  2. JiMing
    Hey, Blogosphere! Me and the team would really appreciate it if you took some time to help us decide on a name! Various positions are also still open, so if the above has piqued anyone's interest, contact Unown Mercury through PM!
  3. JiMing
    I uh, have one left after giving one to a friend. But uh, I'm not entirely certain if anyone still wants these or how to distribute them.
    Maybe I'll do some sort of RNG list thing??? I'm not sure. xP But hey, if anyone still wants a Tri-Force Heroes code, I received them, and have one left.
  4. JiMing
    No, not because I ate a lot of chocolate or whatever.
    I got Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate yesterday, and played the HECK out of it.
    Got myself some awesome looking Tetsucabra armor too...... I'm satisfied with my 11 hours of progress so far!
  5. JiMing
    I thought this was interesting, so I'll share this with you guys.
    Due to the rise in mobile and social gaming, console games have seen a lack of support. Due to this, one person set up a group of people to make a console that would revolutionize the gaming industry.
    Enter the Ouya. It only costs 99 dollars, making it very economical. The actual size of the console is around that of a Rubik's Cube, making it smaller than the controller, even. Each console can be opened easily with a standard screwdriver, turning any console into a development kit, without the need for licensing fees. It's even hacker friendly, allowing anyone to customize their Ouya, and hacking or opening an Ouya does not void your warranty.
    Every game on the Ouya is free at least to try, with upgrades to the full version, or microtransitions throughout the game. Many popular games, like Minecraft could find themselves on the Ouya. The console is expected to ship in March 2013.
    Did that interest you? if it didn't, I don't know what will.
  6. JiMing
    So here we are again! Apologies for not uploading yesterday, I kinda forgot... But anyways, let's get this starting up again!
    #13: Shadow the Hedgehog
    Now we've got some lyrical compositions going on! To be honest, I Am... All of Me has always been one of my least favorite Crush 40 songs. I know some people will like a few of the metal overtones going on, but it's just needlessly dark and edgy for a Sonic game. Though that's a complaint I have with Shadow the Hedgehog in general. =P Also, I don't feel like the lyrics work as a song for a final boss. It does nothing to show off any spectacle and I don't feel as though it motivates the player in any way to win. But hey, all an opinion.
    Tune in tommorow (hopefully) for more musical goodness!
  7. JiMing
    Soooo... Yeah, I got this last weekend instead of Fire Emblem Fates. Yeah, I'm a sucker for crossovers, what can I say? I'm just super entertained by all this dumb dialogue between the characters and the literally bonkers interactions between them. Phoenix Wright being asked by X if his badge can shoot lasers cracks me up every time.
    Gameplay's solid, nothing amazing. Story is simple and kiiiiiiiiinda dumb to be honest. But I'm pretty certain no one who purchased this bought it for the gameplay or story. I certainly didn't, I'm just looking for stupid silly fun with characters who really have no right to be talking to each other at all. Helps that the localization was pretty well done, what with having everyone be in character while still providing silly lines filled with references and nods to their own series (or in the case of Xiaomu, reference literally anything). So yeah, I guess I felt like having something mindless and goofy to chuckle at with a bunch of iconic and not-so-iconic characters tossed into some kind of extravagant salad bowl.
    Side note, Strider Hiryu and Hotsuma have made me realize how much I adore that stupid cliche of the character pausing for a moment after an attack to sheath their sword or pose awesomely with the enemy suddenly being sliced and diced. It's really stupid and makes no sense but I love it so much.
  8. JiMing
    To those of you who suffer daily because of societal beliefs on who people should be, I'm sorry, and I hope you will find other people irl to support you.
    To those who think disagreeing with a fundamental aspect of a person that they had no control over is okay, no matter how you sugar-coat your words, you are being no different from the average bigot.
    To those who DON'T suffer oppression because of said fundamental aspects of a person, and yet are intelligent and brilliant to see through societel norms and have the ability to accept a wider worldview, great job, and keep it up.
  9. JiMing
    So how do you guys feel about third-party accessories for game consoles? Me, I'm perfectly okay with using them. I know third-party accessories are notorius for being of poor quality, my experience with them has not been bad.
    My first experience was buying a Dreamgear Wiimote Charging Dock. I really did not like using regular batteries, which is why I bought the product. It actually worked pretty well for a couple of years, providing enough power for what I did, but probably not for marathon runs through games. However, it recently stopped holding a charge for very long, which for four years and twenty bucks, was an okay deal. I bought an Energizer Charging Station to replace it, and so far my previous statements on the Dreamgear charger are still applicable.
    I also recently purchased a pair of Nyko Wiimote and Nunchuck alternatives, the Wand+ and Kama. Aesthetically, I like how the Wand+ had a very nice satin coating, which made it very smooth and pleasant to the touch. It also had larger buttons than the stock Wiimote, which it also nice. However, if I have one complaint, it's that the D-pad is mushier and clunkier than the original Wiimote. Overall, the Wand+ is a decent alternative to the Wiimote, though not without it's flaws. For the Kama, I'll just get this out of the way, I prefer MUCH more than Nintendo's Nunchuck. First of all, it's larger, meaning I have a better grip on it than I did on the Nunchuck. The C and Z buttons are also much larger, and the Z button now has and extended back like that of a trigger. Overall, the Kama is a much better experience than the Nunchuck in my eyes.
    So yeah, that's my experiences with buying third-party gaming accessories. Feel free to share your experiences or comment about anything in this post.
  10. JiMing
    There is a game project I am assisting with by Unown Mercury, and so far besides me, there's a spriter. But while he might be able to mess around somewhat with LMMS, it would be waaaaaaaaaay better if we had an actual composer on board! So anyone who's potentially interested in partnering with him, I suggest you contact him through PM. Just keep in mind that the position will be unpaid.
  11. JiMing
    Indivisible is a game that I'm not really seeing too much discussion around places, and I can't really remember the last time there was a mention on BZPower? Maybe I'm not looking hard enough.
    BUT ANYWAYS Indivisible. It's by the guys who made Skullgirls, Lab Zero Games. As such, the first thing you can expect is beautifully hand-drawn and buttery smooth character animations, and in the final product, hand-drawn backgrounds as well. The gameplay's an 2D platformer Metroidvania style game, with combat being an active-time battle RPG system with gameplay I have heard be compared to Valkyrie Profile. All I know is that when I played the demo, I had a LOT of fun, and for a Prototype, it really shows the potential this project has if it's funded.
    However, the game will ONLY happen if Lab Zero Games reaches $1,500,000!! Their publisher, 505 Games has generously offered to provide $2 million should Lab Zero games acquire the goal above, completing the game's budget of 3.5 million. Unlike most crowdfunded games out there, Lab Zero has been highly open about their practices and the expenses needed, and overall have been very genuine. As of right now though, they've made $1,032,153. That leaves $467,847 to be made in the remaining 17 days of the campaign! If they do not get fully funded, the game will not happen, and Lab Zero Games will dissolve. Now, I know that no one on BZPower is going to magically donate THAT much money and save the campaign overnight, but still! Consider donating to this project if you can!
    And if you're among those who aren't able to support the project directly, spread the word to your friends and colleagues! There's a Thunderclap campaign running as well, so please consider signing up for that as well!
    Perhaps later I'll go over my thoughts towards this project more, but all you need to know right now is that I'm confident that if given the chance, the finished product will be amazing, and it'd be a massive shame to see the campaign fail and company go bankrupt... So that's all I have to say for now then, hopefully I've at least gotten your attention.
  12. JiMing
    (also I am pretty sure Sakurai is aging backwards, just, as an fyi)
  13. JiMing
    Christmas almost over huh. I hope it was a good one for everyone else!
    I did... Not that much. Still recovering from having a wisdom tooth pulled two days ago. Still writing college essays and stuff. I did go to my parents' friend's house for dinner though... Watched both Elf and Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. That was cool.
    Also I'm wondering what my next name change should be, and sort of have a Smash Bros. related idea? Except it'd be like, multiple people being in on it sorta thing? I dunno whether that's a super great idea yet, so if it sounds like an interesting idea, please let me know and I'll elaborate more. xD
    Anyways! I hope your December 25th was great! Have a good night, BZPower!
  14. JiMing
    So an RPG of Marvel just opened up today in the Off Topic Culture forum. It looks great, I suggest checking it out! I got a robot char with S.H.I.E.L.D. as of now.
  15. JiMing
    So... I get to change my name soon! Woo! I don't have to be an advertisement for Indivisible anymore, what a relief. xD Anyways! The 31st I get to change it. But what's the fun in doing it by myself? Here's an idea, Smash fans especially should listen closely!
    So, for Smash 4 character reveal trailers, everyone has some sorta catchy tagline, right? Well, besides Mega Man who just gets a boring "Joins the Battle!" but that's besides the point. xP Okay, so there are... 7 DLC characters, I would like to say? Yeah. If people want to, how about organizing a group that large and changing names to the character taglines? Examples would be "Mewtwo Strikes Back!", "Roy Seals the Deal!", "Cloud Storms Into Battle!", etc. The only real problems as far as I can tell would be Lucas and Ryu, who have taglines that go past the 25 character limit. So for those, I would propose "Lucas From Nowhere!" and "New Challenger! Ryu!" All in all, we would need people for Mewtwo, Lucas, Roy, Ryu, Cloud, Corrin, and Bayonetta.
    Now, I'm thinking I'd be lucky to get anywhere near 7 members to do this silly idea. But if somehow there are more than that who would want to do this, well, uh... Probably do the tagline of one of the revealed Smash 4 newcomers. If more people would be willing to do that instead of a DLC character, then by all means tell me that! This is a silly idea like I said, I just wanted to do something a bit different and all. xD So yeah! If anyone's interested, give me a shout. I'll be organizing something should enough people get on board for this.
  16. JiMing
    A Mafia game, to be exact. Requiem of the Dead, the next side game in the series.
    To tell the truth... I'm kind nervous at how this'll proceed, since I've never hosted a game previously. But if I'm careful, everything should be fine. Oh, and if you wanna sign up, feel free! There should be a few spots left.
  17. JiMing
    In no particular order, here's my personal roster of characters I use in Smash 4!

    I'd like to think I use a pretty good variety of characters, and this is by no means final of course... But hey! This is who I tend to Smash with the most at the moment when playing with friends.
    The personalized roster creator I used to make this can be found here.
  18. JiMing
    Everyone, you probably don't know this, but my friend here Sybre has an OTC comic series going on called Sonic: Pure Chaos.
    It's an original plot with fan-characters, and I think it holds a lot of promise, so I'm putting this on my blog as an attempt to get his series more exposure, as he could use the comments and(constructive)criticism.
    Thank you for reading this entry, and I suggest you give the series a go!
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